Marie/Rose News @marienews Channel on Telegram

Marie/Rose News


All the latest news about Marie, and her little sister Rose!

Marie Support: <deactivated>
Rose Support: @RoseSupportChat

Marie Source:
Rose Source: unavailable

Custom Rose Clones: @RoseClone_bot /

Marie/Rose News (English)

Welcome to Marie/Rose News, your ultimate source for all the latest updates and news about Marie and her little sister Rose! Whether you're a fan of Marie or just want to stay informed about the dynamic duo, this Telegram channel is the place to be. From their latest adventures to behind-the-scenes stories, we've got you covered with all the juicy details. Not only that, but we also provide support for Marie and Rose through our dedicated channels. If you have any questions or need assistance, head over to Marie Support or @RoseSupportChat to get the help you need. Remember to choose the right chat for your inquiries! Marie's source code can be found on, while Rose's source is currently unavailable. Stay tuned for regular updates and exclusive content on Marie/Rose News. Join us today and be a part of the excitement!