Welcome to Mahindra Mall π΅π΅ (parity) official Telegram channel! This channel serves as the official customer service platform for Mahindra Mall, where users can get assistance, information, and updates related to the mall. The predicted time for customer service availability is at 11:30 AM, 4:30 PM, and 8:30 PM. If you have any inquiries or need help, this is the place to be! You can also register for the mall through the provided link: https://mahindra-mall.com//#/register?r_code=34F0F6E0. Join us today and experience top-notch customer service at Mahindra Mall! π΅π΅
07 Jun, 11:13
07 Jun, 11:13
07 Jun, 11:13
07 Jun, 11:13