Welcome to شمسٌ صغيرة ☀️, a Telegram channel that radiates positivity and light into your daily life. With the username lsoshix, this channel is dedicated to spreading love and hope through inspirational messages and uplifting content. In a world full of darkness, شمسٌ صغيرة ☀️ aims to be the beacon of light that guides you through difficult times. Whether you need a dose of motivation, a sprinkle of happiness, or a reminder to always look on the bright side, this channel has got you covered. Join us on this journey of spreading warmth and kindness, as we embrace the power of a hundred suns to overcome all kinds of darkness. Let شمسٌ صغيرة ☀️ illuminate your path and fill your heart with joy. Follow lsoshix on Telegram and let the light shine in your life! 💙✨
17 Nov, 18:26
16 Nov, 09:59
15 Nov, 17:03
11 Nov, 06:49
11 Nov, 01:22
10 Nov, 16:31
10 Nov, 16:20
09 Nov, 20:06
07 Nov, 08:06
06 Nov, 14:07
06 Nov, 11:16
01 Nov, 21:08
01 Nov, 20:36
31 Oct, 18:53
31 Oct, 08:15
30 Oct, 08:26
29 Oct, 22:46
29 Oct, 12:34
27 Oct, 16:30
26 Oct, 20:25
25 Oct, 20:30
23 Oct, 08:12
22 Oct, 16:24
21 Oct, 21:18
21 Oct, 06:54
18 Oct, 18:13