Welcome to أديــــم ツ, a Telegram channel managed by the user lplui. This channel is designed for those who appreciate subtlety and depth in their content. The name 'أديــــم' translates to 'subtle' or 'unobtrusive', reflecting the channel's focus on nuanced and thought-provoking messages. Just like the description mentions, this channel aims to capture attention without being loud or flashy. If you're someone who enjoys content that makes you pause and reflect, then this is the perfect channel for you. Join أديــــم ツ today and immerse yourself in carefully curated content that will make you think and feel.
23 Dec, 19:25
10 Dec, 19:19
07 Dec, 23:45
07 Dec, 23:20
04 Dec, 22:20
04 Dec, 15:31
27 Nov, 14:47
25 Nov, 17:04
06 Nov, 18:11
29 Oct, 18:06
27 Oct, 15:22
21 Oct, 16:01
09 Sep, 18:11
29 Aug, 16:29
22 Aug, 11:53