Construction Update @lokerkonstruksiupdate Channel on Telegram

Construction Update


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Construction Update (Indonesian)

Selamat datang di saluran Telegram resmi kami yang bertajuk "Construction Update"! Kami adalah sumber informasi terkini tentang lowongan kerja di bidang konstruksi. Jika Anda mencari peluang kerja di industri konstruksi, kami siap membantu Anda! Dapatkan update terbaru langsung di saluran kami dan jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan impian Anda. Siapa pun bisa bergabung di saluran kami, baik Anda sudah berpengalaman maupun masih fresh graduate. Kami memiliki berbagai informasi terkait lowongan kerja mulai dari pekerja konstruksi hingga manajemen proyek. Tunggu apalagi? Segera bergabung dengan saluran kami dan raih karier Anda di dunia konstruksi! Untuk informasi lebih lanjut dan pertanyaan, hubungi Kak Oja melalui WhatsApp di nomor 082169045764. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan emas ini dan ayo segera gabung di saluran Telegram "Construction Update"!

Construction Update

02 Dec, 03:13

Hello connection!
Saat ini PT Mega Perkasa Jaya sedang mengerjakan paket proyek General Civil, Steel Structure Erection, dan Penguatan Lantai Dermaga di sebuah kawasan industri di Kota Bontang, Kaltim. Untuk itu dibuka kesempatan kepada rekan-rekan yang berminat untuk bergabung bersama kami dengan beberapa posisi sebagai berikut:
1. Construction Manager
2. Project Control
3. Field Engineer
4. HSE Supervisor
5. Civil Supervisor
6. Material Control
7. QC Staff
8. Surveyor

Silahkan mengirimkan CV terupdate ke email: [email protected] ASAP
Mohon sekali lagi perusahaan membutuhkan kandidat yang bisa langsung available bergabung kapanpun, bukan yang sudah/sedang bekerja sehingga harus menunggu proses one month notice, karena ini sifatnya proyek pendek.

Construction Update

29 Nov, 18:25

Lowongan: Construction Assistant (Fluent English)
Lokasi: Sorong, Papua Barat
Industri: Migas
Salary: Range 30,000,000-33,000,000
Can Join ASAP!

1. Minimum a Bachelor of Science degree or related degree in engineering
2. Minimum ten years’ experience in onshore/offshore oil and gas project construction and/or project engineering/management, including at least seven (5) years’ experience working as a field engineer or superintendent

1. Responsible for preparing the Construction Execution Plans, Mechanical Completion Procedures, and other related field construction procedure documents
2. Assist the Construction Manager in monitoring and coordinating during construction progress
3. Assist the Construction Manager in organizing construction related meetings and preparing presentation and meeting minutes
4. Coordinate with relevant engineering subcontractors and construction subcontractors to deal with issues during construction
5. Assist the Construction Manager in preparing construction bidding documents and assisting the Construction Manager in conducting construction bidding
6. Assist the Construction Manager in the preparation of construction subcontracts
7. Track the progress of construction plans, quality plans and manpower plans prepared by construction subcontractors and assisting the construction manager in reviewing them
8. Assist the Construction Manager in collecting construction process documents, data archiving, and classification.

Subj:Construction Assistant_nama
email: [email protected]
WA: 085161442306 (No Call)

Construction Update

29 Nov, 06:39


·       Advanced in Microsoft suite (Excel and word)
·       Good understanding in civil drawing

·       Graduated from Civil Engineering

·       Certificate IRCA 9001:2015 required
·       Graduated from Civil Engineering

·       BNSP / KEMNAKER AHLI K3 LISTRIK Certification required

·       Has BNSP / KEMNAKER certification required

·       Fire Alarm experience required


8.     COST ESTIMATOR (Jakarta Base)


10.  Drafter Civil / Drafter Instrument / Drafter Mechanical / Drafter Structure / Telecom Drafter

·       HSE Certification (BNSP / KEMNAKER)

·       HSE Certification (BNSP / KEMNAKER)

MANDATORY Requirement
·       Minimum 3 Years experience in EPC or Oil & Gas Industry
·       Able to join in 2 weeks’ notice
·       Good health condition
·       Willing to be place at site (PAPUA) with rooster (9:3)

Please Submit your CV to

[email protected]
[email protected]

Construction Update

27 Nov, 22:20

PT. Meindo Elang Indah a leading Indonesian EPCI company, is looking to recruit Indonesian Oil & Gas Personnel for below position(s) for its upcoming offshore/Onshore Oil & Gas projects in: 


1) Offshore Structure Engineer (Lead/Senior, Mid Level, Fresh Grad Engineer)
2) Process Engineer (Lead/Senior, Mid Level, Fresh Grad Engineer)
3) Process Safety Engineer (Lead/Senior, Mid Level, Fresh Grad Engineer)
4) Mechanical Engineer (Lead/Senior, Mid Level, Fresh Grad Engineer)
5) Piping Engineer (Lead/Senior, Mid Level, Fresh Grad Engineer)
6) Pipeline Engineer (Lead/Senior, Mid Level, Fresh Grad Engineer)
7) Electrical Engineer (Lead/Senior, Mid Level, Fresh Grad Engineer)
8) Instrumentation & Telecom Engineer (Lead/Senior, Mid Level, Fresh Grad Engineer)

All interested candidates please send your CV to : [email protected] with subject :  "Recruitment - Engineering - Position - Name".

Construction Update

27 Nov, 13:59


1. Pria, Usia Max 50 Tahun
2. Pendidikan D3/S1 Teknik SIPIL / Perkapalan
3. Berpengalaman sebagai lead Engineer Min 5 tahun
4. Bisa mengoprasikan Autocad, SAP2000
5. Diutamakan Berpengalaman di bidang Steel  Construction
6. Memiliki Tangung jawab dan leadership
7. Penempatan Site Kalsel/Kalteng

1. Pria, Usia Max 35 Tahun
2. Pendidikan D3/S1 Teknik SIPIL / Perkapalan
3. Bisa membaca semua  jenis gambar Teknik
4. Bisa mengoprasikan Autocad, SAP2000
5. Diutamakan Berpengalaman di bidang Steel  Construction
6. Memiliki pengetahuan tentang matrial & Penghitungan
7. Penempatan Site NTB

Kualifikasi :
1.Usia max 45 th
2.Pendidikan S1 Teknik
3.Memiliki setrtifikat POP Diutamakan
4.Computer skill Ms.Office & Ms.Project
5.Bisa Membuat Rencana kerja dan Analisa Masalah
6.Diutamakan berpengalaman Steel Structure & Civil
7.5 tahun pengalaman
8.Penempatan NTB

1.Pria Max 45 tahun
2.Pendidikan minimal SMK Sederajad
3.Memahami penerapan K3 Lifting
4.Memiliki sertifikat Rigger & Lifting Spv .   POP diutamakan
5.Mampu mengelola dan mengawasi pemakaian lifting equipment
6.Pemahaman yang baik terkait dengan inspeksi dan
perawatan dari lifting equipment
7.Mampu membuat rencana pengangkatan/lifting rigging plan
8.Penempatan Site Kalteng/Kalsel/NTB

(Mohon menyesuaikan persyaratan sebelum melamar)

Kirim Lamaran, CV, Sertifikat & Dokumen Pendukung
ke email: [email protected] 
(Sub: Jabatan_Nama_Kota Tinggal)
PT. Supra Surya Indonesia – Sidoarjo

Construction Update

26 Nov, 07:34

PT Wira Cipta Perkasa; 10 Posisi
Posting date: November 25, 2024 Expiry date: December 09, 2024


-  Pendidikan min. S1 Teknik
-  Memiliki pengalaman di bidang pemipaan dan/atau pekerjaan sipil minimal 5 tahun
-  Memiliki sertifikat kompetensi

-  Pendidikan min. S1 Teknik / D3 Teknik
-  Memiliki pengalaman di bidang pemipaan dan/atau pekerjaan sipil minimal 5 tahun/10 tahun
-  Memiliki sertifikat kompetensi

-  Pendidikan min. D3 Teknik
-  Memiliki pengalaman di bidang pemipaan minimal 5 tahun
-  Memiliki sertifikat kompetensi

-  Pendidikan min. D3 Teknik/SMU
-  Memiliki pengalaman di bidang pekerjaan sipil minimal 5 tahun/10 tahun
-  Memiliki sertifikat kompetensi

-  Pendidikan min. D3 Teknik
-  Memiliki pengalaman di bidang pekerjaan Instrument minimal 5 tahun
-  Memiliki sertifikat DCS Engineering
-  Memiliki sertifikat di bidang engineering DCS Remote I/O, Operation DCS dan Maintenance DCS

-  Pendidikan min. SMA/Sederajat
-  Memiliki pengalaman di bidang pemipaan min. 5 tahun
-  Memiliki sertifikat pengelasan pipa bertekanan min. 6G atau sesuai WPS

-  Pendidikan min. D3
-  Memiliki pengalaman di bidang pemipaan minimal 5 tahun
-  Mempunyai sertifikat Welding Inspector

-  Pendidikan min. D3
-  Memiliki pengalaman di bidang pemipaan dan/atau sipil minimal 5 tahun
-  Memiliki sertifikat kompetensi

-  Pendidikan min. D3 Teknik/SMK
-  Memiliki pengalaman di bidang konstruksi minimal 5 tahun/10 tahun
-  Memiliki pengalaman di bidang Surveyor minimal 5 tahun/10 tahun
-  Memiliki sertifikat kompetensi

-  Pendidikan min. D3/SMA/Sederajat
-  Memiliki pengalaman min. 3 tahun/5tahun
-  Memiliki sertifikat Ahli K3 Umum.

Kirim CV dan kelengkapan dokumen (ijazah, KTP dan sertifikat) segera ke email [email protected]

Construction Update

26 Nov, 07:33

Selamat siang kami dari Intaercipta
Di butuhkan kandidat :
1. Manager Gedung :
* S1 Teknik semua jurusan .
* Memiliki Sertifikat K3 rumah sakit
* Memiliki SKK Perawat gedung BNSP
* Memiliki Sertifikat Internal Auditor 14001  / 45001
* Memiliki Sertifikat Greenship Profesional.
* Pengalaman kerja minimal 5 tahun .

2.  Chief Engineering :
* S1 Teknik semua jurusan
* Memiliki sertifikat Greenship Profesional.
* Memiliki sertifikat perawatan gedung BNSP .
* Memiliki sertifikat K3 Kebakaran .
* Pengalaman kerja minimal 3 tahun .

3. Supervisor M.E :
* S1 / SMK semua jurusan .
* Memiliki sertifikat ketenagalistrikan MANTER 5 .
* Pengalaman kerja 5 tahun .

4 .Supervisor Sipil :
* S1/ SMK Teknik semua jurusan .
* Memiliki sertifikat pelaksana bangunan .
* Pengalaman 5 tahun .

5. QA HSE :
* S1 semua jurusan
* Memiliki sertifikat K3 rumah sakit .
* Pengalaman K3 selama 3 tahun .

6. QA Teknik :
* S1 Teknik semua jurusan .
* Memiliki sertifikat K3 Umum .
* Pengalaman selama 3 tahun .

CV pdf dan lampiran bisa di kirim ke :
[email protected]

Kasih subjek dengan lowongan yg anda maksud

Terimakasih 🙏🏻

Construction Update

25 Nov, 05:56

Hi everyone! Let’s join the PROSYS Team where exciting career opportunities await!

Prosys Bangun Persada is a leading Strategic Project Management and Project Management Consultant in Oil & Gas, Energy, Chemical, Industry (ECI) & Infrastructure, Financial Services, Telecommunication & Properties and is growing very fast in Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) Services in Industrial Plant, Infrastructure and Oil & Gas Sector.

We're thrilled to announce job openings in West Java, and we’re looking for:

- Should have minimum of 5 years experience in construction, mining, and inspection project.
- Bachelor's degree in engineering
- Have an active Rope Access Training (RAT) certificate

- Should have minimum of 5 years experience in construction, mining, and inspection project.
- Bachelor's degree in engineering
- Have an active Rope Access Training (RAT) certificate
- Have a knowledge and certification in risk management in oil and gas

- Should have minimum of 5 years experience in construction, mining, and inspection project.
- Bachelor's degree in engineering
- Have an active Rope Access Training (RAT) certificate
- Have an active (UT & MT/PT Level 2, Radiography Operator Level 1, Radiography Interpreter Level II) certification from ASNT or other relevant institution

- Should have minimum of 5 years experience in construction, mining, and inspection project.
- Bachelor's degree in engineering
- Have an active Ahli K3 Umum/K3 Migas certificate
- Have a knowledge and certification in first aid area

- Should have minimum of 3 years experience in construction, mining, and inspection project.
- Minimum Diploma degree in any field
- Have an experience as a helper at site

How to Apply:
If these opportunities resonate with your career aspirations, share your CV at [email protected] & [email protected] with the Subject: Your Name_Position.
p.s. only shortlisted candidates will be contacted 🙌

Join us in creating a future of excellence!

Construction Update

22 Nov, 07:02

Lowongan Pekerjaan PT Rekind Daya Mamuju

1. Manager Operasi (Minimal D3 Teknik Mesin/Listrik/Pembangkit dan memiliki pengalaman sebagai Manager Operasi pada PLTU)
2. Supervisor Rendal Operasi (Minimal D3 Teknik Mesin/Listrik/Pembangkit dan memiliki pengalaman sebagai SPV Rendal Operasi pada PLTU)
3. Supervisor Kimia (Minimal D3 Teknik Kimia dan memiliki pengalaman sebagai SPV Kimia pada PLTU)
4. Shift Leader (Minimal D3 Teknik Mesin/Listrik/Pembangkit dan memiliki pengalaman sebagai Shift Leader pada PLTU)
5. Chemical Analyst (Minimal D3 Teknik Kimia dan memiliki pengalaman sebagai Chemical Analyst)
6. Operator Boiler (Minimal D3 Teknik Mesin/Listrik/Pembangkit dan memiliki pengalaman sebagai Operator Boiler pada PLTU)
7. Engineering & Maintenance Manager (Minimal D3 Teknik Mesin/Listrik/Pembangkit dan memiliki pengalaman sebagai Engineering & Maintenance Manager pada PLTU)
8. Supervisor I&C (Minimal D3 Teknik Mesin/Listrik/Pembangkit dan memiliki pengalaman sebagai SPV I&C pada PLTU)
9. SPV Engineering (Minimal D3 Teknik Mesin/Listrik/Pembangkit dan memiliki pengalaman sebagai SPV Engineering pada PLTU)
10. Staff CBM (Minimal D3 Teknik Mesin/Listrik/Pembangkit dan memiliki pengalaman sebagai Staff CBM pada PLTU)
11. Staff Engineering (Minimal D3 Teknik Mesin/Listrik/Pembangkit dan memiliki pengalaman sebagai EStaff Engineering pada PLTU)
12. Staff Planning & Controlling Mechanical (Minimal D3 Teknik Mesin/Listrik/Pembangkit dan memiliki pengalaman sebagai Staff Planning & Controlling Mechanical pada PLTU)
13. Staff Planning & Controlling Outage (Minimal D3 Teknik Mesin/Listrik/Pembangkit dan memiliki pengalaman sebagai Staff Planning & Controlling Outage pada PLTU)
14. Staff K3 (Minimal D3 K3 dan memiliki pengalaman sebagai Staff K3 pada PLTU)
15. HR Coordinator (Minimal D3 SDM/Psikologi/Hukum dan memiliki pengalaman sebagai HR Coordinator pada PLTU)
16. Facilities Staff (Minimal D3 Administrasi/Hukum/Psikologi dan memiliki pengalaman sebagai Facilities Staff pada PLTU)
17. Supervisor Logistik (Minimal D3 Teknik Industri dan memiliki pengalaman sebagai SPV Logistik PLTU)

silahkan kirimkan cv nya ke email berikut :
[email protected]
[email protected]

Construction Update

20 Nov, 03:41

Hello LinkedIn!
We're Hiring

I'm hiring for several positions for my client. Our client is a Construction Engineering company providing services to industries, businesses, and government sectors. Below are the positions :

1. Construction Manager
2. Safety Manager
3. Safety Officer
4. Civil Engineer
5. QC Manager
6. QC Inspector
7. Plant 3D Engineer
8. Plant 3D Drafter
9. Drafter AutoCAD and Revit

If you are interested and have experience in the position, please send your updated CV to [email protected] and [email protected]
with a subject : Position-Name
Also feel free to knock me up on message for further information... Good Luck!

Only shortlisted candidate will be process!
Thank you

Construction Update

18 Nov, 09:36

PT Wasa Mitra Engineering is #hiring!

1. Mechanical Engineer
2. Electrical Engineer
3. QA/QC Engineer
4. Mechanical Inspector
    Preferred certifications: AutoCAD, WI, MT/PT Level II, RI Level II (optional),   
    and Inspektur Peralatan Putar (BNSP).
5. Welding Inspector
6. Electrical Inspector
7. Document Control
8. Safety Engineer
9. Safety Officer
10. Safety Environment
11. Internal Auditor Staff (Engineering Fresh Graduate)
12. Human Resources (Learning & Development)

Locations: Jakarta, Cikarang, & Bandung

To express your interest, please send a signed copy of your Curriculum Vitae, portfolio, and certificates to:

Email: [email protected]
Subject: Position_Location

Help us spread the word! If you know someone who would be a great fit for these roles, please share this post.

- The recruitment process at PT Wasa Mitra Engineering is free of charge.
- Candidates must be available to start by early January 2025.

#mechanicalengineer #electrical #electricalengineer #QCEngineer #mechanicalinspector #electricalinspector #documentcontrol #safetyofficer #internalauditor

Construction Update

14 Nov, 21:50

Hi, good peoples!

Wasco Engineering Indonesia is #hiring for our Project & Operations team at Batam Yard!

We are looking for:
- Structural Foreman
- Structural Supervisor
- Welding Foreman
- Welding Supervisor
- Assistant Document Controller
- Senior Document Controller

If you have 5-7 years of experience in these roles, please send your CV to [email protected]

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

Construction Update

14 Nov, 01:31

Dicari kandidat:
1. Project Manager Bidang Konstruksi diutamakan Gedung
2. Site Engineering Manager, wajib paham teknis dan pengendalian biaya
3. HSE
4. Site Manager

Lulusan Jurusan Teknik Sipil D3 / S1
Pengalaman dibidangnya masing2 minimal 2 Tahun
jika berminat harap kirim CV lengkap ke email
[email protected] .

Construction Update

12 Nov, 09:33

1.PROJECT CONTROL  ( Mahir Ms.Project, Pengalaman 3 th)
4.DRAFTER PROJECT ( D3/S1 Mesin/SIPIL, Pengalaman 3 th)
5.QC (memiliki NDT & WI)
6.LIFTING & RIGING SPV ( SMK, Memiliki cert SPV Lifting)

Penempatan Site Project Nusa Tenggara Barat
(Mohon menyesuaikan persyaratan sebelum melamar)
Kirim Lamaran, CV, Sertifikat & Dokumen Pendukung
ke email: [email protected] 
(Sub: Jabatan yg Dilamar _Nama_Kota Tinggal)
PT. Supra Surya Indonesia –
Tidak ada pungutan biaya dalam rekrutmen ini.

Construction Update

11 Nov, 08:54

PT Sarana Utama Adimandiri
Membutuhkan HSE Officer Jumlah 2 orang (Laki-Laki).

- Minimal D3/S1 Kesmas/Teknik
- Ahli K3 Umum Kemenaker (Terdaftar Di teman K3)
- pengalaman minimum 2 tahun (Data Center nilai plus)

Rekrutmen status : Kontrak
Penempatan GTN JKT 02 Data Center (Cibatu - lipo cikarang)

Jika berminat kirim cv ke email:
[email protected]

Construction Update

11 Nov, 08:39

👷🏻‍♂️Online Training - Pengelolaan Limbah B3

📆 Pelaksanaan:
Hari, Tanggal:
- Kamis, 14 November 2024
- Pukul: 19.30 - 21.00 WIB

📝 Outline Materi:
1. Dasar hukum terkait limbah B3
2. Identifikasi Limbah B3
3. Perizinan Limbah B3
4. Penyimpanan Limbah B3
5. Memperkecil Limbah B3
6. Tanggap Darurat Limbah B3
7. Dokumen pelaporan Limbah B3

Pendaftaran :

👷🏻‍♂️Online Training - Basic CSMS ( Contractor Safety Management System )

📆 Pelaksanaan:
Hari, Tanggal:
- Sabtu, 16 November 2024
- Pukul: 09.00 - 10.30 WIB

📝 Outline Materi:
1. Pengenalan CSMS
2. Struktur dari CSMS meliputi Proses Kualifikasi dan Pelaksanaan
3. Proses kualifikasi yang terdiri dari Risk Assessment, Pre - Qualification and selection
4. CSMS Pre Job Activities
5. CSMS work in progress
6. CSMS Evaluation.

📃 Soft File Certificate*
📒 Materi Pelatihan*
🎞️Video Replay*
🎙️Group Discussion
💡QnA Support
🖥️Virtual Networking
🙋‍♂️Learning Experience

Pendaftaran :
Narahubung : 081249137373

Construction Update

06 Nov, 09:12


Hi everyone! Let’s join the PROSYS Team where exciting career opportunities await!

Prosys Bangun Persada (Entity of Bureau Veritas Group) is a leading Strategic Project Management and Project Management Consultant in Oil & Gas, Energy, Infrastructure and Oil & Gas Sector, building & Infrastructure.

We're thrilled to announce job openings in East Kalimantan, and we’re looking for:

Associate Well Intervention Supervisor
- Should have minimum of 6 years experience as senior company man.
- Bachelor's degree in engineering
- Must have an active APPS Land Rig certificate

Associate Well Intervention Engineer
- Should have minimum of 6 years experience as middle well intervention engineer.
- Bachelor's degree in engineering
- Must have an active APPS Land Rig certificate

Associate Well Intervention Contract Engineer
- Should have minimum of 5 years experience in oil and gas project.
- Bachelor's degree in engineering

Associate Well Intervention Admin Support
- Should have minimum of 3 years experience in oil and gas project.
- Bachelor's degree in engineering/economy

Tool Pusher
- Should have minimum of 2 years experience as tool pusher or minimum of 7 years experience as Driller
- Bachelor's degree in engineering
- Must have an active APPS Land Rig certificate

- Should have minimum of 2 years experience as Roustabout
- Bachelor's degree in engineering
- Must have an active OLP (Operator Lantai Perawatan Sumur) certificate

HSE Officer
- Should have minimum of 2 years experience as HSE Officer
- Bachelor's degree in engineering
- Must have an active Operator K3 Migas certificate

- Should have minimum of 2 years experience as Rig Hoist
- Bachelor's degree in engineering
- Must have an active Teknisi Perawatan Mekanik certificate

- Should have minimum of 2 years experience as Welder
- Bachelor's degree in engineering
- Must have an active Welder 6G certificate

Rig Admin
- Should have minimum of 2 years experience as Rig Admin
- Bachelor's degree in engineering/management

Material Man
- Should have minimum of 2 years experience as Material man
- Bachelor's degree in engineering/management

How to Apply:
If these opportunities resonate with your career aspirations, share your CV and other supporting documents to [email protected] and [email protected] with the Subject: Your Name_Position.
p.s. only shortlisted candidates will be contacted 🙌

Join us in creating a future of excellence!
#lokerteknik #drilling #oilandgas

Construction Update

06 Nov, 09:06

1. PROJECT CONTROL  ( Mahir Ms.Project, Pengalaman 3 th)
2. FIELD SPV _ELECTRICAL ( SMK, Pengalaman 5 th)
3. FIELD SPV _CIVIL & STRUCTURE ( SMK, Pengalaman 5 th)
4. FIELD SPV _MECH & PIPING( SMK, Pengalaman 5 th)
5. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER ( S1 elektro, Pengalaman 3 th)
6. STRUCTURE ENGINEER ( D3/S1 Mesin/Sipil, Pengalaman 3 th)
7. CIVIL ENGINEER ( D3/S1 Sipil, Pengalaman 3 th)
8. PIPING ENGINEER( D3/S1 Mesin/Sipil, Pengalaman 3 th)
9. SURVEYOR( D3/S1 Sipil, Pengalaman 5 th)
10. DRAFTER PROJECT ( D3/S1 Mesin/SIPIL, Pengalaman 3 th)
11. QC (memiliki NDT & WI)
12. LIFTING SPV ( SMK, Memiliki cert SPV Lifting)

*Penempatan Site Project Nusa Tenggara Barat*
(Mohon menyesuaikan persyaratan sebelum melamar)
Kirim Lamaran, CV, Sertifikat & Dokumen Pendukung
ke email: [email protected] 
(Sub: Jabatan yg Dilamar _Nama_Kota Tinggal)
PT. Supra Surya Indonesia – Sidoarjo
Tidak ada pungutan biaya dalam rekrutmen ini.

Construction Update

02 Nov, 05:05

📢 URGENT HIRING: Gondola Man!

👷 Posisi: Gondola Man
📍 Lokasi: DKI Jakarta

PT. Swakarya Insan Mandiri (SIMGROUP) mengundang Anda yang berpengalaman dalam pengoperasian gondola untuk bergabung bersama kami!

💼 Kualifikasi:
- Usia 22 - 35 Tahun
- Pendidikan Min. SMA/SMK Sederajat
- Memiliki Pengalaman Min. 3 Bulan sebagai Gondolaman/Highrisk man
- Memiliki sertifikat K3 Aktif
- Memahami standar keselamatan kerja terkait penggunaan gondola

📝 Tanggung Jawab:
1. Melaksanakan pemeriksaaan seluruh area pada bagian atas gedung dilakasi końštruksi gondola
2. Melakukan pemeriksaan semua kelayakan sistem gondola
3. Mengoperasikan sitem gandola sesuai dengan prosedur
4. Mengoprasikan sistem komunikasi yang akan digunakan saat bekerja
5. Mengindentifikasi kondisl area pada saat ingin mengoperasikan gondola

Cara Mendaftar:
Kirim CV Anda ke:
📩 Email: [email protected]
📲 WhatsApp: 085183392351

Hanya kandidat yang sesuai kualifikasi yang akan diproses lebih lanjut.

Construction Update

02 Nov, 03:56

Hello LinkedIn People!

Saat ini Agung Sedayu Group sedang membuka beberapa lowongan sebagai berikut.

Bagi yang tertarik, silahkan mengirimkan CV terupdatenya melalui email ke [email protected] dengan subject Posisi_Nama_Domisili

*Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dihubungi lebih lanjut

Goodluck ☺️

Construction Update

02 Nov, 03:51

Calling All Engineering Graduates! 🌟

Let's apply!

We're looking for the position below:
👨‍🔧 Project Director - Offshore & Onshore
👨‍🔧 HR Coordinator
👨‍🔧 Project Control Manager - Offshore & Onshore
👨‍🔧 Project Control Engineer - Offshore
👨‍🔧 Project Control Engineer - Onshore
👨‍🔧 Subcontract Manager
👨‍🔧 HSSE Specialist
👨‍🔧 Quality Manager
👨‍🔧 Permit & License Specialist
👨‍🔧 Engineering Manager - Offshore
👨‍🔧 Engineering Manager - Onshore
👨‍🔧 Lead HVAC Engineer
👨‍🔧 Procurement Specialist
👨‍🔧 Site Mechanical Superintendant - Offshore
👨‍🔧 Site Mechanical Superintendant - Onshore
👨‍🔧 Site Electrical Superintendant - Offshore
👨‍🔧 Site Electrical Superintendant - Onshore
👨‍🔧 Site Instrument Superintendant - Offshore
👨‍🔧 Site Instrument Superintendant - Onshore
👨‍🔧 Site Piping Superintendant - Offshore
👨‍🔧 Site Piping Superintendant - Onshore
👨‍🔧 Site Structural Superintendant - Offshore
👨‍🔧 Site Civil Superintendant - Onshore & Offshore
👨‍🔧 Site Pipeline Superintendant - Offshore & Onshore

If you are interested, kindly send us your details below to [email protected]
cc: [email protected]:

1. Latest CV and related documents
2. Expected Monthly Rate (IDR)
3. Availability (Estimated Earliest Report Duty Date)

* Only shortlisted candidates will be notified *

Construction Update

30 Oct, 05:18

We're looking for multiple position in Sorowako, Sulawesi Selatan area:
1. Field Civil Engineer
2. Field Mechanical Engineer
3. Field Electrical Engineer
4. Field Instrument Engineer
5. Mine Engineer
6. Engineering Specialist
7. HSE Lead
If you are interested, please submit your CV through this:
Tripatra's Candidate Form:
For further information or any question, please contact us at [email protected] with subject:
Contract Manager - name. (e.g Contract Manager - Budi)
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted
Be careful of any suspicious using name of PT Tripatra Engineer & Constructors and Tripatra does not request any payments for interview or any other point during the hiring process. Should you have any doubts or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us through email at [email protected].



Construction Update

30 Oct, 00:45

Hi #jobseekers!

We are urgently seeking additional personnel for the following positions for our upcoming projects:
- Site Coordinator (5 Headcount)
- Safetyman (5 Headcount)
- Electrical Supervisor (1 Headcount)

If you're interested, please send your updated CV to [email protected]
with the subject line: [Position - Your Name] (e.g., Site Coordinator - John).

Kindly note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Thank you for your understanding!

Construction Update

29 Oct, 09:26

Hallo Jobseeker’s !
PT. Maha Akbar Sejahtera sedang membutuhkan :

1. Manager Finance
2. Manager Pemasaran
3. HSE/K3 (Site IKN)
4. Sekretaris (Medan & Jakarta)
5. Audit (Jakarta)
6. Drafter
7. Sistem Analyst (Sudirman, Jakarta)
8. Legal (Medan)

Kualifikasi :
1. Minimal lulusan D3/S1
2. Berpengalaman di bidang yang sama minimal 2-4 tahun
3. Bersedia perjalanan dinas luar kota
4. Loc. Office Medan & Jakarta

Silahkan kirimkan CV anda ke :
Whatsapp : 085270442024
Email : [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]

Thank You and Good Luck !

Construction Update

29 Oct, 09:24

Dibutuhkan crew WO/WS, snubbing & Drilling , lokasi di KKKS & PHE, posisi dibawah ini I PMT :
1.Drilling&WOWS Engineer/SPV
2. HSE
3. Wireline / Logging Engineer/Operator
4. Mud Engineer/Operator.
5. Materialman/Logistic
II. Crew Rig
1. Rig Supt.
3. Toolpusher
3. Derrickman
4. Floorman
5. Mechanic
6. Electrician
7. Pumpman
8. Motorman.
9. Assistant Operator
10. Roughneck
11. Crane Operator
12. Welder
13. Painter
14. Radio Operator
15. CTU, Wireline operator.

III. Crew Barge etc

Untuk Crew rig diutamakan yang memiliki sertifikat Migas Operator Menara Perawatan Sumur dll, BSS/BST/BOSIET (Offshore).
Jika berminat dan sesuai required Sertifikat Migas, dan IADC/IWCF (no-1-4 Onshore/Offshore) bisa dikirimkan CV melalui email kami [email protected].

Hanya menerima crew yang berasal dari Indonesia - Indonesian Only
Subjet email:Posisi_Name
_Domisili(Onshore or Offshore) atau apply by WA +6282111867836

Construction Update

29 Oct, 08:52

👷🏻‍♂️Free Online Training - Dasar K3 TKBT

📆 Pelaksanaan:
Hari, Tanggal:
- Sabtu, 02 November 2024
- Pukul: 09.00 - 10.30 WIB

📝 Outline Materi:
- Peraturan perundang - undangan terkait pekerjaan di ketinggian
- Dasar-dasar K3
- Karakteristik lantai kerja tetap dan sementara
- Alat pencegah dan penahan jatuh kolektif, serta alat pembatas gerak
- Prinsip penerapan faktor jatuh

🎙️Group Discussion
💡QnA Support
🖥️Virtual Networking
🙋‍♂️Learning Experience

Pendaftaran :

Narahubung : 081249137373

#anekaeducationclass #trainingonline #trainingsafety
#kelasonline #duniahse #anekateknikkeselamatan

Construction Update

25 Oct, 06:23

Kalau kita ingin berkarir menjadi HSE maka terkadang kita akan berhubungan dengan masalah lingkungan...

Bagi yang masih belum paham terkait permasalahan seputar lingkungan, anda bisa mengikuti pelatihan diatas. Training ini juga bisa membantu pemenuhan regulasi terkait sertifikasi lingkungan tempat anda berkerja nanti

Daftar training:

Ayuk daftar klik

Construction Update

25 Oct, 04:27

Siapa saja sih yang wajib di follow di LinkedIn untuk mendapatkan informasi loker dll :

1. Follow akun HRD dari berbagai perusahaan ( Bertujuan agar anda mendapatkan informasi terupdate terkait loker perusahaan dari HRD tersebut , terkadang mereka memberikan pandangan atau tips-tips dalam melamar dan menjawab pertanyaan dari HRD)

2. Follow Akun Resmi/official Perusahaan ( Bertujuan tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah mendapatkan informasi loker dari perusahaan tsb, informasi project2 mereka, dan informasi terkait kegiatan2 perusahaan tsb, )

3. Follow Akun Komunitas/Group yang berkaitan dengan dunia kerja baik HSE, oil and gas atau mining ( bertujuan agar anda mendapatkan informasi terkait dunia kerja dibidang tsb, file-file yang berkait tentang pekerjaan tsb karena terkadang mereka share hal2 tersebut )

4. Follow akun Para Expert di berbagai bidang ( bertujuan agar kita mendapatkan informasi terkait pengalaman mereka, problem solving mereka di dunia kerja dan tentunya bisa dijadikan sebagai relasi kita juga)

Semoga tips ini berguna dan bermanfaat bagi kawan-kawan, agar memanfaatkan media sosial dengan sebaik-baiknya yang tentunya dapat menunjang kita didalam dunia kerja

Jangan lupa follow atau atau

Construction Update

23 Oct, 03:50

We need Manpower, local recruitment (3 years experience), and the location: Gresik - Indonesia (Priority is given to candidates who live in Gresik)—*salary of around 8 Million Rupiah, except for Level Manager around 12 Million Rupiah*. The working hours are the same from Monday to Friday, and Saturday: 7:50 to 11:50 in the morning and 1:40 to 5:40 in the afternoon. If work on Sundays or Indonesian national holidays is required, extra payment will be provided.

Methanol & Isobutyraldehyde Plant Project.
Duration:24 months
1. Construction Manager
2. Civil engineer
3. QA/QC Manager
4. Document controller
5. Administration manager
6. Site HSE Manager
7. HSE engineer

Ammonia Nitrate Plant Project.
Duration: 36 months
1. Project Manager
2. Site Manager
3. Document controller
4. Construction Manager
5. Vice Construction Manager
6. Site SHE Manager (Indonesian)
7. Procurement Manager
8. Civil Engineer
9. Civil Engineer (Indonesian)
10. HSE Engineer (Indonesian)
11. Interpreter Chinese (Indonesian)

Please drop your CV (Microsoft Word Format) and valid certificate (PDF format) Maximum of 1MB, and fill in the subject Email: WhatsappNumber - Position - years of experience in the position - the city you live in, to the email address: [email protected].
I'm sorry, my email will automatically reject all applications with attachments over 1MB, please understand.
I'm not active to reply one by one in the comments, so please just email. We'll reach out to the right candidates.
If there is no answer from us by the end of October 2024, it means your CV has not passed or not yet the Mobilization plan of the Manpower schedule by our client, please try another opportunity.

Construction Update

23 Oct, 03:19

Open Requirements
*PT AdiJaya Teknindo*
Project Km 13 Balikpapan, Kaltim & Adaro Minerals Indonesia Kalsel

*Khusus Area Balikpapan*
Need ;
1. Penanggung Jawab Operasional ( PJO ) / Site Adaro MI
2. QC Quality Control / Project KM 13 Balikpapan
3. Pengawas Lapangan Civil / Km 13 Balikpapan
4. Engineer / Adaro Minerals Kalsel
5. Admin Project / Km 13 Balikpapan
6. Safety Man / Km 13 Balikpapan
7. Safety Officer Km 13 Balikpapan

Kirim CV ke [email protected]
WA Only +62 878-2764-3360 ( Ibu Diana)

Email Subject Contoh :

Construction Update

21 Oct, 09:38

Pendaftaran Mau ditutup 😱

Masih bisa daftar kok untuk kelas K3 Migas 22 Okt 2024


Terbukti dengan adanya K3 Migas , kamu bisa naik level atau apply di perusahaan yang lebih baik 😁

Ayuk daftar.

Tersedia juga TOT dll

Construction Update

20 Oct, 10:34

Selamat siang rekan-rekan, salam safety!

Saat ini PT. Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk sedang mencari kandidat terbaik untuk mengisi kebutuhan: Safety Officer.

Berikut penjelasan kebutuhan kami:
- D3/S1 Jurusan K3/Kesmas/Teknik/Relevan
- Memiliki Sertifikat AK3 Umum/AK3 Muda Konstruksi
- Memahami alat angkat & angkut, MSDS, Accident Investigation, analisa resiko bahaya

Job Responsibilities:
- Safety Patrol
- Pengecekan APAR, Alarm, P3K & Eyewash
- TBM, Safetytalk, Safety Induction
- Pengadaan, monitoring & pemasangan rambu K3 dan juga perangkat K3 lainnya
- Inspeksi Alat angkat & angkut
- Penyediaan APD untuk pekerja workshop
- Penegakan 5S/5R
- Laporan K3L

Cara apply masih seperti biasa, bisa submit CV/Resume pada link berikut: Terima kasih.

Construction Update

20 Oct, 05:30

Yang mau daftar K3 Umum

Construction Update

17 Oct, 14:12

Wuhuan Engineering CO,.LTD. IS HIRING HSE OFFICER!!
Project Location -- GRESIK, JAWA TIMUR

We are currently seeking an experienced HSE Officer to join our team The ideal candidate will have a strong background in Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE), with a minimum of 5 years of experience in the EPC company.


• Minimum 5 years of experience in HSE roles, preferably within the construction or engineering sectors.
• Previous experience working on EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) projects is required.
• Strong understanding of international HSE regulations and best practices.
• Excellent communication skills in English (both written and verbal).
• Certification in HSE-related courses (such as NEBOSH or equivalent) is a plus.
• Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a fast-paced project environment.

Gresik, Jawa Timur

How to Apply:
Send your CV to [email protected]

Construction Update

17 Oct, 14:10

Greetings, Job Seekers!
RDMP Balikpapan JO Project
[STILL HIRING] - HSE Superintendent (S/I)

We're open vacancy for:
HSE Superintendent

- Min. Diploma Degree
- at least 5 years experience as HSE Coordinator, SPV or above
- Have a AK3 Umum/Migas certificate
- Fluent in english languange (MUST)
- others: Have Basic Fire Fighting

If you are interested or have recommendations for this position, please send the CV (English) through email on:

[email protected]

Please make sure you write the posisition on your email subject, ex: HSE S/I_Name_Domicile

(Only shortlisted candidate will be contacted)

Thank You

Construction Update

17 Oct, 09:18

👷🏻‍♂️Free Online Training - Awareness ISO 9001 : Quality Management System

📆 Pelaksanaan:
Hari, Tanggal:
- Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2024
- Pukul: 09.00 - 10.30 WIB

📝 Outline Materi:
- Uraian umum ISO 9001
- Prinsip Manajemen mutu
- Perbedaan ISO 9001:2008 dan ISO 9001:2015
- Struktur klausul ISO 9001 edisi 2015
- Implementasi klausul ISO 9001 edisi 2015 di dunia kerja

🎙️Group Discussion
💡QnA Support
🖥️Virtual Networking
🙋‍♂️Learning Experience

Pendaftaran :

Narahubung : 081249137373

#anekaeducationclass #trainingonline #trainingsafety
#kelasonline #duniahse #anekateknikkeselamatan

Construction Update

16 Oct, 09:36

Hiring !!

1. Team Leader MK (Wajib SKK Aktif Management Konstruksi)
2. QC Civil & MEP Proyek (siap ditempatkan di manapun)
3. Design Interior (HO BSD Tangerang)
4. Drafter MEP (Denpasar Bali)
5. Senior Project Control & Cost Control Civil (HO BSD Tangerang)
6. Senior Project Control & Cost Control MEP (HO BSD Tangerang)
7. QS Interior (HO BSD Tangerang)
9. PM Civil (BSD)
10. Drafter Civil (siap ditempatkan di manapun)
11. IT Support (BSD)
12. Logistik Proyek
13. Senior Engineering Civil (BSD)
14. Engineering MEP
15. Site Engineering (siap ditempatkan di manapun)
16. Tekla Engineering (BSD)
17. Surveyor (siap ditempatkan di manapun)
18. Admin Proyek (siap ditempatkan di manapun)
19. SPV Civil & MEP (siap ditempatkan di manapun)
20. HSE Proyek (siap ditempatkan di manapun)

Silahkan kirimkan Cv terbaik kalian via email kami [email protected] dan berikan keterangan pada subject posisi yang diminati Contoh Senior Engineering Civil .

Terima kasih

Dibutuhkan K3 Safety Officer (SO), untuk domisili Sulawesi Utara

- Laki-laki/Perempuan
- Sudah memiliki sertifikasi AK3U Kemnaker RI aktif
- Berpengalaman sebagai K3 Safety Officer
- Wajib berdomisili di Sulawesi Utara (selain itu tidak akan diproses)
- Bersedia 2-3 weeks Onsite

Kirim CV/Lamaran melalui email:
[email protected]
Subject: K3 SO Sulut_Nama

Best Regards,
SML (PT Sarana Maju Lestari)

Construction Update

16 Oct, 02:13

Good day to you! Currently TeamworX Indonesia is #hiring for several position

1. Construction Manager
2. Site Engineer
3. CSA Supervisor
4. Mechanical Supervisor
5. Electrical Supervisor
6. HSE Officer
7. Document Controller
8. Quantity Surveyor
9. Planning Engineer

Candidate MUST HAVE EXPERIENCES in EPC Contractor.
Willing to be placed in Batam and can start working ASAP.

If you’re interested, please send your latest CV to:
[email protected] with subject "Position_Domicile" example "Site Engineer_Bogor".

Or if you know someone fit with this #job please let them know!

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. All information collected will be kept strictly confidential and used for recruitment purposes only.

Applicants who do not receive an invitation for interview within 6 weeks of applying may be considered unsuccessful and their personal details will be retained on our database for future positions for which they may be eligible.

Construction Update

15 Oct, 14:22

Construction Update

15 Oct, 12:53


1. Pria, Usia Max 45 Tahun
2. Pendidikan D3/S1 Teknik SIPIL
3. Bisa membaca semua jenis gambar Teknik
4. Bisa mengoprasikan Autocad, SAP2000
5. Diutamakan Berpengalaman di bidang Steel Construction
6. Memiliki pengetahuan tentang matrial & Penghitungan
7. Penempatan Site Kalimantan Selatan

Kualifikasi :
1. Usia max 45 th
2. Pendidikan S1 Teknik
3. Memiliki setrtifikat POP
4. Computer skill Ms.Office & Ms.Project
5. Bisa Membuat Rencana kerja dan Analisa Masalah
6. Diutamakan berpengalaman Projet Conveyor Batubara
7. 5 tahun pengalaman
8. Penempatan Kalimantan Selatan


1. Pria, Usia Max 50 Tahun
2. Pendidikan D3 Teknik sipil/ mesin
3. Berpengalaman Mengerjakan Tangki
4. Computer skill Ms.Office & Ms.Project
5. Berpengalaman di bidang Steel Construction & SIPIL
6. Membuat Laporan Kerja, Rencana kerja, RAP, Budgeting
7. Penempatan Project Banyuwangi
8. Domisili JAWA TIMUR

(Mohon menyesuaikan persyaratan sebelum melamar)
Kirim Lamaran, CV, Sertifikat & Dokumen Pendukung
ke email: [email protected]
(Sub: Posisi_Nama_Kota Tinggal)
PT. Supra Surya Indonesia - Sidoarjo

Construction Update

15 Oct, 05:57

Hi everyone! Let’s join the PROSYS Team where exciting career opportunities await!

Prosys Bangun Persada (Entity of Bureau Veritas Group) is a leading Strategic Project Management and Project Management Consultant in Oil & Gas, Energy, and Building & Infrastructure.

We're thrilled to announce job openings for Infrastructure Project in Jakarta. We’re looking for:
1. Team Leader/Project Manager
2. Ahli Air Minum (NRW)
3. Ahli Struktur (Jaringan Perpipaan)
4. Ahli Pengadaan dan Keuangan
5. Ahli Safety atau Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3)
6. Ahli Mekanikal dan Elektrikal (ME)
7. Asisten Air Minum
8. Inspector Safety atau Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3)
9. Drafter CAD
10. Cost Estimator
11. Administrasi Pelaporan
How to Apply
If these opportunities resonate with your career aspirations, share your updated CV and other supporting documents at [email protected] and [email protected] with the Subject: Your Name_Position
p.s. only shortlisted candidates will be contacted

Construction Update

11 Oct, 01:46

Hello #talentready

PT Ciputra Residence is looking for HSE Officer (construction).

Please see our post for the details, if you are interested and fit our qualifications, please send your updated resume to:
[email protected] or [email protected]

*Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted
*Our recruitment process is free for any charge

Thank you and have a nice day 😊

Construction Update

08 Oct, 04:11


We're calling all the passionate people to join with us for the position below:
1. QS : Jakarta Timur, Balikpapan, PIK2
2. HSE : Sentul, PIK2
3. QC : Balikpapan, PIK2
4. Drafter: Jakarta
5. Engineer: Jakarta, Bekasi
6. Surveyor: Jakarta, PIK2

If you're interest, please send your newest CV to our mail [email protected]

Apply now, Share then! Good luck!