PCR DATA LIVE UPDATE @liveoptiondata Channel on Telegram





Are you someone who is interested in staying updated with the latest data and charts related to the financial market? If so, you should definitely check out the Telegram channel 'PCR DATA LIVE UPDATE' managed by the username 'liveoptiondata'. This channel provides real-time updates on PCR (Put Call Ratio) data, along with various charts and analysis to help you make informed decisions in the stock market. It is important to note that all the charts and data shared on this channel are for educational purposes only. The channel does not provide any recommendations or calls for trading. It is highly recommended to consult your financial advisor before making any investment decisions based on the information shared here. By joining 'PCR DATA LIVE UPDATE', you will have access to valuable insights and live updates that can help you navigate the complexities of the financial market. Whether you are a seasoned trader or someone who is just starting out, this channel is a great resource to stay informed and enhance your trading strategies. Don't miss out on the opportunity to stay ahead of the curve with the latest PCR data and analysis. Join 'PCR DATA LIVE UPDATE' today and take your trading game to the next level!


13 Jan, 10:06

Powered By TeleFeed

What is TeleFeed?
You can’t choose between vacation or work? With TeleFeed, you can do both! TeleFeed is your telegram assistant. Take back your time and let us do our magic. From forwarding and setting up your dream channel to doing affiliate work on your behalf, TeleFeed can make you wildest dreams come true.

What can it do for me?
TeleFeed can automate everything you need on telegram. You can forward chats in every possible setup. You can bring as many chats as you want together and forward them to your own channel.

You are in total control in how the destination channel message will look like. You can remove, add or change keywords from the message. You can filter by keywords or by type. For example, you can filter out all photo messages and only forward text. You can forward only messages from users you specify. You can fully clone chats to your own channel and much more.

Here's a sneak peak at TeleFeed Features
* Forward from any chat (public or private or protected chat)
* Highest performance
* Forward from many chats to one and vice versa
* Change messages format and remove/add defined words
* Filter messages based on type (images, media, voice_notes etc) or keywords
* Translate messages from Source to Destination
* Delay messages up to defined amount
* Clone chats from Source to Destination
* Forward or rewrite mode
* Message duplicate filtering
* And many more features

What are you waiting for?
Click here 👉 to start earning!


13 Jan, 08:19

Nifty around 3rd June 2024


03 Jan, 14:56

🚨 Important Update: IPO Lock-In Ending in January 2025 (30 Days)

🩺 Suraksha Diagnostic: 3rd Jan
🛍️ Vishal Megamart: 14th Jan
💊 Sai Life: 14th Jan
📱 One Mobikwik: 14th Jan
📚 Inventure Knowledge: 16th Jan
💎 International Gemmo: 16th Jan
Transrail: 23rd Jan
🏦 DAM Capital: 22nd Jan
🛠️ Mamta Machine: 22nd Jan
🧵 Sanathan Textile: 23rd Jan
🔬 Concord Bio: 22nd Jan
🍽️ Ventive Hospitality: 24th Jan
💊 Senores Pharma: 24th Jan
🚗 Carraro India: 24th Jan
✈️ Unimech Aero: 25th Jan


03 Jan, 12:54


IPO Lock Imin ending in January 2025 (30 days)

1) Suraksha Diagnoistic: 3rd Jan
2) Vishan Megamart: 14th Jan
3) Sai Life: 14th Jan
4) One Mobikwik: 14th Jan
5) Inventure Knowledge: 16th Jan
6) International Gemmo: 16th Jan
7) Transrail: 23rd Jan
8) DAM Capital: 22nd Jan
9) Mamta Machiene: 22nd Jan
10) Sanathan Textile: 23rd Jan
11) Concord Bio: 22nd Jan
12) Ventive Hospitality: 24th Jan
13) Senores Pharma: 24th Jan
14) Carraro India: 24th Jan
15) Unimech Aero: 25th Jan


03 Jan, 12:30

SHOCKING NEWS 🚨 Five years after the COVID-19 pandemic, a new mysterious virus, HMPV, emerges in China 😱

China is facing a new virus outbreak of the human metapneumovirus (HMPV) spreading rapidly.

The Covid-Like HMPV Virus affecting number of Asian countries.

China is experiencing an exponential rise in respiratory illnesses according to reports.


03 Jan, 12:05


Co. Received Order From ELTA Systems Ltd, Israel For Manufacture and supply of Close-In Weapon System (CIWS) Module

Order worth US$ 56,495,983.35


03 Jan, 10:51

*Breaking News* 🚨

Emergency declared in China
China infected with many viruses.

Outbreaks of HMPV and Mycoplasma pneumoniae viruses.

China is troubled by many viruses including covid-19.


03 Jan, 10:14

Powered By TeleFeed

What is TeleFeed?
You can’t choose between vacation or work? With TeleFeed, you can do both! TeleFeed is your telegram assistant. Take back your time and let us do our magic. From forwarding and setting up your dream channel to doing affiliate work on your behalf, TeleFeed can make you wildest dreams come true.

What can it do for me?
TeleFeed can automate everything you need on telegram. You can forward chats in every possible setup. You can bring as many chats as you want together and forward them to your own channel.

You are in total control in how the destination channel message will look like. You can remove, add or change keywords from the message. You can filter by keywords or by type. For example, you can filter out all photo messages and only forward text. You can forward only messages from users you specify. You can fully clone chats to your own channel and much more.

Here's a sneak peak at TeleFeed Features
* Forward from any chat (public or private or protected chat)
* Highest performance
* Forward from many chats to one and vice versa
* Change messages format and remove/add defined words
* Filter messages based on type (images, media, voice_notes etc) or keywords
* Translate messages from Source to Destination
* Delay messages up to defined amount
* Clone chats from Source to Destination
* Forward or rewrite mode
* Message duplicate filtering
* And many more features

What are you waiting for?
Click here 👉 to start earning!


03 Jan, 08:52

Ek level only pure din chalega 😎😎📈📈📈


30 Dec, 14:24

By chance up dikh jaye to Short kro 😎😎🙏🙏


30 Dec, 14:24

Sidha sada market h en dino put leke jao bs 😀😀


30 Dec, 07:50

Powered By TeleFeed

What is TeleFeed?
You can’t choose between vacation or work? With TeleFeed, you can do both! TeleFeed is your telegram assistant. Take back your time and let us do our magic. From forwarding and setting up your dream channel to doing affiliate work on your behalf, TeleFeed can make you wildest dreams come true.

What can it do for me?
TeleFeed can automate everything you need on telegram. You can forward chats in every possible setup. You can bring as many chats as you want together and forward them to your own channel.

You are in total control in how the destination channel message will look like. You can remove, add or change keywords from the message. You can filter by keywords or by type. For example, you can filter out all photo messages and only forward text. You can forward only messages from users you specify. You can fully clone chats to your own channel and much more.

Here's a sneak peak at TeleFeed Features
* Forward from any chat (public or private or protected chat)
* Highest performance
* Forward from many chats to one and vice versa
* Change messages format and remove/add defined words
* Filter messages based on type (images, media, voice_notes etc) or keywords
* Translate messages from Source to Destination
* Delay messages up to defined amount
* Clone chats from Source to Destination
* Forward or rewrite mode
* Message duplicate filtering
* And many more features

What are you waiting for?
Click here 👉 to start earning!


24 Dec, 16:32

Last 10 year data 26 December to 2 January

Santa Rally will this year continue?


02 Dec, 04:16

Dear Subscribers,

Due to unavoidable technical glitch we will not be able to flash data. Will resume shortly


01 Dec, 11:46

प्रिय सभी,

साइबर क्राइम पर एक सलाह:

1. अगर आपको कॉल आए कि TRAI आपका फोन बंद करने वाला है, तो जवाब न दें। यह एक साइबर फ्रॉड है।

2. अगर FedEx के नाम पर कॉल आए और पैकेज के बारे में बात करते हुए आपसे 1 दबाने को कहें, तो जवाब न दें। यह एक साइबर फ्रॉड है।

3. अगर कोई पुलिस अधिकारी आपके आधार के बारे में बात करने के लिए कॉल करे, तो जवाब न दें। यह एक साइबर फ्रॉड है।

4. अगर वे कहें कि आप 'डिजिटल गिरफ्तारी' में हैं, तो जवाब न दें। यह एक साइबर फ्रॉड है।

5. अगर वे कहें कि आपके नाम पर भेजे गए पैकेज में ड्रग्स मिले हैं, तो जवाब न दें। यह एक साइबर फ्रॉड है।

6. अगर वे कहें कि किसी को न बताएं, तो उनकी बात न मानें। साइबर क्राइम पुलिस को 1930 पर सूचित करें।

7. अगर वे WhatsApp या SMS के जरिए संपर्क करें, तो जवाब न दें। यह एक साइबर फ्रॉड है।

8. अगर कोई आपको कॉल कर कहे कि उन्होंने गलती से आपके UPI ID पर पैसे भेज दिए और अब उन्हें वापस चाहिए, तो जवाब न दें। यह एक साइबर फ्रॉड है।

9. अगर कोई कहे कि वे आपकी कार, वॉशिंग मशीन या सोफा खरीदना चाहते हैं और वे आर्मी या CRPF से हैं और अपना आईडी कार्ड दिखाएं, तो जवाब न दें। यह एक साइबर फ्रॉड है।

10. अगर कोई Swiggy या Zomato के नाम पर कॉल कर आपसे पता कन्फर्म करने के लिए 1 दबाने को कहे, तो जवाब न दें। यह एक साइबर फ्रॉड है।

11. अगर वे केवल ऑर्डर या राइड को कैंसल करने के लिए OTP शेयर करने को कहें, तो जवाब न दें। किसी भी स्थिति में अपना OTP फोन पर किसी के साथ साझा न करें।

12. वीडियो मोड में किसी भी कॉल का उत्तर न दें।

13. यदि समझ में न आए तो फोन बंद करके उस नंबर को ब्लॉक कर दें।

14. किसी भी नीले रंग के लिंक पर क्लिक न करें।

15. यदि आपको पुलिस, CBI, ED, या IT विभाग से नोटिस मिले, तो उसे ऑफलाइन सत्यापित करें।

16. हमेशा जांचें कि ऐसे पत्र आधिकारिक सरकारी पोर्टल से हैं या नहीं।

17. अगर कोई कहे कि आपका परिवार का सदस्य दुर्घटना में है और अस्पताल में भर्ती है और तुरंत पैसे चाहिए, तो कॉल डिस्कनेक्ट करें और अपने परिवार के सदस्य या अस्पताल से पुष्टि करें।

डिजिटल स्वच्छता के तौर पर, अपना पता, लोकेशन, फोन, आधार, PAN, जन्म तिथि या कोई भी व्यक्तिगत जानकारी किसी को फोन या मैसेज पर न दें। जो व्यक्ति कॉल कर रहा है उसे यह जानकारी पहले से पता होनी चाहिए। अगर उनके पास आपकी जानकारी हो भी, तो उसे न पुष्टि करें और न ही इंकार। कॉल को तुरंत काट दें और नंबर को ब्लॉक कर दें। यदि वे आप पर दबाव डाल रहे हैं, डरा रहे हैं, या आपको तुरंत प्रतिक्रिया देने पर मजबूर कर रहे हैं, तो समझ लें कि यह एक साइबर फ्रॉड है।

अगर उपरोक्त सभी बातों के बावजूद आप साइबर फ्रॉड का शिकार हो जाते हैं, तो बिना किसी हिचकिचाहट के अपने स्थानीय साइबर पुलिस को 1930 पर रिपोर्ट करें।


01 Dec, 07:01

(PREMIUM) index Trading With CA nitin Murrarka


🔹 https://cosmofeed.com/ps/64a91b8bee58cc002a161306 🔹

🔰6 Month = ₹15,000+GST
[Offer Price - 5xx]


✔️Click On Link And unloack Message to Get Link And Join The Channel

Note - This is promoted content


01 Dec, 05:35

BANK NIFTY LOT SIZE WILL CHANGE TO 30 FROM JANUARY SERIES ie 25.12.24 (effective 30.12.24)


24 Nov, 04:32



17 Nov, 14:17

Powered By TeleFeed

What is TeleFeed?
You can’t choose between vacation or work? With TeleFeed, you can do both! TeleFeed is your telegram assistant. Take back your time and let us do our magic. From forwarding and setting up your dream channel to doing affiliate work on your behalf, TeleFeed can make you wildest dreams come true.

What can it do for me?
TeleFeed can automate everything you need on telegram. You can forward chats in every possible setup. You can bring as many chats as you want together and forward them to your own channel.

You are in total control in how the destination channel message will look like. You can remove, add or change keywords from the message. You can filter by keywords or by type. For example, you can filter out all photo messages and only forward text. You can forward only messages from users you specify. You can fully clone chats to your own channel and much more.

Here's a sneak peak at TeleFeed Features
* Forward from any chat (public or private or protected chat)
* Highest performance
* Forward from many chats to one and vice versa
* Change messages format and remove/add defined words
* Filter messages based on type (images, media, voice_notes etc) or keywords
* Translate messages from Source to Destination
* Delay messages up to defined amount
* Clone chats from Source to Destination
* Forward or rewrite mode
* Message duplicate filtering
* And many more features

What are you waiting for?
Click here 👉 to start earning!


17 Nov, 12:03

(PREMIUM) index Trading With CA nitin Murrarka


🔹 https://cosmofeed.com/ps/64a91b8bee58cc002a161306 🔹

🔰6 Month = ₹15,999+GST
[Offer Price - 5xx]


✔️Click On Link And unloack Message to Get Link And Join The Channel

Note - this is promotion content


16 Nov, 06:14

PCR DATA LIVE UPDATE pinned Deleted message


16 Nov, 05:33

बाज़ार हर किसी की धारणा और भविष्यवाणी के ख़िलाफ़ है।

🔸जब निफ्टी 26000 पर था तो बुल्स 27000 की भविष्यवाणी कर रहे थे और बाजार ने उन्हें गलत साबित कर दिया।

🔸जब निफ्टी 25000 तक करेक्ट हुआ तब बुल्स को उम्मीद थी कि बाजार पलट जाएगा और यहां से नई ऊंचाई को छू लेगा एक बार फिर बाजार ने उन्हें गलत साबित कर दिया।

🔸निफ्टी 24000 पर था तब बुल्स को उम्मीद थी कि यह 23800 को नहीं तोड़ेगा लेकिन फिर से गलत साबित हुआ।

अब बुल्स और भालू दोनों 21800 की उम्मीद कर रहे हैं।

देखते हैं बाजार उन्हें गलत साबित करेगा या नहीं।


15 Nov, 03:33

During this correction, before buying a stock always remember that:

"Behind every stock there is a company. Find out what it's doing."


06 Nov, 09:00

Enough can be exited now


06 Nov, 08:59


After Trump IT Technology  share will boom 💥

Indo-US defence boom 💥

Pharma sector 💥

Taxes on Chinese companies hence Indian manufacturing will grow & FII will sell china come back to India

Now focus on Fed rate cut this week & RBI rate cut will fuel bulls


02 Nov, 11:28

Guys be ready from Monday 🙏🙏


31 Oct, 13:55

॥ 卐 शुभ दिवाली 卐॥

|| शुभम करोति कल्याणम,
अरोग्यम धन संपदा,
शत्रु-बुद्धि विनाशायः,
दीपःज्योति नमोस्तुते ||

आप सभी को सपरिवार प्रकाश पर्व:
दीपावली की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं....
दीपोत्सव सपरिवार आपके जीवन को
सुख, समृद्धि,सुख-शांति,
एवं अपार खुशियों की रोशनी से जग-मग करे...।
🪔।। शुभ दीपावली।🪔
॥ 卐 शुभ दिवाली 卐॥


31 Oct, 13:13

  Join the YOUTUBE channel to learn and earn in intraday index options trading. Learn how to use PCR data in the live market
Click the link below:- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ7M28IPpHU3cUMEnXPGZFQ?sub_confirmation=1


31 Oct, 10:50

Powered By TeleFeed

What is TeleFeed?
You can’t choose between vacation or work? With TeleFeed, you can do both! TeleFeed is your telegram assistant. Take back your time and let us do our magic. From forwarding and setting up your dream channel to doing affiliate work on your behalf, TeleFeed can make you wildest dreams come true.

What can it do for me?
TeleFeed can automate everything you need on telegram. You can forward chats in every possible setup. You can bring as many chats as you want together and forward them to your own channel.

You are in total control in how the destination channel message will look like. You can remove, add or change keywords from the message. You can filter by keywords or by type. For example, you can filter out all photo messages and only forward text. You can forward only messages from users you specify. You can fully clone chats to your own channel and much more.

Here's a sneak peak at TeleFeed Features
* Forward from any chat (public or private or protected chat)
* Highest performance
* Forward from many chats to one and vice versa
* Change messages format and remove/add defined words
* Filter messages based on type (images, media, voice_notes etc) or keywords
* Translate messages from Source to Destination
* Delay messages up to defined amount
* Clone chats from Source to Destination
* Forward or rewrite mode
* Message duplicate filtering
* And many more features

What are you waiting for?
Click here 👉 to start earning!


31 Oct, 06:07

Powered By TeleFeed

What is TeleFeed?
You can’t choose between vacation or work? With TeleFeed, you can do both! TeleFeed is your telegram assistant. Take back your time and let us do our magic. From forwarding and setting up your dream channel to doing affiliate work on your behalf, TeleFeed can make you wildest dreams come true.

What can it do for me?
TeleFeed can automate everything you need on telegram. You can forward chats in every possible setup. You can bring as many chats as you want together and forward them to your own channel.

You are in total control in how the destination channel message will look like. You can remove, add or change keywords from the message. You can filter by keywords or by type. For example, you can filter out all photo messages and only forward text. You can forward only messages from users you specify. You can fully clone chats to your own channel and much more.

Here's a sneak peak at TeleFeed Features
* Forward from any chat (public or private or protected chat)
* Highest performance
* Forward from many chats to one and vice versa
* Change messages format and remove/add defined words
* Filter messages based on type (images, media, voice_notes etc) or keywords
* Translate messages from Source to Destination
* Delay messages up to defined amount
* Clone chats from Source to Destination
* Forward or rewrite mode
* Message duplicate filtering
* And many more features

What are you waiting for?
Click here 👉 to start earning!


31 Oct, 05:27

Powered By TeleFeed

What is TeleFeed?
You can’t choose between vacation or work? With TeleFeed, you can do both! TeleFeed is your telegram assistant. Take back your time and let us do our magic. From forwarding and setting up your dream channel to doing affiliate work on your behalf, TeleFeed can make you wildest dreams come true.

What can it do for me?
TeleFeed can automate everything you need on telegram. You can forward chats in every possible setup. You can bring as many chats as you want together and forward them to your own channel.

You are in total control in how the destination channel message will look like. You can remove, add or change keywords from the message. You can filter by keywords or by type. For example, you can filter out all photo messages and only forward text. You can forward only messages from users you specify. You can fully clone chats to your own channel and much more.

Here's a sneak peak at TeleFeed Features
* Forward from any chat (public or private or protected chat)
* Highest performance
* Forward from many chats to one and vice versa
* Change messages format and remove/add defined words
* Filter messages based on type (images, media, voice_notes etc) or keywords
* Translate messages from Source to Destination
* Delay messages up to defined amount
* Clone chats from Source to Destination
* Forward or rewrite mode
* Message duplicate filtering
* And many more features

What are you waiting for?
Click here 👉 to start earning!


30 Oct, 09:48

Powered By TeleFeed

What is TeleFeed?
You can’t choose between vacation or work? With TeleFeed, you can do both! TeleFeed is your telegram assistant. Take back your time and let us do our magic. From forwarding and setting up your dream channel to doing affiliate work on your behalf, TeleFeed can make you wildest dreams come true.

What can it do for me?
TeleFeed can automate everything you need on telegram. You can forward chats in every possible setup. You can bring as many chats as you want together and forward them to your own channel.

You are in total control in how the destination channel message will look like. You can remove, add or change keywords from the message. You can filter by keywords or by type. For example, you can filter out all photo messages and only forward text. You can forward only messages from users you specify. You can fully clone chats to your own channel and much more.

Here's a sneak peak at TeleFeed Features
* Forward from any chat (public or private or protected chat)
* Highest performance
* Forward from many chats to one and vice versa
* Change messages format and remove/add defined words
* Filter messages based on type (images, media, voice_notes etc) or keywords
* Translate messages from Source to Destination
* Delay messages up to defined amount
* Clone chats from Source to Destination
* Forward or rewrite mode
* Message duplicate filtering
* And many more features

What are you waiting for?
Click here 👉 to start earning!


28 Oct, 09:09

Powered By TeleFeed

What is TeleFeed?
You can’t choose between vacation or work? With TeleFeed, you can do both! TeleFeed is your telegram assistant. Take back your time and let us do our magic. From forwarding and setting up your dream channel to doing affiliate work on your behalf, TeleFeed can make you wildest dreams come true.

What can it do for me?
TeleFeed can automate everything you need on telegram. You can forward chats in every possible setup. You can bring as many chats as you want together and forward them to your own channel.

You are in total control in how the destination channel message will look like. You can remove, add or change keywords from the message. You can filter by keywords or by type. For example, you can filter out all photo messages and only forward text. You can forward only messages from users you specify. You can fully clone chats to your own channel and much more.

Here's a sneak peak at TeleFeed Features
* Forward from any chat (public or private or protected chat)
* Highest performance
* Forward from many chats to one and vice versa
* Change messages format and remove/add defined words
* Filter messages based on type (images, media, voice_notes etc) or keywords
* Translate messages from Source to Destination
* Delay messages up to defined amount
* Clone chats from Source to Destination
* Forward or rewrite mode
* Message duplicate filtering
* And many more features

What are you waiting for?
Click here 👉 to start earning!


28 Oct, 07:42

Dear Subscribers,

Due to unavoidable technical glitch we will not be able to flash data. Will resume shortly


22 Oct, 08:00

Powered By TeleFeed

What is TeleFeed?
You can’t choose between vacation or work? With TeleFeed, you can do both! TeleFeed is your telegram assistant. Take back your time and let us do our magic. From forwarding and setting up your dream channel to doing affiliate work on your behalf, TeleFeed can make you wildest dreams come true.

What can it do for me?
TeleFeed can automate everything you need on telegram. You can forward chats in every possible setup. You can bring as many chats as you want together and forward them to your own channel.

You are in total control in how the destination channel message will look like. You can remove, add or change keywords from the message. You can filter by keywords or by type. For example, you can filter out all photo messages and only forward text. You can forward only messages from users you specify. You can fully clone chats to your own channel and much more.

Here's a sneak peak at TeleFeed Features
* Forward from any chat (public or private or protected chat)
* Highest performance
* Forward from many chats to one and vice versa
* Change messages format and remove/add defined words
* Filter messages based on type (images, media, voice_notes etc) or keywords
* Translate messages from Source to Destination
* Delay messages up to defined amount
* Clone chats from Source to Destination
* Forward or rewrite mode
* Message duplicate filtering
* And many more features

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