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I am so convinced that these so called anti semitic attacks are inside jobs . I’ve seen this game by Mossad so many times . Thumbs 👍 if you agree.
*Lebanon 🇱🇧 , Gaza 🇵🇸 , and Syria 🇸🇾* families are facing unimaginable hardships. Funds are running low, but the need is greater than ever. Please help however you can.
💳 BSB: 484 799
Account Number: 1200 44 539
Reference: al shaam appeal
🌏 mercifulgroup.org/donate
✅ 0% Admin Fee
✅ 100% Donation Policy
✅ 100% Tax Deductible Donations
💳 BSB: 484 799
Account Number: 1200 44 539
Reference: al shaam appeal
🌏 mercifulgroup.org/donate
✅ 0% Admin Fee
✅ 100% Donation Policy
✅ 100% Tax Deductible Donations