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Learn English (English)

Are you looking to improve your English language skills? Look no further than the Telegram channel 'learning_english_everyday'! This channel is dedicated to helping you learn English in the best way possible. Whether you want to improve your listening, writing, speaking, or grammar skills, this channel has got you covered. With free audio lessons available, you can practice your English language skills wherever you are. Join us today and take your English proficiency to the next level! Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to become fluent in English. T.me/learning_english_everyday

Learn English

10 Nov, 11:34


• But < However

• And < In addition

• Also < Moreover

• So < Therefore

• Anyway < Nevertheless

• Angry < Furious

Use them and you will sound more ACADEMIC PRO MAX 😂


Learn English

10 Nov, 10:45

IELTS Speaking: How to get a high score


Learn English

05 Nov, 10:24

Read and learn!


Learn English

24 Oct, 15:24

Describing a location



Learn English

24 Oct, 15:20

Describing percentages with words

⚙️ @learning_english_everyday

Learn English

24 Oct, 15:15

### . Escalated
- Meaning: To increase rapidly or intensively.
- Example: The conflict has escalated into a full-blown war.
- Uzbek Translation: Mojaro to'liq urushga ko'tarildi.

### . Fluctuated
- Meaning: To rise and fall irregularly in number or amount.
- Example: The prices of oil have fluctuated dramatically in recent months.
- Uzbek Translation: Neft narxlari so'nggi oylarda o'zgarib turdi.

### . Rose
- Meaning: To move upward or increase in quantity.
- Example: The temperature rose to 30 degrees Celsius.
- Uzbek Translation: Harorat 30 darajaga ko'tarildi.

### . Fell
- Meaning: To move downward or decrease in quantity.
- Example: The stock market fell sharply after the announcement.
- Uzbek Translation: Aktsiyalar bozori e'lon qilingandan so'ng keskin tushdi.

### Adverbs

### 1. Dramatically
- Meaning: In a way that is sudden and extreme.
- Example: The situation changed dramatically after the intervention.
- Uzbek Translation: Vaziyat aralashuvdan so'ng keskin o'zgardi.

### 2. Sharply
- Meaning: In a sudden and dramatic manner.
- Example: The prices sharply increased after the announcement.
- Uzbek Translation: E'lon qilingandan so'ng narxlar keskin oshdi.

### 3. Substantially
- Meaning: To a great or significant extent.
- Example: The new policy substantially improved efficiency.
- Uzbek Translation: Yangi siyosat samaradorlikni sezilarli darajada yaxshiladi.

### 4. Considerably
- Meaning: To a large extent; significantly.
- Example: She has improved her skills considerably over the years.
- Uzbek Translation: U yillar davomida ko'nikmalarini sezilarli darajada yaxshiladi.

### 5. Markedly
- Meaning: In a way that is easy to notice; significantly.
- Example: There was a markedly different response from the audience.
- Uzbek Translation: Tomoshabinlardan aniq boshqacha javob bo'ldi.

### 6. Slightly
- Meaning: To a small degree; not considerably.
- Example: The temperature dropped slightly at night.
- Uzbek Translation: Kechasi harorat biroz pasaydi.


⚙️ @learning_english_everyday

Learn English

24 Oct, 10:23

The table illustrates the number of cars produced in three different countries

Overall, the
number of vehicles made in Thailand was consistently the highest throughout the period, making it the dominant country in car production. In contrast, Australia had a higher number at the start but experienced a significant decline, ending the period with the lowest number among the countries listed.

In 2003, Argentina had the lowest number of cars produced, with 235,088. However, by 2009, its production had increased
considerably to 466,089, surpassing that of Australia. Australia had a production rate of 452,163 in 2003, but it declined significantly by the end of the period in 2009 reaching 245,264.

Despite showing higher production figures for most of the observed period, Thailand started with 735,825 in 2003 and peaked at 1,162,356 in 2006. By 2009, production slightly decreased to 999,963.

takes easily band 7, 7,5 in ielts


By, Abror

⚙️ @learning_english_everyday

Learn English

19 Oct, 18:07

IELTS Writing Maximizer (Task 1 & Task 2)

🔰 119 Task 1 sample answers
📊 Task 1 tips & techniques
📑 How to write Task 1 LETTERS
📈 Task 2 essay strategies
📑Sample answers for Task 2 essays


⚙️ @learning_english_everyday

Learn English

16 Oct, 02:46

1. ancient – adj., very old, of the distant past
*uzb:* qadimiy
Example: The ruins of the ancient city were discovered by archaeologists.
*Misol:* Qadimiy shahar xarobalari arxeologlar tomonidan topildi.

2. band – n., a small group
*uzb:* guruh
Example: A band of musicians played at the festival.
*Misol:* Festivalda kichik bir musiqachilar guruhi o‘ynadi.

3. century – n., a period of 100 years
*uzb:* asr, yuz yil
Example: The museum has artifacts from the 16th century.
*Misol:* Muzeyda XVI asrga oid buyumlar bor.

4. develop – v., to grow and change
*uzb:* rivojlanmoq
Example: The company plans to develop a new product next year.
*Misol:* Kompaniya kelgusi yilda yangi mahsulot ishlab chiqarmoqchi.

5. entertainment – n., a performance or show
*uzb:* ko‘ngilochar tadbir
Example: The circus offers fun and entertainment for families.
*Misol:* Sirk oilalar uchun quvnoq va ko‘ngilochar dasturlarni taklif etadi.

6. exhibit – n., something shown to the public; a display
*uzb:* ko‘rgazma
Example: The museum exhibit included rare paintings from the Renaissance.
*Misol:* Muzey ko‘rgazmasida Uyg‘onish davriga oid noyob suratlar namoyish etildi.

7. exotic – adj., unusual, from a foreign place
*uzb:* ekzotik, g‘ayrioddiy
Example: The zoo has an exotic bird from South America.
*Misol:* Hayvonot bog‘ida Janubiy Amerikadan kelgan ekzotik qush bor.

8. found – v., to start or establish an institution
*uzb:* asos solmoq
Example: She founded a successful non-profit organization.
*Misol:* U muvaffaqiyatli xayriya tashkilotiga asos soldi.

9. grandeur – n., greatness
*uzb:* buyuklik
Example: The grandeur of the palace amazed everyone.
*Misol:* Saroyning buyukligi hammaga hayrat bag‘ishladi.

10. massive – adj., very big
*uzb:* ulkan
Example: The massive ship could carry thousands of passengers.
*Misol:* Ulkan kema minglab yo‘lovchilarni tashiy oladi.

11. permanently – adv., for always
*uzb:* doimiy
Example: The teacher moved to the city permanently after she got the job.
*Misol:* O‘qituvchi ish topgach, shaharga doimiy ravishda ko‘chib o‘tdi.

12. popular – adj., liked by many people
*uzb:* mashhur
Example: This restaurant is very popular among locals.
*Misol:* Bu restoran mahalliy aholining orasida juda mashhur.

13. reduce – v., to make something smaller
*uzb:* kamaytirmoq
Example: The company is trying to reduce costs by using less energy.
*Misol:* Kompaniya energiyani kamroq sarflab, xarajatlarni kamaytirishga harakat qilmoqda.

14. remnant – n., a small leftover piece
*uzb:* qolgan qism, qoldiq
Example: They found a remnant of the old castle wall.
*Misol:* Ular eski qal’a devorining qoldig‘ini topdilar.

15. renovation – n., repair or rebuilding
*uzb:* ta’mirlash
Example: The building is closed for renovation until next year.
*Misol:* Binoni kelasi yilgacha ta’mirlash uchun yopishgan.

16. spectator – n., a person who watches an event
*uzb:* tomoshabin
Example: Thousands of spectators came to watch the soccer match.
*Misol:* Minglab tomoshabinlar futbol o‘yinini tomosha qilish uchun keldi.

17. survive – v., to continue, stay alive
*uzb:* omon qolmoq
Example: Only a few animals survived the harsh winter.
*Misol:* Qattiq qishdan bir nechta hayvonlar omon qoldi.

18. talent – n., a special ability
*uzb:* iqtidor
Example: She has a natural talent for painting.
*Misol:* U rasm chizishga tug‘ma iqtidorli.

19. trainer – n., a person who teaches skills to people or animals
*uzb:* murabbiy
Example: The trainer worked with the dog to teach it new tricks.
*Misol:* Murabbiy itga yangi fokuslarni o‘rgatdi.

20. venue – n., a place where an event is held
*uzb:* tadbir o‘tkaziladigan joy
Example: The concert will be held at an outdoor venue.

These words are very useful especially in ielts

⚙️ @learning_english_everyday

Learn English

08 Oct, 11:57

📹 This video will make you confident

Watch and you fell better than now it helps a lot for everyone

I have watched it, because I recommend for watching, good vocabularies you can meat for using speaking skill

⚙️ @learning_english_everyday

Learn English

08 Oct, 11:52

Here’s the translation of each word with examples in both English and Uzbek

1. Anticipate
- *English*: To expect, be ready for something to happen
- *Example*: I anticipate it will rain tomorrow, so I brought an umbrella.
- *Uzbek*: Kutilmoq, oldindan sezmoq
- *Misol*: Ertaga yomg‘ir yog‘ishini kutib, soyabon olib keldim.

2. Athlete
- *English*: A person who plays sports
- *Example*: The athlete trained every day for the competition.
- *Uzbek*: Sportchi
- *Misol*: Sportchi musobaqaga tayyorlanish uchun har kuni shug‘ullandi.

3. Blur
- *English*: Something not seen clearly
- *Example*: Without my glasses, everything is a blur.
- *Uzbek*: Xiralik, noaniq ko‘rinish
- *Misol*: Ko‘zoynaksiz hamma narsa menga xira ko‘rinadi.

4. Boundary
- *English*: An edge, border
- *Example*: The fence marks the boundary between our yard and the park.
- *Uzbek*: Chegara, chegaralangan joy
- *Misol*: To‘siq bizning hovlimiz va bog‘ orasidagi chegarani belgilaydi.

5. Complicate
- *English*: To cause to be more difficult
- *Example*: The heavy rain complicated our travel plans.
- *Uzbek*: Murakkablashtirmoq, qiyinlashtirmoq
- *Misol*: Kuchli yomg‘ir bizning sayohat rejamizni qiyinlashtirdi.

6. Coordinate
- *English*: To organize; make work together
- *Example*: The manager will coordinate the team’s schedule for the project.
- *Uzbek*: Muvofiqlashtirmoq, tartibga solmoq
- *Misol*: Menejer loyiha uchun jamoaning jadvalini muvofiqlashtiradi.

7. Demonstrate
- *English*: To show; model
- *Example*: The teacher demonstrated how to solve the math problem.
- *Uzbek*: Ko‘rsatmoq, namoyish qilmoq
- *Misol*: O‘qituvchi matematik muammoni qanday hal qilishni ko‘rsatdi.

8. Detect
- *English*: To notice, become aware of
- *Example*: The doctor was able to detect the illness early.
- *Uzbek*: Sezmoq, aniqlamoq
- *Misol*: Shifokor kasallikni erta aniqlay oldi.

9. Distracting
- *English*: Taking attention away from something
- *Example*: The noise outside was very distracting during the meeting.
- *Uzbek*: Diqqatni chalg‘ituvchi
- *Misol*: Tashqaridagi shovqin uchrashuv paytida diqqatni chalg‘itdi.

10. Focus
- *English*: To center attention on one object; concentrate
- *Example*: It’s hard to focus on my work with so much noise around.
- *Uzbek*: Diqqatni jamlamoq
- *Misol*: Atrofdagi shovqin bilan ishga diqqatni jamlash qiyin.

11. Indiscernibly
- *English*: In a way that is impossible to see or notice
- *Example*: The bird moved so indiscernibly that I couldn’t follow it.
- *Uzbek*: Sezib bo‘lmas darajada
- *Misol*: Qush shunchalik sezilmas darajada harakat qildiki, men uni kuzata olmadim.

12. Indistinct
- *English*: Unclear, not seen clearly
- *Example*: The writing on the old paper was indistinct and hard to read.
- *Uzbek*: Noaniq, xira
- *Misol*: Qadimgi qog‘ozdagi yozuv noaniq edi va o‘qish qiyin edi.

13. Maneuver
- *English*: A movement
- *Example*: The pilot executed a difficult maneuver to avoid the storm.
- *Uzbek*: Harakat, manevr
- *Misol*: Uchuvchi bo‘ronni aylanib o‘tish uchun qiyin manevrni bajardi.

14. Performance
- *English*: How well a person or machine does something
- *Example*: The performance of the new computer was impressive.
- *Uzbek*: Ishlash sifati, natija
- *Misol*: Yangi kompyuterning ishlash sifati hayratlanarli edi.

15. Peripheral
- *English*: At the edge
- *Example*: He saw the ball out of the corner of his eye, using his peripheral vision.
- *Uzbek*: Chekkada joylashgan, chetki
- *Misol*: U ko‘zining chetida to‘pni ko‘rdi, ya'ni periferal ko‘rish qobiliyati bilan.

16. Range
- *English*: Area
- *Example*: The mountain range stretched for miles.
- *Uzbek*: Maydon, hudud
- *Misol*: Tog‘ tizmasi bir necha chaqirimga cho‘zilgan edi.

17. Scan

Learn English

08 Oct, 11:52

- *English*: To look over
- *Example*: He quickly scanned the crowd for his friend.
- *Uzbek*: Tekshirmoq, kuzatmoq
- *Misol*: U do‘stini topish uchun tezda olomonni kuzatdi.

18. Tolerate
- *English*: To accept, allow
- *Example*: I can’t tolerate loud music when I’m working.
- *Uzbek*: Qabul qilmoq, toqat qilmoq
- *Misol*: Ishlayotganimda baland musiqa tinglashga toqat qilolmayman.

19. Unconsciously
- *English*: Without thinking, automatically
- *Example*: He tapped his foot unconsciously while listening to the music.
- *Uzbek*: O‘ylamasdan, avtomatik ravishda
- *Misol*: Musiqani tinglayotib, u oyog‘ini o‘zi bilmagan holda taqillatdi.

20. Vision
- *English*: The ability to see; sight
- *Example*: His vision has deteriorated over the years.
- *Uzbek*: Ko‘rish qobiliyati
- *Misol*: Yillar davomida uning ko‘rish qobiliyati yomonlashdi.

World of the day

These words are very useful especially in ielts

⚙️ @learning_english_everyday

Learn English

14 Sep, 03:32

I highly recommend for everyone listening it, it helps a lot for improve listening skills

⚙️ @learning_english_everyday

Learn English

14 Sep, 03:21


Part 1

✏️Do you give other people a perfume as a gift?
✏️Have you ever bought a perfume as a gift?
✏️What kind of perfume do you like?
✏️How much do you spend on perfumes?
✏️Do you have a lot of perfumes ?
✏️Do you wear a perfume ?
✏️Do you have a favorite brand of perfume ?

Part 2

Describe an old friend that you got in contact with again

Who this person is
What this person is like
How you got in contact
How you felt about it

Part 3

In what situations would people be willing to get to know new people?
Why do people need to make new friends?
Why is it hard to mention friendships for some people?
Why do people lose contact with their old friends?
Do you like to have many friends?

⚙️ @learning_english_everyday

Learn English

13 Sep, 04:11

📹 IELTS Speaking Test | BAND 9 | Must Watch

⚙️ @learning_english_everyday

Learn English

13 Sep, 04:10

📹 Fever Feels Horrible, but is Actually Awesome!

⚙️ @learning_english_everyday

Learn English

13 Sep, 04:09

I highly recommend for everyone listening it, it helps a lot for improve listening skills

⚙️ @learning_english_everyday

Learn English

12 Sep, 10:51


From app new questions ❗️

Part 1
How often do you ride bicycles?
Is it difficult to learn to ride a bicycle?
Is it popular to ride bicycles in your country?
When was the last time you used your bicycle?
Do you think a bicycle is very convenient for people to use?
Will you teach your children to ride a bicycle

Part 2
Describe a time when you answered a phone call from someone you didn’t know in a public place
Where it was
What the person said
How you responded
How you felt about the experience

Part 3
Why do some people not care that their behavior disturbs people around them?

Why do some people not care what they do in public place?

Share it with your friends


Learn English

12 Sep, 10:19

📹 We Traveled Back in Time. Now Physicists Are Angry.

Learn English

12 Sep, 10:11

I highly recommend for everyone listening it, it helps a lot for improve listening skills


Learn English

12 Sep, 10:09

I sent everyday all the tasks and materials related to these plans, let's do it together.

Learn English

12 Sep, 09:54

Plan second 3 days ⚡️

Reading + writing 🔥

🔴Read 2 or 3 articles
🔴Learn a new words 5 or 7 from each articles
🔴Write a summary of the main point/ideas

From these websites:

⚙️Bbc news world
⚙️The conversation
⚙️Psychology today
⚙️New scientist

Learn English

12 Sep, 09:54

Plan first 3 days⚡️

Listening + speaking

✔️Watch three videos + discussion

✔️Listen to one podcast + discussion

Speaking from app ❗️

⚙️Take one topic for each part
⚙️Find topic specific words 5 or 7
⚙️Use thise word as much as you can
⚙️Answer the question five times