Kyla Network @kylachat Channel on Telegram

Kyla Network


Bot information @KylaChatBot & @KylaMatchBetaBot

Kyla Network (English)

Welcome to the Kyla Network! If you are looking for a community of like-minded individuals who share your interests, then this is the place for you. Kyla Network is a Telegram channel dedicated to connecting people from all over the world who want to chat, share ideas, and make new friends. With our diverse range of topics and discussions, there is something for everyone to enjoy

Who is Kyla Network? We are a group of passionate individuals who believe in the power of community and connection. Our goal is to provide a safe and welcoming space for people to come together, learn from each other, and build meaningful relationships

What is Kyla Network? It is a Telegram channel where you can join in discussions, share your thoughts, and connect with others who have similar interests. Whether you are into art, music, fashion, technology, or anything in between, you are sure to find a welcoming community here at Kyla Network

Are you interested in getting to know more about the channel? Feel free to join us on Telegram at @kylachat. You can also find more information about our bots, @KylaChatBot, and @KylaMatchBetaBot, which are designed to enhance your experience within the network. Become a part of the Kyla Network today and start connecting with amazing people from around the globe!

Kyla Network

23 Jan, 16:47

dah, waktunya turu

Kyla Network

23 Jan, 16:45

udah bisa?

Kyla Network

23 Jan, 16:45

Live stream finished (2 minutes)

Kyla Network

23 Jan, 16:42

Live stream started

Kyla Network

23 Jan, 16:40

sabar yaaa antrian pas down banyak banget jadi ngirimin pesan dulu ke chat sebelumnya.

Kyla Network

23 Jan, 16:38

padet banget

Kyla Network

23 Jan, 16:37


Kyla Network

23 Jan, 16:37

wkwkw down lagi

Kyla Network

23 Jan, 16:34

Bot sudah diperbaiki

Kyla Network

02 Jan, 16:37

karena baru, jadi semua banned dll gaada di bot ini. next diinfoin deh kalau betanya di buka. semoga bisa lebih cepet dari Kyla Chat.

Kyla Network

02 Jan, 16:36

Kyla mau bikin bot baru nih 👀
Kyla Chat juga tapi bikin dari awal dan brand baru. Kira-kira nama yang cocok apa ya 😏
Jadi mau mulai dari awal lagi 👀

Kyla Network

30 Dec, 15:06

banyak akun mati / deactive 😵

Kyla Network

30 Dec, 15:03

Haiii guys

Kyla Network

28 Dec, 19:15

New Update
- Optimize algorithm to prevent double pair

Translate to 🇮🇩🇲🇾 @KylaGPTBot

Kyla Network

28 Dec, 17:04

Tadi ada problem karena masih make kode lama. barusan di fix semoga ga down lagi.

Kyla Network

28 Dec, 07:08

sudah selesai gaiss, silahkan digunakan

Kyla Network

28 Dec, 06:39

gagal terus gais, bentar yaa mau nyoba lagi

Kyla Network

28 Dec, 05:53

Migration Status
Backup Database
Restore Database
|— Migrate Level data
|— Migrate Kyla Match data
|— Migrate Kyla Match partner histories
|— Migrate Kyla Match partner
|— Migrate Kyla Chat Referral
|— Migrate Kyla Chat Report
|— Migrate Kyla Chat pairs
|— Migrate Users data
Sync Bot Code
Sync Configuration
Testing Bot
Sync Cache

⏸️ Paused
🔄 Running

Kyla Network

28 Dec, 05:29

semua bot lagi off yaa, lagi mindahin ke server singapore.

Kyla Network

28 Dec, 05:15

Bot akan down untuk mindahin ini ke tempat lain.

Kyla Network

13 Dec, 09:05

Udah mau abis aja credits buat bot kyla. kalau abis matiin aja kali ya botnya? 🤔

Kyla Network

13 Dec, 09:04

Siang gais, lagi apa hari ini?

Kyla Network

12 Dec, 17:08

udah borong apa ajaa kemaren?

Kyla Network

11 Dec, 16:04

turu gais besok borong

Kyla Network

11 Dec, 15:59

sudah terakhir yaaa... nantikan daget-daget berikutnya

Kyla Network

11 Dec, 15:55

Aku lagi sebar DANA Kaget nih! Yuk, sikat segera sebelum melayang 💸💸💸

Kyla Network

11 Dec, 15:55

waktunya ga di tentuin jadi standby ajaa disinii

Kyla Network

11 Dec, 15:51

nih terakhir yaaa. 100K buat 2 orang

Kyla Network

28 Nov, 06:31

coba cek lagi kalau error, barusan reload botnya

Kyla Network

28 Nov, 06:27

Sudah bisa digunakan kembalii yaaa, ternyata ngelebihin limit 😔
Silahkan gunakan kembali @KylaMatchBetaBot

Kyla Network

28 Nov, 06:13

Kyla Match saat ini tidak dapat digunakan untuk pengguna baru dikarenakan terjadi masalah pada provider lokasi.

Kyla Network

08 Nov, 04:21

udah selesai, upgrade ke 64GB

Kyla Network

08 Nov, 04:19

Bentar penyimpanannya penuh

Kyla Network

17 Oct, 04:46


Kyla Network

17 Oct, 04:15

Kyla Chat failure.
We try to fix it.

Kyla Network

05 Oct, 15:45

Halo gais

Kyla Network

26 Sep, 16:23

kalau blm bisa coba lagi

Kyla Network

26 Sep, 16:23

dah bisa blm?

Kyla Network

26 Sep, 16:14

budayakan baca elah, disuruh chat /interest di bot malah disini 😒

Kyla Network

26 Sep, 16:12

Pilih gender partner dah bisa ya. Silahkan tulis /interest di bot @KylaChatBot

Kyla Network

26 Sep, 15:57

report gais kalau ada yang birahi, kyla ada auto ban kok

Kyla Network

26 Sep, 15:56

dah lama ga ngurus bot, kirain dah mati ternyata masi banyak yang make

Kyla Network

26 Sep, 15:55

Halo gais

Kyla Network

11 Sep, 23:39

pagi gais

Kyla Network

09 Sep, 15:58

nanyanya apa, jawabnya kelamin terus 😒 gaada yang lain apa di pikirannya

Kyla Network

09 Sep, 15:55

gabut gais, enaknya main apa

Kyla Network

29 Aug, 06:06

bot nyari temen mabar oke engga ya 👀

Kyla Network

29 Aug, 06:03

pengen bikin bot lagi tapi bingung bot apa 😔

Kyla Network

25 Aug, 12:46

Kyla Network

25 Aug, 12:44


Kyla Network

20 Aug, 09:24

Kyla, tas emergency perlu apa aja untuk menghadapi gempa?

Kyla Network

20 Aug, 09:22

udah pada nyiapin tas emergency belum?