Hey Guys... An Important Announcments - Typing this from My heart 👍
Recently I closed My students whatsapp community
As per sebi regulations we cant run the whatsapp community...
I'm not collecting any charge for community & Not Sharing any stocks there ( But., Since its a community everyone can speak : There many started to talk about stocks 😔 & Especially Option trading & Intraday trades )
That will back fire me in future
So for My safety., Im closing the community... I shared the course material and in future whenever i add new strategies to this pack... You will get
Those who bought at 499 still know the value & Without hesitation i shared all the new strategy videos for completely free
This is a Education Pack : And Students will get the New videos when I add in this pack particularly
What i provide is Videos to Educate ( Community was a additional complementry pack to ask doubts : But due to Sebi regulations we need to close it : But still if u have any doubt in education/videos... Im still providing guidance )
I mentioned it many time in announcement before removing the Group 👍
So I hope., You are clear Now
And some uses this chance & Talks Negative about me : If I want to Make it for Money., I wouldnt be provided it for 499 😔
I Never Break any of My promises
- All students get the Free updates when made in this pack
- I still providing guidance in doubt clearance related to videos
I Know., My Genuine Friends understand this ❤️