boy who is allergic to موز @koyohxippxx Channel on Telegram

boy who is allergic to موز


Kayo is here to play the clown 🔥🗣️

boy who is allergic to موز (Arabic)

هل تبحث عن قناة ممتعة ومثيرة على تطبيق تيليجرام؟ إليك قناة "الولد الذي يعاني من حساسية تجاه الموز"! هذه القناة هي مكان لمحبي المرح والفكاهة، حيث يمكنك متابعة مغامرات هذا الولد الذي يعاني من حساسية تجاه الموز. تقدم القناة محتوى مسلي ومثير يجعلك تضحك وتستمتع. مع هذه القناة، ستحظى بفرصة للاستمتاع بأوقاتك وتفريغ الضغوطات بطريقة ممتعة ومسلية. إذا كنت تبحث عن قناة تلهمك وتسليك، فإن قناة "الولد الذي يعاني من حساسية تجاه الموز" هي الخيار المثالي بالنسبة لك! لا تفوت الفرصة للانضمام إلى هذه القناة الممتعة اليوم وتعرف على قصة هذا الولد الشقي ومختلف مغامراته!

boy who is allergic to موز

08 Feb, 18:50

از سیو مسیجم متنفرم

boy who is allergic to موز

08 Feb, 15:58

فکر کنم واقعا باید خونه نشینی رو شروع کنم

boy who is allergic to موز

08 Feb, 15:57

I wish the sharp objects in my room would stay away from me

boy who is allergic to موز

08 Feb, 15:57

It's not yet 12:00 PM, but I'm thinking about things I shouldn't

boy who is allergic to موز

08 Feb, 13:00

stuck in the background ya i think i need a break
my thoughts are getting heavier with every day
need to retire or explore to feel unchained
i know its hopeless but i hope my ego breaks
you’re my glass cannon ego
you’re my glass cannon ego
ego wouldn’t tell me the truth
I can’t even recognize myself
you ever seem to understand
you’re talking to everyone else
never do you wrong
got a feeling i’ve been through it all
and i can barely sleep i’m just in awe
wanted to talk but now i hate it all

boy who is allergic to موز

08 Feb, 12:12

One of these days and it won't be long
Youre gonna search for me and down the road I'm gone
'Cause I believe ,Oh yes, I believe
I believe to my soul
You're tryin' to mess around with me babe
Once you told me you loved me I found out it was a lie
You should be ashamed baby hang your head and cry

boy who is allergic to موز

08 Feb, 11:26

so the thing I keep thinking about is was it worth it to be happy for a little bit even though it ended up sad? or would it have been better if the whole thing never happened? the main thing I think about is how stupid I am.

boy who is allergic to موز

07 Feb, 13:11

وای دلم خواست بیام

boy who is allergic to موز

07 Feb, 09:03

I woke up today and missed her again

boy who is allergic to موز

06 Feb, 21:27

کاش بتونم تا فردا شب بخوابم 🙏🏿

boy who is allergic to موز

06 Feb, 20:59

If I told her that I loved you
You'd maybe think there's something wrong
I'm not a man of too many faces
The mask I wear is one
But those who speak know nothing
And find out to their cost
Like those who curse their luck in too many places
And those who fear are lost
I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier
I know that the clubs are weapons of war
I know that diamonds mean money for this art
But that's not the shape of my heart
That's not the shape of my heart
That's not the shape
The shape of my heart.

boy who is allergic to موز

06 Feb, 19:45

I want to propose to her.😩💥💥

boy who is allergic to موز

06 Feb, 15:15

بلاخره پیشرفتمو دارم میبینم

boy who is allergic to موز

05 Feb, 11:19

یکی دیگه باهام شوخی دستی کنه میرینم به سر تا پاش

boy who is allergic to موز

05 Feb, 11:09


boy who is allergic to موز

06 Jan, 22:41

آره جون عمم

boy who is allergic to موز

06 Jan, 22:09

کسی منو دوست نداره

boy who is allergic to موز

06 Jan, 22:05

Goodnight princess

boy who is allergic to موز

06 Jan, 21:13

اینقدر گرسنمه که بیا و ببین 🙉🙉🙉

boy who is allergic to موز

06 Jan, 12:32

کفش تمرینم دیگه آخرای عمرشه:((

boy who is allergic to موز

06 Jan, 11:11

There comes a time when you look into the mirror and you realize that what you see is all that you will ever be. and then you accept it. or you kill yourself. or you stop looking in mirrors.

boy who is allergic to موز

06 Jan, 09:58


boy who is allergic to موز

06 Jan, 09:57

Bro you’re channel is fire probably the best telegram channel rn

boy who is allergic to موز

06 Jan, 09:56

دغدغه اش فردا بود، شب مُرد.

boy who is allergic to موز

05 Jan, 21:36

you take me in bury me in your skin leave while I bleed, just let me be, and I hope you go somewhere far from my home,

boy who is allergic to موز

29 Dec, 05:52

میلو میگه لبو بده

boy who is allergic to موز

29 Dec, 05:12

دل درد گرفتم.

boy who is allergic to موز

29 Dec, 04:56

عرب بودنم به درد نخورد کیر تو عربی

boy who is allergic to موز

29 Dec, 04:38

جاتون خالی تو چاییم انگار تریاک ریختم همه چی خوب داره میگیره

boy who is allergic to موز

28 Dec, 21:14
زیدی داریو به ما نمیگی؟:))

boy who is allergic to موز

28 Dec, 19:43


boy who is allergic to موز

28 Dec, 19:43
Could be us:(

boy who is allergic to موز

28 Dec, 19:19

خدایا شکرت چند نفر بهم زنگ زدن:(

boy who is allergic to موز

28 Dec, 15:51

به این بامزگی:(((☹️

boy who is allergic to موز

28 Dec, 15:50

از دندون های خرگوشیم متنفرم
ولی ممنون :)

boy who is allergic to موز

28 Dec, 15:50

وای دندون خرگوشی ها خیلی گوگولنننن 😭☹️

boy who is allergic to موز

28 Dec, 15:42

عاشقشم :(((

boy who is allergic to موز

28 Dec, 15:41

بیتا زنگ زد الان😭😭😭😭😭

boy who is allergic to موز

25 Dec, 23:09

اینکه ادم موردعلاقه کسی نباشی خیلی ناراحت کنندس

boy who is allergic to موز

25 Dec, 20:59


boy who is allergic to موز

25 Dec, 17:38

no man, I don't have a favorite type

boy who is allergic to موز

25 Dec, 15:26

“I was sentimental about many things: a woman’s shoes under the bed; one hairpin left behind on the dresser; the way they said, 'I’m going to pee.' hair ribbons; walking down the boulevard with them at 1:30 in the afternoon, just two people walking together; the long nights of drinking and smoking; talking; the arguments; thinking of suicide; eating together and feeling good; the jokes; the laughter out of nowhere; feeling miracles in the air; being in a parked car together; comparing past loves at 3am; being told you snore; hearing her snore; mothers, daughters, sons, cats, dogs; sometimes death and sometimes divorce; but always carrying on, always seeing it through; reading a newspaper alone in a sandwich joint and feeling nausea because she’s now married to a dentist with an I.Q. of 95; racetracks, parks, park picnics; even jails; her dull friends; your dull friends; your drinking, her dancing; your flirting, her flirting; her pills, your fucking on the side and her doing the same; sleeping together.”

boy who is allergic to موز

25 Dec, 14:37

معصومه که داره خود زنی می‌کنه سر رفتار اشتباهش.

boy who is allergic to موز

25 Dec, 08:21

مگه من مردم بزارم از چشمات اشک بیاد مامان؟

boy who is allergic to موز

24 Dec, 22:14

یکی باید منو از دست خودم نجات بده

boy who is allergic to موز

24 Dec, 22:12

مشکل من اینکه وقتی یه چیزیو خیلی می‌خوام و بهش میرسم دیگه دلم نمی‌خوادش و مثل زباله باهاش رفتار میکنم

boy who is allergic to موز

21 Nov, 06:09

تو این گرما بریم پیک‌نیک چایی داغ بخوریم 🔥

boy who is allergic to موز

21 Nov, 05:21

ای بابا من دوباره دهان شویه رو قورت دادم

boy who is allergic to موز

21 Nov, 04:40

صبح شده پر ستاره

boy who is allergic to موز

20 Nov, 17:20


boy who is allergic to موز

20 Nov, 17:20


boy who is allergic to موز

20 Nov, 17:19

معصومه اهنگای devices رو میشنوم احساس میکنم دارم باهات حرف میزنم

boy who is allergic to موز

20 Nov, 14:44

I think I'd like life a lot more if i was invisible

boy who is allergic to موز

04 Nov, 12:37

اب تبخیر میشه

boy who is allergic to موز

04 Nov, 12:32

به هر دوتاشون

boy who is allergic to موز

04 Nov, 12:31

تا جون دارید ریکت بدید 🙄

boy who is allergic to موز

04 Nov, 12:31


boy who is allergic to موز

04 Nov, 12:31


boy who is allergic to موز

04 Nov, 12:31


boy who is allergic to موز

04 Nov, 12:31


boy who is allergic to موز

04 Nov, 12:31

کص کص کص کس کث کوس کوص پوسی پوصیییی

boy who is allergic to موز

04 Nov, 12:30

آب بیارم؟☹️

boy who is allergic to موز

04 Nov, 12:25

مامان جان💞💞💞

boy who is allergic to موز

04 Nov, 12:22


boy who is allergic to موز

04 Nov, 12:22

داغ شدم

boy who is allergic to موز

04 Nov, 12:09

دکترش منم اگه پسند کردی میتونی بیایی پیش خودم وقت بگیری

boy who is allergic to موز

04 Nov, 12:07


boy who is allergic to موز

04 Nov, 12:07

کی وقت کردی بری پروتز کنی 😨

boy who is allergic to موز

04 Nov, 12:07


boy who is allergic to موز

29 Oct, 09:11

میدونی که “boys don’t cry “

boy who is allergic to موز

27 Oct, 20:08
فروارد میکنید لطفا پستو؟ تا فردا وقته

boy who is allergic to موز

27 Oct, 16:47

boy who is allergic to موز

27 Oct, 16:46

طرح تتو داری😍؟

boy who is allergic to موز

27 Oct, 16:46

دارم میگم اینجا این جمله قفله

boy who is allergic to موز

27 Oct, 16:45
سردهه سردد یخ میکنیی

boy who is allergic to موز

27 Oct, 16:45

غیرتش رو اینا میزنه بالا

boy who is allergic to موز

27 Oct, 16:44

به مردونگی دوستم بر خورد

boy who is allergic to موز

27 Oct, 16:44
حرف بدی زدم؟😦عذر میخوام ابجی😦

boy who is allergic to موز

27 Oct, 16:44
سر موتور یخ میکنی آبجی اول صبی

boy who is allergic to موز

27 Oct, 16:40

بیا صبح منو ببر مدرسه بهش فکر میکنم

boy who is allergic to موز

27 Oct, 16:40

رفیق لرِ موتورسوار نمیخوای؟🤭

boy who is allergic to موز

27 Oct, 16:32

بی تربیت فرسودم کردی