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07 Feb, 04:23

TH Delhi 7--2.pdf


07 Feb, 04:23

The Hindu Vocab – 07-02-2025

📌 1. Eradication (n.) (इरैडिकेशन) 🪓 [उन्मूलन]
Synonyms: elimination, extermination
Antonyms: preservation, retention
Mnemonic: जैसे किसान खेत से खरपतवार को पूरी तरह उखाड़ फेंकता है, वैसे ही उन्मूलन का मतलब किसी चीज़ को पूरी तरह समाप्त करना है।

📌 2. Hegemony (n.) (हेजेमनी) 👑 [प्रधानता]
Synonyms: dominance, supremacy
Antonyms: subordination, dependence
Mnemonic: राजा का अपने राज्य पर जो प्रभुत्व होता है, वही प्रमुखता का अर्थ है।

📌 3. Juxtaposing (v.) (जक्स्टपोज़िंग) 🔄 [सामने रखना]
Synonyms: comparing, placing side by side
Antonyms: separating, distancing
Mnemonic: जैसे एक तस्वीर में दो विपरीत रंगों को पास-पास रखा जाता है, वैसे ही जक्स्टपोज़िंग होता है।

📌 4. Ephemerality (n.) (एफीमरलिटी) [क्षणभंगुरता]
Synonyms: transience, fleetingness
Antonyms: permanence, endurance
Mnemonic: फूल की सुंदरता क्षणिक होती है, ठीक वैसे ही क्षणभंगुरता का अर्थ कुछ समय तक टिकने वाला होता है।

📌 5. Extermination (n.) (एक्सटर्मिनेशन) 💥 [नाश]
Synonyms: annihilation, destruction
Antonyms: conservation, preservation
Mnemonic: टिड्डियों का एक झुंड जब फसल बर्बाद करता है, तो यह नाश कहलाता है।

📌 6. Sovereignty (n.) (सॉवरिन्टी) 🏛️ [संप्रभुता]
Synonyms: autonomy, self-rule
Antonyms: subjugation, dependency
Mnemonic: एक राजा की तरह, जो अपने राज्य का स्वतंत्र शासक होता है, वह संप्रभु कहलाता है।

📌 7. Proprietary (adj.) (प्रोप्राइटरी) 🏢 [स्वामित्व संबंधी]
Synonyms: exclusive, owned
Antonyms: public, non-proprietary
Mnemonic: जैसे किसी कंपनी का एक निजी ब्रांड होता है, वैसे ही स्वामित्व संबंधी चीज़ें होती हैं।

📌 8. Megalomaniac (n.) (मेगालोमेनिएक) 🤴 [अहंकारी]
Synonyms: narcissist, egotist

📌 9. Denunciation (n.) (डेनन्सिएशन) 🚫 [निंदा]
Synonyms: condemnation, censure
Antonyms: praise, approval
Mnemonic: टीवी डिबेट्स में जब कोई नेता विरोधी पार्टी की निंदा करता है, तो वह इसी शब्द का उदाहरण है।

📌 10. Infraction (n.) (इन्फ्रैक्शन) ⚖️ [उल्लंघन]
Synonyms: violation, breach
Antonyms: compliance, obedience
Mnemonic: जब कोई ट्रैफिक नियम तोड़ता है, तो वह उल्लंघन कहलाता है।

📌 11. Catastrophe (n.) (कैटास्ट्रॉफी) 🌪️ [आपदा]
Synonyms: disaster, calamity
Antonyms: blessing, fortune
Mnemonic: भूकंप या सुनामी जैसी घटनाएँ, जो भारी नुकसान पहुँचाती हैं, वे आपदा कहलाती हैं।

📌 12. Riveting (adj.) (रिवेटिंग) 🎭 [मोहक]
Synonyms: captivating, engrossing
Antonyms: boring, uninteresting
Mnemonic: एक अच्छी फिल्म जो हमें सीट से उठने न दे, वही मोहक होती है।

📌 13. Depiction (n.) (डिपिक्शन) 🖼️ [चित्रण]
Synonyms: portrayal, representation
Antonyms: misrepresentation, distortion
Mnemonic: किसी पेंटिंग में गांव की सुंदरता को दिखाना, एक प्रकार का चित्रण है।

📌 14. Scrutiny (n.) (स्क्रूटिनी) 🔍 [सघन जांच]
Synonyms: examination, inspection
Antonyms: neglect, ignorance
Mnemonic: हवाई अड्डे पर कड़ी सुरक्षा जांच, सघन जांच का उदाहरण है।

📌 15. Contention (n.) (कंटेंशन) ⚔️ [विवाद]
Synonyms: dispute, argument
Antonyms: agreement, harmony
Mnemonic: एक कोर्ट केस में वकीलों के बीच जो बहस होती है, वही विवाद होता है।

📌 16. Displacement (n.) (डिस्प्लेसमेंट) 🚜 [विस्थापन]
Synonyms: expulsion, relocation
Antonyms: settlement, placement
Mnemonic: बाढ़ के कारण जब लोग अपने घर छोड़ने पर मजबूर होते हैं, तो इसे विस्थापन कहते हैं।

📌 17. Pervasiveness (n.) (पर्वेसिवनेस) 🌍 [व्यापकता]
Synonyms: omnipresence, ubiquity
Antonyms: rarity, scarcity
Mnemonic: इंटरनेट की पहुँच हर जगह है, यानी इसकी व्यापकता है।

📌 18. Impetus (n.) (इम्पेटस) 🚀 [प्रेरणा]
Synonyms: motivation, stimulus
Antonyms: deterrent, discouragement
Mnemonic: जब कोई प्रेरणादायक कहानी पढ़कर हम कुछ अच्छा करने के लिए प्रेरित होते हैं, तो उसे ही प्रेरणा कहते हैं।

📌 19. Undermining (v.) (अंडरमाइनिंग) 🔽 [कमज़ोर करना]
Synonyms: weakening, sabotaging
Antonyms: strengthening, supporting
Mnemonic: एक दीवार की नींव खोदना, उसे कमज़ोर करने के समान है।

📌 20. Allegiance (n.) (अलिजेंस) 🤝 [निष्ठा]
Synonyms: loyalty, devotion
Antonyms: betrayal, disloyalty
Mnemonic: एक सैनिक का अपने देश के प्रति जो समर्पण होता है, वह निष्ठा कहलाता है।


06 Feb, 14:05

A, B and C can do a piece of work in 20 days, 10 days and 15 days respectively. They all started the work together but after 2 days B left the work and A left the work 1.5 days before the completion of work. Find the time in which work gets completed.

(a) 7.5 days (b) 6⅔ days (c) 8 days
(d) 6.5 days (e) 9 days


06 Feb, 13:43

A and B together can do a piece of work in 18 days.B and C together can complete the same piece of work in 30 days. If A is 100% more efficient than C. find in how much time B can complete the work alone?
(a) 22.5 days (b) 45 days (c) 75 days
(d) 90 days (e) 120 days


06 Feb, 13:20

P can do a piece of work in 18 days. Q is 20% more efficient than P. Then in how many days ¾th of the work is completed when both are working simultaneously?


06 Feb, 13:17

Veer can do a work in x days.While Sameer can do the same work in (x+4) days. Ratio of work done by Veer in 3 days to work done by Sameer in 4 days is 15:16. Find the value of x
(a) 24 (b) 18 (c) 12
(d) 20 (e) 16


06 Feb, 07:02

TH Delhi 6--2.pdf


06 Feb, 06:22

📌 The Hindu Vocab

1️⃣ Deportation (n) (डी-पोर-टे-शन) 🚷 [निर्वासन]
🔹 Synonyms: Expulsion, Exile
🔹 Antonyms: Admission, Inclusion
🧠 Mnemonic: सरकार ने ग़ैरकानूनी प्रवासियों को देश से बाहर कर निर्वासन (Deportation) दिया।

2️⃣ Repatriation (n) (री-पै-ट्री-ए-शन) 🏡 [स्वदेश वापसी]
🔹 Synonyms: Return, Restoration
🔹 Antonyms: Exile, Banishment
🧠 Mnemonic: युद्ध के बाद सैनिकों की स्वदेश वापसी (Repatriation) हुई।

3️⃣ Enforcement (n) (एन-फोर्स-मेन्ट) ⚖️ [प्रवर्तन]
🔹 Synonyms: Implementation, Execution
🔹 Antonyms: Neglect, Violation
🧠 Mnemonic: नए नियमों का सख़्ती से प्रवर्तन (Enforcement) किया गया।

4️⃣ Undocumented (adj) (अन-डॉक्यू-में-टेड) 📜 [बिना दस्तावेज़]
🔹 Synonyms: Unregistered, Unrecorded
🔹 Antonyms: Registered, Certified
🧠 Mnemonic: बिना दस्तावेज़ (Undocumented) यात्रा करना अवैध है।

5️⃣ Crackdown (n) (क्रैक-डाउन) 🚔 [कार्रवाई]
🔹 Synonyms: Suppression, Repression
🔹 Antonyms: Encouragement, Support
🧠 Mnemonic: सरकार ने भ्रष्टाचारियों पर कार्रवाई (Crackdown) शुरू की।

6️⃣ Bilaterally (adv) (बाइ-लै-टर-ली) 🤝 [द्विपक्षीय रूप से]
🔹 Synonyms: Mutually, Cooperatively
🔹 Antonyms: Unilaterally, Independently
🧠 Mnemonic: भारत और अमेरिका ने द्विपक्षीय (Bilaterally) व्यापार समझौता किया।

7️⃣ Deterrent (n) (डि-टर-रेंट) [निवारक]
🔹 Synonyms: Hindrance, Obstacle
🔹 Antonyms: Incentive, Encouragement
🧠 Mnemonic: कड़े कानून अपराध के लिए निवारक (Deterrent) हैं।

8️⃣ Empathy (n) (एम-पे-थी) ❤️ [सहानुभूति]
🔹 Synonyms: Compassion, Understanding
🔹 Antonyms: Apathy, Indifference
🧠 Mnemonic: एक अच्छे नेता में सहानुभूति (Empathy) होनी चाहिए।

9️⃣ Stumbling (adj) (स्टम्ब-लिंग) 🤕 [लड़खड़ाता हुआ]
🔹 Synonyms: Faltering, Unsteady
🔹 Antonyms: Stable, Steady
🧠 Mnemonic: कमज़ोर अर्थव्यवस्था लड़खड़ाती (Stumbling) रहती है।

🔟 Buoyancy (n) (बॉय-एंसी) 📈 [उछाल]
🔹 Synonyms: Resilience, Elasticity
🔹 Antonyms: Rigidity, Stagnation
🧠 Mnemonic: बाजार में उछाल (Buoyancy) देखने को मिली।

1️⃣1️⃣ Clamour (n) (क्लै-मर) 🔊 [कोलाहल]
🔹 Synonyms: Uproar, Demand
🔹 Antonyms: Silence, Peace
🧠 Mnemonic: सड़क पर हंगामा और कोलाहल (Clamour) मच गया।

1️⃣2️⃣ Entrenched (adj) (एं-ट्रेंच्ड) 🏛️ [मजबूत रूप से स्थापित]
🔹 Synonyms: Deep-rooted, Established
🔹 Antonyms: Unstable, Weak
🧠 Mnemonic: संविधान में नागरिक अधिकार मजबूत रूप से स्थापित (Entrenched) हैं।

1️⃣3️⃣ Recession (n) (री-से-शन) 📉 [मंदी]
🔹 Synonyms: Downturn, Slump
🔹 Antonyms: Boom, Growth
🧠 Mnemonic: कोरोना महामारी के कारण आर्थिक मंदी (Recession) आई।

1️⃣4️⃣ Disposal (n) (डिस-पो-ज़ल) 🗑️ [निपटान]
🔹 Synonyms: Removal, Clearance
🔹 Antonyms: Retention, Collection
🧠 Mnemonic: कूड़ा-कचरे का सही निपटान (Disposal) ज़रूरी है।

1️⃣5️⃣ Fiscal (adj) (फिस-कल) 💰 [वित्तीय]
🔹 Synonyms: Financial, Economic
🔹 Antonyms: Non-financial
🧠 Mnemonic: सरकार ने वित्तीय (Fiscal) घाटे को कम करने का लक्ष्य रखा।

1️⃣6️⃣ Pine for (v) (पाइन फॉर) 😢 [तड़पना]
🔹 Synonyms: Yearn, Long for
🔹 Antonyms: Disregard, Neglect
🧠 Mnemonic: प्रवासी मज़दूर अपने घर के लिए तड़पते (Pine for) हैं।

1️⃣7️⃣ Tad (adv) (टैड) ☑️ [थोड़ा सा]
🔹 Synonyms: Slightly, A bit
🔹 Antonyms: Excessively, Greatly
🧠 Mnemonic: यह मुद्दा थोड़ा (Tad) जटिल है।

1️⃣8️⃣ Unenviable (adj) (अन-एन-वी-ए-बल) 🚫 [अवांछनीय]
🔹 Synonyms: Undesirable, Unpleasant
🔹 Antonyms: Coveted, Desirable
🧠 Mnemonic: बेरोजगारी की स्थिति अवांछनीय (Unenviable) है।

1️⃣9️⃣ Defer (v) (डी-फर) [स्थगित करना]
🔹 Synonyms: Postpone, Delay
🔹 Antonyms: Advance, Expedite
🧠 Mnemonic: बारिश के कारण मैच स्थगित (Defer) कर दिया गया।

2️⃣0️⃣ Disruptive (adj) (डिस-रप-टिव) [विघटनकारी]
🔹 Synonyms: Disturbing, Troubling
🔹 Antonyms: Constructive, Peaceful
🧠 Mnemonic: प्रदर्शनकारियों की विघटनकारी (Disruptive) गतिविधियों से यातायात बाधित हुआ।


04 Feb, 14:11

The Hindu Delhi Edition (04-02-2025)

📌 1. Punitive (Adj) (प्यूनिटिव) [दंडात्मक]

Synonyms: Disciplinary, Retaliatory
Antonyms: Rewarding, Beneficial
Mnemonic: प्यूनिटिव एक ऐसा कदम होता है जो दंड देने के लिए उठाया जाता है।

📌 2. Roiled (V) (रॉयल्ड) [व्याकुल करना]

Synonyms: Agitate, Disturb
Antonyms: Soothe, Calm
Mnemonic: जब पानी को जोर से हिलाते हैं तो वह गंदा हो जाता है, जैसे ही मन किसी परेशानी से रोयल्ड हो जाता है।

📌 3. Conciliatory (Adj) (कन्सिलिएटरी) [मिलाप कराने वाला]

Synonyms: Pacifying, Appeasing
Antonyms: Antagonistic, Provoking
Mnemonic: कन्सिलिएटरी बातों से झगड़े खत्म हो जाते हैं।

📌 4. Tariff (N) (टैरेफ) [सीमा शुल्क]

Synonyms: Duty, Levy
Antonyms: Exemption, Subsidy
Mnemonic: टैरेफ वह कर है जो आयातित वस्तुओं पर लगता है।

📌 5. Retaliatory (Adj) (रिटैलिएटरी) [प्रतिशोधात्मक]

Synonyms: Revengeful, Reprisal
Antonyms: Forgiving, Conciliatory
Mnemonic: रिटैलिएटरी प्रतिक्रिया का मतलब बदला लेना होता है।

📌 6. Modicum (N) (मॉडिकम) [अल्प मात्रा]

Synonyms: Bit, Small amount
Antonyms: Abundance, Excess
Mnemonic: मॉडिकम का मतलब किसी चीज़ की थोड़ी मात्रा।

📌 7. Repudiated (V) (रिपुडिएटेड) [अस्वीकार किया]

Synonyms: Rejected, Disowned
Antonyms: Accepted, Acknowledged
Mnemonic: रिपुडिएटेड का मतलब साफ इनकार कर देना।

📌 8. Inciting (V) (इनसाइटिंग) [उत्तेजित करना]

Synonyms: Provoking, Stirring
Antonyms: Suppressing, Calming
Mnemonic: इनसाइटिंग का मतलब किसी को उकसाना।

📌 9. Periphery (N) (पेरिफेरी) [सीमांत]

Synonyms: Edge, Border
Antonyms: Center, Core
Mnemonic: पेरिफेरी का अर्थ किसी चीज़ की सीमा होती है।

📌 10. Precarious (Adj) (प्रिकैरियस) [अनिश्चित]

Synonyms: Unstable, Risky
Antonyms: Secure, Safe
Mnemonic: प्रिकैरियस परिस्थितियाँ जोखिम से भरी होती हैं।

📌 11. Aghast (Adj) (अघास्ट) [हक्का-बक्का]

Synonyms: Shocked, Horrified
Antonyms: Unfazed, Unconcerned
Mnemonic: अचानक कुछ भयानक देखने पर व्यक्ति अघास्ट हो जाता है।

📌 12. Exonerate (V) (इग्ज़ॉनरेट) [निर्दोष साबित करना]

Synonyms: Absolve, Acquit
Antonyms: Convict, Blame
Mnemonic: इग्ज़ॉनरेट करना मतलब किसी को दोषमुक्त करना।

📌 13. Insidious (Adj) (इंसिडियस) [छिपा हुआ खतरा]

Synonyms: Deceptive, Treacherous
Antonyms: Honest, Harmless
Mnemonic: इंसिडियस खतरे चुपके-चुपके बढ़ते हैं।

📌 14. Recalcitrant (Adj) (रिकल्सिट्रेंट) [हठी]

Synonyms: Defiant, Uncooperative
Antonyms: Compliant, Obedient
Mnemonic: रिकल्सिट्रेंट व्यक्ति आसानी से नियमों का पालन नहीं करता।

📌 15. Ubiquitous (Adj) (यूबिक्विटस) [सर्वव्यापी]

Synonyms: Omnipresent, Universal
Antonyms: Rare, Scarce
Mnemonic: यूबिक्विटस चीज़ें हर जगह पाई जाती हैं।

📌 16. Ephemeral (Adj) (इफेमरल) [क्षणभंगुर]

Synonyms: Short-lived, Temporary
Antonyms: Permanent, Enduring
Mnemonic: इफेमरल चीजें बहुत कम समय के लिए होती हैं।

📌 17. Cacophony (N) (कैकोफनी) [कर्णकटु ध्वनि]

Synonyms: Noise, Dissonance
Antonyms: Melody, Harmony
Mnemonic: कैकोफनी का अर्थ बहुत ज्यादा शोर-शराबा।

📌 18. Deleterious (Adj) (डेलिटीरियस) [हानिकारक]

Synonyms: Harmful, Detrimental
Antonyms: Beneficial, Harmless
Mnemonic: डेलिटीरियस चीजें सेहत के लिए खराब होती हैं।

📌 19. Nefarious (Adj) (नेफेरियस) [दुष्ट]

Synonyms: Wicked, Evil
Antonyms: Noble, Honorable
Mnemonic: नेफेरियस लोगों की योजनाएँ बुरी होती हैं।

📌 20. Ostentatious (Adj) (ऑस्टेंटेशियस) [आडंबरपूर्ण]

Synonyms: Showy, Pretentious
Antonyms: Modest, Simple
Mnemonic: ऑस्टेंटेशियस व्यक्ति दिखावे को बहुत पसंद करता है।


04 Feb, 14:11

A and B together can complete a piece of work in 12 days, B and C together can complete a piece of work in 16 days, A and C together can complete a piece of work in 24 days. Find the number of days in which A, B and C together can complete thrice of the work.


04 Feb, 13:53

A can complete three-fifth of the work in 6 days and B can complete the two-seventh of the same work in 4 days. Then in how many days A and B together complete the work?

a. 6¾days b. 4⅞days c. 5⅚days d. 6½days e. None of these


04 Feb, 04:54



30 Jan, 14:50

Montu and Shivani got married 12 years ago and at that time ratio of their ages was 5:4. Ratio of present age of Montu and Shivani is 7:6. After marriage they had seven children including a triplet and a twin. The ratio of present age of triplet, twin, sixth and the seventh child is 4:3:2:1. Find the largest possible value of the present total age of the family.


30 Jan, 14:40

Suresh was married 14 yrs ago and his present age is 3/2 times of the age at the time of his marriage. If his son’s age is ⅓rd of his present age, then find the age of his son.

(a) 16 yrs (b) 18 yrs (c) 14 yrs
(d) 12 yrs (e) 20 yrs


30 Jan, 14:27

My sister was born 26 yrs after my mother was born & I was born 28 yrs after my father was born. The present average age of my family is 32½ yrs. After 3 yrs from now my sister will get married and will leave the
family, then average age of family will become 41 yrs. What is the present age of my mother?(in yrs)

(a) 40 (b)50 (c) 45
(d)41 (e)42


30 Jan, 14:09

Sweta and Neha profess to tell their present ages as 25 and 20 years respectively(Not original age). Ratio of their original ages 5 year ago is 5:4. Sum of ages of both 5 years hence is 400/9% more than the sum of present ages of both professed by them. Find the sum of their present original age

(a) 25 (b) 35 (c) 55
(d) 40 (e) 50


30 Jan, 13:48

4 years ago, ratio of Shivam’s age to Deepak’s age was 2: 3 and ratio of Shivam’s age 4 years ago to Deepak’s age 5 years hence is 8:15. Find present age of Shivam.

(a) 32 years (b) 28 years (c) 40 years
(d) 24 years (e) 36 years


30 Jan, 13:46

Amit’s present age is 75% of Binny’s present age where as present age of Chintu is ⅝𝑡ℎ of Binny’s present age. If difference between difference of Chintu and Binny age and difference of Binny and Amit age is 6 yrs then find the average of their age two years later?

(a) 44 years (b) 42 years (c) 36 years
(d) 40 years (e) 38 years


30 Jan, 13:27

At present, Suresh is six times his son’s age. 13 years from now, the ratio of ages of Suresh and his son will be 11:4 respectively. Find Suresh’s present age ?

(a) 36 yrs (b) 48 yrs (c) 30 yrs
(d) 42 yrs (e) None of these


30 Jan, 13:18

The present age of a son is one- third of that of his father and 4 yrs hence, the ratio of ages of the father and the son is 5:2, then find the father’s age 3 yrs ago ?

(a) 36 yrs (b) 33 yrs (c) 39 yrs
(d) 30 yrs (e) 27 yrs


30 Jan, 13:06

Shivam’s age is 4/5th of Avinash’s age while age of Avinash after 5 years will be equal to twice the present age of Pradeep. If the sum of ages of all three is 37 yrs. Find the present age (in years) of Shivam.

(a) 15 (b) 10 (c) 12
(d) 17 (e) 20


30 Jan, 07:12

RRB :: Log In


30 Jan, 07:12

Railway group d application form link.


30 Jan, 04:09

📌 1. Dubious (Adj) (ड्यू-बि-अस) [संदेहास्पद]
Synonyms: suspicious, doubtful
Antonyms: certain, trustworthy
Mnemonic: ड्यू (due) डेट पर पैसा न मिले तो संदेहास्पद लगता है।

📌 2. Barricade (N/V) (बै-रि-केड) [बाधा/रुकावट]
Synonyms: barrier, obstruction
Antonyms: passage, opening
Mnemonic: "बैरिकेड" लगा हो तो रास्ता बंद हो जाता है।

📌 3. Opacity (N) (ओ-पै-सिटी) [अस्पष्टता]
Synonyms: ambiguity, obscurity
Antonyms: clarity, transparency
Mnemonic: ओपेक (OPEC) देशों की नीतियां अस्पष्ट होती हैं।

📌 4. Disruptions (N) (डिस-रप-शन्स) [बाधाएं]
Synonyms: disturbances, interruptions
Antonyms: order, continuity
Mnemonic: "डिस्कशन" के बीच कोई टोक दे तो बाधा होती है।

📌 5. Reckoning (N) (रेक-निंग) [गणना/अनुमान]
Synonyms: calculation, estimation
Antonyms: ignorance, miscalculation
Mnemonic: "रेक" करने से मिट्टी का अनुमान होता है।

📌 6. Predicament (N) (प्री-डि-का-मेंट) [मुश्किल स्थिति]
Synonyms: dilemma, hardship
Antonyms: advantage, ease
Mnemonic: "प्रिडिक्ट" न कर पाने से मुश्किलें बढ़ती हैं।

📌 7. Obduracy (N) (ऑब-ड्यूर-सी) [हठधर्मिता]
Synonyms: stubbornness, inflexibility
Antonyms: flexibility, compliance
Mnemonic: ऑब (ob) "ड्यूरेबल" चीज़ें हठी होती हैं।

📌 8. Stringent (Adj) (स्ट्रिन्जेंट) [कठोर]
Synonyms: strict, severe
Antonyms: lenient, flexible
Mnemonic: "स्ट्रिंग" (string) टाइट होगी तो कठोर लगेगी।

📌 9. Eradicate (V) (इ-रा-डि-केट) [समाप्त करना]
Synonyms: eliminate, exterminate
Antonyms: establish, preserve
Mnemonic: "ई-रेड" का मतलब हटाना होता है।

📌 10. Exodus (N) (एग्ज़ो-डस) [निष्क्रमण]
Synonyms: migration, departure
Antonyms: arrival, influx
Mnemonic: "एग्ज़िट" करने पर भीड़ का निष्क्रमण होता है।

📌 11. Maneuver (N/V) (म-नू-वेर) [चालाकी/रणनीति]
Synonyms: strategy, tactic
Antonyms: inaction, ignorance
Mnemonic: "मैन" + "ऊवर" = इंसान चालाकी से ऊपर जाता है।

📌 12. Vigil (N) (विजिल) [सतर्कता]
Synonyms: watchfulness, alertness
Antonyms: negligence, ignorance
Mnemonic: "वीडियो" देखकर सतर्कता बढ़ती है।

📌 13. Futility (N) (फ्यू-टि-लिटी) [निरर्थकता]
Synonyms: uselessness, pointlessness
Antonyms: usefulness, effectiveness
Mnemonic: "फ्यूचर" की चिंता करना निरर्थक है।

📌 14. Disenchantment (N) (डिस-एन-चान्ट-मेंट) [मोहभंग]
Synonyms: disappointment, disillusionment
Antonyms: enchantment, fascination
Mnemonic: "चमत्कार" न होने से मोहभंग होता है।

📌 15. Repercussions (N) (री-पर-कशन्स) [परिणाम]
Synonyms: consequences, effects
Antonyms: cause, origin
Mnemonic: "रीप्ले" करने से परिणाम देखने को मिलता है।

📌 16. Dissonance (N) (डिस-ओ-नेंस) [असंगति]
Synonyms: discord, disagreement
Antonyms: harmony, agreement
Mnemonic: "सोन" (son) के विचार माता-पिता से अलग हों तो असंगति होती है।

📌 17. Resilience (N) (रि-ज़िलिएन्स) [लचीलापन]
Synonyms: toughness, adaptability
Antonyms: rigidity, fragility
Mnemonic: "रिजल्ट" खराब हो फिर भी मेहनत करने वाला लचीला होता है।

📌 18. Staggering (Adj) (स्टै-गर-िंग) [अद्भुत/अवाक कर देने वाला]
Synonyms: astonishing, overwhelming
Antonyms: ordinary, unimpressive
Mnemonic: "स्टेज" पर अद्भुत प्रदर्शन अवाक कर देता है।

📌 19. Adversity (N) (एड-वर्स-टी) [विपत्ति]
Synonyms: hardship, misfortune
Antonyms: prosperity, ease
Mnemonic: "एडवांस" करने के लिए विपत्तियों से लड़ना पड़ता है।

📌 20. Discrepancy (N) (डिस-क्रे-पेंसी) [असमानता]
Synonyms: inconsistency, variation
Antonyms: similarity, agreement
Mnemonic: "डिस्क" में खराबी हो तो असमानता आती है।


20 Jan, 04:35

📌 1. Ceasefire (noun) (ˈsiːs.faɪər) [विराम]
Synonyms: Armistice, truce
Antonyms: Hostility, combat
Mnemonic: "Cease" means to stop; think of stopping fire in war.
📌 2. Hostilities (noun) (hɒˈstɪl.ɪ.tiːz) [शत्रुता]
Synonyms: Conflict, aggression
Antonyms: Peace, amity
Mnemonic: Hostile sounds like "host enemy".
📌 3. Insurgency (noun) (ɪnˈsɜː.dʒən.si) [विद्रोह]
Synonyms: Rebellion, uprising
Antonyms: Compliance, submission
Mnemonic: "Surge" indicates a rise, so insurgency is a rising against authority.
📌 4. Militant (adjective/noun) (ˈmɪl.ɪ.tənt) [आक्रामक]
Synonyms: Aggressive, combative
Antonyms: Passive, peaceful
Mnemonic: Think of military as militant in behavior.
📌 5. Pragmatic (adjective) (præɡˈmæt.ɪk) [व्यावहारिक]
Synonyms: Practical, realistic
Antonyms: Idealistic, theoretical
Mnemonic: "Practical minds go pragmatic."
📌 6. Mediation (noun) (ˌmiː.diˈeɪ.ʃən) [मध्यस्थता]
Synonyms: Arbitration, negotiation
Antonyms: Provocation, discord
Mnemonic: Mediation helps to mediate conflicts.
📌 7. Withdrawal (noun) (wɪðˈdrɔː.əl) [वापसी]
Synonyms: Retraction, retreat
Antonyms: Advance, approach
Mnemonic: "Draw back" to understand withdrawal.
📌 8. Reconstruction (noun) (ˌriː.kənˈstrʌk.ʃən) [पुनर्निर्माण]
Synonyms: Renovation, restoration
Antonyms: Destruction, demolition
Mnemonic: "Re" means again and "construction" means building.
📌 9. Infrastructure (noun) (ˈɪn.frəˌstrʌk.tʃər) [बुनियादी ढाँचा]
Synonyms: Foundation, framework
Antonyms: Ruin, disorganization
Mnemonic: Infrastructure is the structure that supports.
📌 10. Negotiation (noun) (nɪˌɡoʊ.ʃiˈeɪ.ʃən) [वार्ता]
Synonyms: Discussion, compromise
Antonyms: Stalemate, deadlock
Mnemonic: Negotiating involves talking and trading.


19 Jan, 04:11

📌 1. Empowerment (n.) (ɪmˈpaʊərmənt) [सशक्तिकरण]
Synonyms: Enablement, authorization
Antonyms: Weakening, disempowerment
Mnemonic: सशक्त शब्द से याद रखें, इसका मतलब शक्ति देना है।

📌 2. Traumatic (adj.) (trɔːˈmætɪk) [सदमे से संबंधित]
Synonyms: Distressing, harrowing
Antonyms: Comforting, calming
Mnemonic: ट्रामा से याद करें, जो मानसिक सदमा देता है।

📌 3. Cognition (n.) (kɒɡˈnɪʃən) [ज्ञान]
Synonyms: Understanding, perception
Antonyms: Ignorance, unawareness
Mnemonic: ज्ञान और पहचान से संबंधित।

📌 4. Intervene (v.) (ˌɪntərˈviːn) [हस्तक्षेप करना]
Synonyms: Mediate, intercede
Antonyms: Ignore, avoid
Mnemonic: बीच में प्रवेश करके हस्तक्षेप करना।

📌 5. Empower (v.) (ɪmˈpaʊər) [सशक्त बनाना]
Synonyms: Authorize, enable
Antonyms: Oppress, subdue
Mnemonic: किसी को शक्ति प्रदान करना।

📌 6. Pivotal (adj.) (ˈpɪvətl) [महत्त्वपूर्ण]
Synonyms: Crucial, essential
Antonyms: Insignificant, trivial
Mnemonic: किसी महत्वपूर्ण स्थिति का आधार।

📌 7. Articulate (adj.) (ɑːrˈtɪkjʊlɪt) [स्पष्ट और सुसंगत]
Synonyms: Expressive, coherent
Antonyms: Mumbled, unclear
Mnemonic: स्पष्टता से बात करना।

📌 8. Resilient (adj.) (rɪˈzɪliənt) [लचीला]
Synonyms: Flexible, strong
Antonyms: Rigid, weak
Mnemonic: लचीलापन जो कठिनाई में टिके।

📌 9. Advocate (v.) (ˈædvəkeɪt) [समर्थन करना]
Synonyms: Support, promote
Antonyms: Oppose, criticize
Mnemonic: समर्थन के लिए बात करना।

📌 10. Mitigate (v.) (ˈmɪtɪɡeɪt) [कम करना]
Synonyms: Alleviate, reduce
Antonyms: Aggravate, intensify
Mnemonic: किसी समस्या को हल्का करना।

📌 11. Intrinsic (adj.) (ɪnˈtrɪnsɪk) [अंतर्निहित]
Synonyms: Inherent, innate
Antonyms: Extrinsic, external
Mnemonic: अंदर से जुड़ी हुई चीज।

📌 12. Impediment (n.) (ɪmˈpɛdɪmənt) [बाधा]
Synonyms: Obstacle, hindrance
Antonyms: Assistance, support
Mnemonic: बाधा जो प्रगति को रोकती है।

📌 13. Alleviate (v.) (əˈliːvieɪt) [कम करना]
Synonyms: Relieve, ease
Antonyms: Exacerbate, worsen
Mnemonic: दर्द को कम करना।

📌 14. Ambiguous (adj.) (æmˈbɪɡjuəs) [अस्पष्ट]
Synonyms: Vague, unclear
Antonyms: Clear, explicit
Mnemonic: जब अर्थ स्पष्ट न हो।

📌 15. Precedent (n.) (ˈprɛsɪdənt) [नजीर]
Synonyms: Example, model
Antonyms: Successor, follower
Mnemonic: पहले से तय किया हुआ उदाहरण।

📌 16. Proliferate (v.) (prəˈlɪfəreɪt) [तेजी से फैलना]
Synonyms: Multiply, spread
Antonyms: Diminish, decrease
Mnemonic: तेजी से बढ़ने की प्रक्रिया।

📌 17. Implication (n.) (ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃən) [संकेत]
Synonyms: Suggestion, inference
Antonyms: Explicitness, certainty
Mnemonic: संकेतित बात जो सीधे न कही जाए।

📌 18. Consensus (n.) (kənˈsɛnsəs) [सहमति]
Synonyms: Agreement, unity
Antonyms: Disagreement, conflict
Mnemonic: जब सभी सहमत हों।

📌 19. Detrimental (adj.) (ˌdɛtrɪˈmɛntl) [हानिकारक]
Synonyms: Harmful, damaging
Antonyms: Beneficial, advantageous
Mnemonic: जो नुकसान पहुंचाने वाला हो।

📌 20. Perception (n.) (pəˈsɛpʃən) [धारणा]
Synonyms: Awareness, understanding
Antonyms: Ignorance, blindness
Mnemonic: दृष्टिकोण जो देखने पर बने।


18 Jan, 03:32

Daily The Hindu Vocabulary | 17.01.2025

1. RENEGE (VERB): (छोड़ना): go back on
Synonyms: break, back out of
Antonyms: keep
Example Sentence:If you renege on the deal now, I'll fight you in the courts.

2. PRESUMPTUOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अक्खड़): brazen
Synonyms: overconfident, arrogant
Antonyms: timid
Example Sentence:The man seemed too presumptuous to be a humble leader for the nation.

3. DETER (VERB): (रोकना): prevent
Synonyms: stop, put a stop to
Antonyms: encourage
Example Sentence:Strategists think about how to deter war, and also how war might occur.

4. RETREAT (VERB): (पीछे हटना): retire
Synonyms: withdraw, draw back
Antonyms: advance
Example Sentence:The French retreated in disarray.

5. MOUNT (VERB): (चढ़ना): go up
Synonyms: ascend, climb
Antonyms: descend
Example Sentence:He mounted the steps.

6. CONFRONT (VERB): (मुक़ाबला करना): tackle
Synonyms: get to grips with, address
Antonyms: avoid
Example Sentence:The best thing you can do in an embarrassing situation is to confront it.

7. FABLED (ADJECTIVE): (कल्पित): legendary
Synonyms: mythical, mythic
Antonyms: real
Example Sentence:The movie mentioned the fabled Arendelle kingdom.

8. PROTRACT (VERB): (लम्बा करना): prolong
Synonyms: extend, draw out
Antonyms: curtail
Example Sentence:He had certainly taken his time, even protracting the process.

9. CONGRUENCE (NOUN): (अनुरूपता): compatibility
Synonyms: consistency, conformity
Antonyms: conflict
Example Sentence:The results show quite good congruence with recent studies.

10. BLATANT (ADJECTIVE): (प्रबल): flagrant
Synonyms: glaring, obvious
Antonyms: inconspicuous
Example Sentence:The blatant defiance was so sweetly uttered, he didn't know how to respond.


16 Jan, 09:16



16 Jan, 09:16



09 Jan, 11:28

polity cmat exam..pdf


09 Jan, 11:28

Polity cmat exam


08 Jan, 14:17

DECEMBER 2024 2nd week Details(Eng) by AC.pdf


08 Jan, 14:17

DECEMBER 2024 3rd week Details(Eng) by AC.pdf


08 Jan, 14:16

DECEMBER 2024 Pocket(Eng) by Affairscloud.pdf


08 Jan, 14:16

1. SPUR (NOUN): (प्रोत्साहन): stimulus 
Synonyms: incentive encouragement 
Antonyms: diincentive 
Example Sentence: Wars act as a spur to practical invention. 

2. LEVY (VERB): (भर्ती करना): conscript 
Synonyms: call up, enlist 
Antonyms: demobilize 
Example Sentence: I sought to levy one man for service. 

3. HOSPITALITY (NOUN): (सत्कार): friendliness 
Synonyms: welcome, helpfulness 
Antonyms: unfriendliness 
Example Sentence: Scotland is renowned for its hospitality. 

4. SLENDER (ADJECTIVE): (अल्प): meagre 
Synonyms: limited, slight 
Antonyms: considerable 
Example Sentence: I helped people of slender means.

5. DIFFERENTIAL (NOUN): (अंतर): difference 
Synonyms: gap, gulf 
Antonyms: uniformity 
Example Sentence: The differential between petrol and diesel prices is remarkable. 

6. DISCONCERTING (ADJECTIVE): (चिंताजनक): unsettling 
Synonyms: unnerving, discomfiting 
Antonyms: reassuring 
Example Sentence: He had a disconcerting habit of offering jobs to people he met at dinner parties. 

7. STRINGENT (ADJECTIVE): (सख़्त): strict 
Synonyms: firm, rigid 
Antonyms: lenient 
Example Sentence: Stringent guidelines on air pollution need to be used. 

8. UNDYING (ADJECTIVE): (चिरजीवी): abiding 
Synonyms: lasting, enduring 
Antonyms: transient 
Example Sentence: His only saving grace is his undying belief in the melodramatic. 

9 ANOMALY (NOUN): (विषमता): oddity 
Synonyms: peculiarity, abnormality 
Antonyms: regularity 
Example Sentence: There are a number of anomalies in the present system. 

10. PATENT (ADJECTIVE): (स्पष्ट): obvious 
Synonyms: clear, plain 
Antonyms: unobtrusive 
Example Sentence: She was smiling with patent insincerity.


08 Jan, 14:16

DECEMBER 2024 4th week Details(Eng) by AC.pdf


04 Jan, 14:54

Share with your friends and family….
Through what’s app status, insta or ur group…


04 Jan, 14:47



04 Jan, 14:47



04 Jan, 14:45



06 Dec, 15:04

Calendar of SSC 2025-2026


06 Dec, 10:36

Who likes whisk ?


06 Dec, 04:41



26 Nov, 10:55

The difference between CI & SI on Rs. 700 in 2 years at 5% per annum is:

(a) Rs. 10 (b) Rs. 5 (c) Rs. 1
(d) Rs. 2.5 (e) Rs. 1.75


20 Nov, 12:54



20 Nov, 05:25

Cmat ka form bhar dijiye aap sabhi log


20 Nov, 05:24



20 Nov, 04:46

The average weight of 22 students in a school is 45 kg. If two new students whose weight is x kg and (x+4) kg joined the school, the avg become 46 kg. Find the average weight of two new students.

a) 65 kg b) 56kg c) 85 kg d) 48 kg
e) None of these

Q.The total cost price of the mobile and the cover is Rs.10000. Mobile is sold at 25% profit and cover is sold at 15% loss and the overall profit earned on it is Rs.100. Find the difference between the cost price of the mobile and the cover.

a)2500 b)2000 c)3000 d)3580 e) none of these


19 Nov, 14:25

kkinfo pinned «Kal se upcoming exams ke liye ek special batch start ki jaa rhi hai (06:30PM to 08:30 PM) Toh pehle 1 week demo classes chalenge toh kindly apne sabhi jaanane walo ko inform kare ki wo demo classes attend kare MAHENDRA'S RAJKOT BRANCH»


19 Nov, 14:25

Kal se upcoming exams ke liye ek special batch start ki jaa rhi hai (06:30PM to 08:30 PM)
Toh pehle 1 week demo classes chalenge toh kindly apne sabhi jaanane walo ko inform kare ki wo demo classes attend kare



16 Nov, 14:38

kkinfo pinned «Three streams arts science commerce are offered in three colleges A B & C. (1). There are 1750 students in college A. The number of Commerce in college A is 400 more than that of in Science in college A . The ratio of the number of students in college in…»


16 Nov, 14:09

Aap ya aap ke janne m koi cat ka mock free m dena chahta h toh kal 10 baje apne branch p h


9104252526 p whats app msg kar de


12 Nov, 06:16



11 Nov, 19:01

Aap sabhi log abhi online interview ka mock 3 days wala de dijiye head office se

Offline interview bhi hum karane wale h apne rajkot branch p so bahot pareshan nahi hona h


11 Nov, 10:53

What is the difference of the Interest paid by a borrower when he borrowed Rs 80000 from ICICI and Axis both to that from SBI and HDFC after 2 years ?

(a) Rs 6080 (b) Rs 7650 (c) Rs 6400 (d) Rs 5040 (e) None of these


11 Nov, 10:36

1.A man took loan from ICICI and HDFC loan offers in the ratio of 6:5 respectively.If he pay total Rs14640 as interest at the end of 2 yr. Then find the total amount he borrowed.
(a) 50000 (b) 110000
(c) 60000 (d) 90000 (e) NOT

2.A man borrowed loan from SBI and Yes bank. At the end of 3 yrs he pays interest 6720 Rs to both bank equally. Then find difference of amount borrowed by him?
(a) 8000 (b) 4000 (c) 8000 (d) 5000 (e) NOT

3.If loan borrowed from PNB and SBI is same then what is the ratio of amount paid at the end of 3 yrs to banks.
(a) 310:291 (b) 313:301
(c) 310:298 (d) 313:297 (e) 313:298


11 Nov, 04:36

What is the position of A with respect to C ?


09 Nov, 06:03

Two trains cross each other in 7 sec while moving in opposite direction and takes 35 sec while moving in same direction. If speed of slower train is 20 m/sec,then find sum of length of both trains?

(a) 350 m (b) 400 m (c) 250 m
(d) 200 m (e) 550 m


08 Nov, 17:33



08 Nov, 17:33



08 Nov, 14:24

kkinfo pinned «Length of rectangle A is 1.25 times of its width and area of rectangle A is 1280 cm². If width of rectangle A is equal to side of equilateral triangle, then find the perimeter of triangle. (a) 72m (b) 66m (c) 84m (d) 96m (e) 60m»


29 Oct, 07:17


# sweet distribution @ BRANCH


28 Oct, 11:34

kkinfo pinned «The time take by a boat in upstream is double than the time taken by it in downstream,but distance covered by it in upstream is only 75% of distance covered by it in downstream.Find the ratio of speed of boat in still water to speed of current. (a) 5:11…»


28 Oct, 11:30

A man rows to a place 35 km in distant and back in 10 hrs 30 min. He found that he could row 5 km with the stream in the same time as he can row 4 km against the stream. Find the rate of flow of the stream.

(1) 1 km/hr (2) 0.5 km/hr
(3) 0.75 km/hr (4) 1.5 km/hr


26 Oct, 14:08

kkinfo pinned «A box contains red, blue and green pens in it. The probability of getting a red pen is 1/3.While the probability of getting a blue pen is 1/4.If total number of pens in the box is 60, then find the probability of getting a green pen? a) 7/30 b) 4/25 c)…»


25 Oct, 12:19

Two trains cross each other in 7 sec while moving in opposite direction and takes 35 sec while moving in same direction. If speed of slower train is 20 m/sec,then find sum of length of both trains?

(a) 350 m (b) 400 m (c) 250 m
(d) 200 m (e) 550 m


23 Oct, 15:53

Kal se dono time mein new batch start ho rahe hai...



23 Oct, 15:53

Jin bhi students ne Railways ke upcoming exam ke liye apply kiya hai
(Chahe Green Card/simple card/silver card/green plus card ke ho)

Wo kal 6:30 mein bhi aa sakte hai

Aur 7:30 Wale batch mein bhi aa sakte hai


23 Oct, 15:33

Railway ka 12th pass wala form aap sabhi jald se jald bhar dijiye
Don't wait for last date….


23 Oct, 15:32



23 Oct, 03:27

kkinfo pinned «The diagonal of a square is 4√2 units. The diagonal of another square whose area is double that of the first square is.(in units)»


22 Oct, 15:49

kkinfo pinned «Kal se Railways ke upcoming exams ke liye ek special batch start ki jaa rhi hai (06:30 to 08:30 PM) Toh pehle 1 week demo classes chalenge toh kindly apne sabhi jaanane walo ko inform kare ki wo classes attend kare MAHENDRA'S RAJKOT BRANCH»


22 Oct, 15:49

Kal se Railways ke upcoming exams ke liye ek special batch start ki jaa rhi hai (06:30 to 08:30 PM)
Toh pehle 1 week demo classes chalenge toh kindly apne sabhi jaanane walo ko inform kare ki wo classes attend kare



22 Oct, 14:26



22 Oct, 14:26