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اما لبخند زدم🌚
“ @kingloverrr “
Welcome to the 'تکست و بیو انگلیسی' Telegram channel, managed by the user @kingloverrr. This channel is dedicated to sharing powerful and thought-provoking words that your mind and heart need to hear. With a focus on change and personal growth, the content in this channel will challenge your perspectives and inspire you to become the best version of yourself. The messages shared here are meant to ignite a spark within you, guiding you towards a path of self-discovery and empowerment. Join us on this journey of transformation and let the words we share resonate with your soul. Feel free to share your feedback, suggestions, and thoughts with us at @Reed_Queenn. Together, let's create a community of individuals who strive for positivity and growth. Embrace the power of words and let them guide you towards a brighter tomorrow. Join 'تکست و بیو انگلیسی' today and embark on a journey of self-improvement and enlightenment. Your mind and heart will thank you!
04 Feb, 10:28
04 Feb, 10:26
29 Jan, 20:17
29 Jan, 20:17
12 Jan, 13:14
12 Jan, 13:14
12 Jan, 13:11
06 Jan, 10:39
24 Dec, 13:08
16 Dec, 08:34
16 Dec, 08:32
15 Dec, 22:21
15 Dec, 22:20
04 Dec, 12:13
03 Dec, 23:19
03 Dec, 23:18
23 Nov, 07:21
18 Nov, 08:22
17 Nov, 20:30
05 Nov, 12:09
05 Nov, 12:09
05 Nov, 12:08
12 Oct, 22:15
12 Oct, 22:12
12 Oct, 22:12
11 Oct, 21:42
11 Oct, 15:52
07 Oct, 10:15
21 Sep, 18:18
21 Sep, 18:18
21 Sep, 18:17
21 Sep, 18:17
10 Sep, 18:03
10 Sep, 09:41
09 Sep, 21:06