GRD is a Telegram channel created by the user @kbac5, dedicated to providing daily updates on the latest trends in the gaming world. Whether you're a casual gamer or a hardcore enthusiast, this channel is your go-to source for news, reviews, and tips on all things gaming. With regular posts covering a wide range of topics such as new game releases, industry updates, and gameplay strategies, GRD is the ultimate destination for staying informed and connected with the gaming community. Join us today and level up your gaming experience with GRD!
13 Feb, 15:15
20 Jan, 13:17
20 Jan, 13:14
14 Jan, 15:45
14 Jan, 14:18
11 Jan, 13:41
07 Jan, 17:19
26 Dec, 15:14
25 Dec, 15:13
25 Dec, 15:11
04 Dec, 12:31
21 Nov, 13:34
21 Nov, 13:28
17 Oct, 15:05
12 Jun, 16:17
20 Apr, 19:02
16 Apr, 13:30