Education Tree Kamal Chauke @kamalchauke13 Channel on Telegram

Education Tree Kamal Chauke


Punjab's best defence exam Academy
#Army#Army GD # Army Clerk # Army Tech#Airforce# Navy # Delhi Police # Police

Education Tree Kamal Chauke (English)

Are you looking to excel in defence exams and kickstart a rewarding career in the armed forces? Look no further than Education Tree Kamal Chauke, Punjab's best defence exam Academy. Led by renowned educator Kamal Chauke, this Telegram channel is dedicated to helping aspiring individuals prepare for exams such as Army, Army GD, Army Clerk, Army Tech, Airforce, Navy, Delhi Police, and Police. With a focus on providing top-notch study materials, mock tests, and expert guidance, Education Tree Kamal Chauke is the go-to destination for anyone serious about achieving success in defence exams. Join the channel today and take the first step towards realizing your dream of serving your country with pride and honour!

Education Tree Kamal Chauke

24 Jan, 04:37

Education Tree Kamal Chauke

17 Jan, 13:10

Education Tree Kamal Chauke

26 Sep, 13:56

Education Tree Kamal Chauke

25 Sep, 12:12

Education Tree Kamal Chauke

14 Sep, 03:07

Education Tree Kamal Chauke

08 Aug, 12:31

Education Tree Kamal Chauke

01 Aug, 02:23

Education Tree Kamal Chauke

29 Jul, 02:09

Education Tree Kamal Chauke

24 Jul, 01:03

Education Tree Kamal Chauke

23 Jul, 04:55

*✍️कोशिकीय अंग और उनके खोजकर्ता (Cellular Organelles and Their Discoverers)*

*1. केंद्रक (Nucleus)*
- खोजकर्ता: रॉबर्ट ब्राउन (Robert Brown)

*2. क्लोरोप्लास्ट (Chloroplast)*
- खोजकर्ता: शिंपेर (Sachs)

*3. तारककाय (Centrosome)*
- खोजकर्ता: बोवेरी (Boveri)

*4. गॉल्जीकाय (Golgi Apparatus)*
- खोजकर्ता: जार्ज गॉल्जी (George Golgi)

*5. माइटोकोण्ड्रिया (Mitochondria)*
- खोजकर्ता: अल्टमैन (Altmann)

*6. स्फ़ेरोसोम (Spherosome)*
- खोजकर्ता: पर्नर (Panner)

*7. क्रोमेटिन (Chromatin)*
- खोजकर्ता: फ्लेमिंग (Fleming)

*8. केंद्रिका (Nucleolus)*
- खोजकर्ता: फोंटाना (Fontana)

*9. क्रोमोसोम (Chromosome)*
- खोजकर्ता: हॉफमिश्चर (Hoffmeister)

*10. अन्तःद्रव्यजालिका (Endoplasmic Reticulum)*
- खोजकर्ता: पोर्टर (Porter)

*11. लाइसोसोंम (Lysosome)*
- खोजकर्ता: सी. डी. दुबे (C. D. Dube)

*12. राइबोसोम (Ribosome)*
- खोजकर्ता: पेल्ड (Palade)

*13. जीवद्रव्य (Cytoplasm)*
- खोजकर्ता: दुजार्डिन (Dujardin)

*14. केंद्रक कला (Nuclear Membrane)*
- खोजकर्ता: हर्टविग (Hertwig)

Education Tree Kamal Chauke

22 Jul, 12:31

🍁 भारत के प्रमुख नगरों के संस्थापक 🍁

1. कोलकाता - जॉब चारनाक
2. मुंबई - ओनाल्ड ऑग्जिअ
3. भोपाल - राजा भोज
4. नई दिल्ली - एडविन लुट्यन्स
5. आगरा - सिकंदर लोदी
6. इंदौर - अहिल्या बाई
7. धार - राजा भोज
8. तुगलकाबाद - मोहम्मद तुगलक
9. जयपुर - सवाई राजा जयसिंह
10. सागर {MP }- उदालशाय
11. लखनऊ - आसफ़ुद्दौला
12.इलाहाबाद - अकबर
13. झाँसी -वीरसिंह जूदेव
14. अजमेर - अजयराज सिंह
15. उदयपुर - राणा उदय सिंह
16. टाटानगर - जमशेदजी टाटा
17. भरतपुर - राजा सूरजमल
18. कुम्भलगढ़ - राजा कुम्भा
19. पटना - उदयन
20. मुंगेर - चन्द्रगुप्त मौर्य
21. नालंदा - राजा धर्मपाल
22. रायपुर - ब्रम्हदेव
23. दुर्ग - जगतपाल
24. देहरादून - राजा जौनसार बाबर
25. पुरी - गंग चोल
26. द्वारका - शंकराचार्य
27. जम्मू - राजा जम्मू लोचन
28. पूना - शाह जी भोसले
29. हैदराबाद - कुली क़ुतुब शाह
30. अमृतसर - गुरु रामदास
31. दिल्ली - अन्नंतपाल तोमर

Education Tree Kamal Chauke

21 Jul, 01:41

Education Tree Kamal Chauke

20 Jul, 13:38

Education Tree Kamal Chauke

15 Jul, 09:37

Kamal Chauke Exam Nobody answered
🖊 35 questions · 1 min · 🔀 all

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Education Tree Kamal Chauke

15 Jul, 09:37

Kamal Chauke Nobody answered
🖊 46 questions · 1 min · 🔀 all

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Education Tree Kamal Chauke

15 Jul, 09:37

KAMAL CHAUKE Nobody answered
🖊 57 questions · 45 sec · 🔀 all

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Education Tree Kamal Chauke

15 Jul, 09:37

KamalChauke Nobody answered
🖊 152 questions · 2 min · 🔀 all

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Education Tree Kamal Chauke

15 Jul, 09:37

KamalChauke Nobody answered
🖊 200 questions · 2 min · 🔀 all

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Education Tree Kamal Chauke

15 Jul, 09:37

KamalChauke Nobody answered
🖊 100 questions · 2 min · 🔀 all

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Education Tree Kamal Chauke

15 Jul, 09:37

Bhartpur Army Paper Nobody answered
🖊 56 questions · 2 min · 🔀 all

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