Welcome to 'Elgara's child', a unique and inclusive Telegram channel created by the user 'kalprajas'. This channel is a safe space that celebrates LGBTQIA+ identities, while also maintaining a non-sexual, safe for work environment. The channel respects and protects individuals by not tolerating any form of harassment, discrimination, or prejudice. The use of harsh language or explicit content is also prohibited. If you are part of the LGBTQIA+ community, or an ally looking for a supportive community, 'Elgara's child' is the perfect place for you. The channel provides a platform for individuals to share their experiences, seek advice, and connect with like-minded individuals. It is a space where everyone is encouraged to be their authentic selves without fear of judgment. For those interested in joining the community, please keep in mind the channel's rules and guidelines. To maintain a positive and respectful environment, any form of homophobic behavior, inappropriate questions about sexuality, racism, or any other negative actions will not be tolerated. If you have any concerns or questions, you can contact the channel admin at @laksanavj_bot. To stay updated on all channel activities and discussions, make sure to follow the designated hashtags #kal and check out the TikTok account @duplicatekth_ for additional content. You can also explore the channel's safe for work content through the provided SFW links at @Kallevjsfs_bot. Join 'Elgara's child' today and become a part of a welcoming and supportive community that celebrates diversity and promotes inclusivity. Let's create a space where everyone is accepted and respected for who they are.
03 Oct, 15:36
03 Oct, 15:07
03 Oct, 13:35
03 Oct, 12:38
03 Oct, 12:38