Speaknow كتب لغه انجليزيه ومراجع للتوفل ,قصص ,صوتيات وفيديوهات تعليمليه وغيرها


كتب لغه انجليزيه ومراجع للتوفل ,قصص ,صوتيات وفيديوهات تعليمليه وغيرها

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Speaknow كتب لغه انجليزيه ومراجع للتوفل ,قصص ,صوتيات وفيديوهات تعليمليه وغيرها

19 Jan, 04:01


قصة كارلوس سليم الذي تحول من صاحب دكان إلى أغنى رجال العالم
يحتل الملياردير المكسيكي من أصول لبنانية كارلوس سليم المرتبة السابعة في قائمة أغنى أغنياء العالم وتبلغ ثروة سليم 67.1 مليار دولار، ما يجعله الرجل الأغنى عربياً دون أي منازع.
بدأت رحل سليم عندما......

تكملة القصة في قناتنا على التليقرام


تكنولوجيا البيتكوين
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Speaknow كتب لغه انجليزيه ومراجع للتوفل ,قصص ,صوتيات وفيديوهات تعليمليه وغيرها

18 Jan, 17:59


Speaknow كتب لغه انجليزيه ومراجع للتوفل ,قصص ,صوتيات وفيديوهات تعليمليه وغيرها

18 Jan, 17:54


Speaknow كتب لغه انجليزيه ومراجع للتوفل ,قصص ,صوتيات وفيديوهات تعليمليه وغيرها

18 Jan, 17:51

تعريف البيتكوين باختصار

لقد ظهرت عملة البيتكوين في عام 2008 بعد أن اتهمت أوكوبي وول ستريت البنوك الكبيرة بسوء استخدام أموال المقترضين، وخداع العملاء، وتزوير النظام، بالإضافة إلى فرض رسوم محيرة. حيث أراد رواد البيتكوين أن يتحمل البائع المسؤولية، والقضاء على الوسيط، وإلغاء رسوم الفائدة، وجعل المعاملات أكثر شفافية لإنهاء الفساد وخفض الرسوم. فقاموا بإنشاء نظام لامركزي، حيث يمكنك التحكم في أموالك ومعرفة كل ما يجري. وانطلقت البيتكوين في وقت قصير نسبيًا، لتصل إلى جميع أنحاء العالم، والشركات، من مجوهرات “REEDS”، وسلسلة مجوهرات كبيرة في الولايات المتحدة، إلى مستشفى خاص في وارسو، بولندا الذي يقبل عملة البيتكوين. كما قامت كبرى الشركات بذلك أيضًا مثل “Dell”، و”Expedia”، و”Microsoft”، و”PayPal”. بينما قامت مواقع الويب بالترويج لها، والمجلات بنشر أخبارها، والمنتديات بمناقشة العملة الرقمية والتجارة بها. في حين تملك البيتكوين واجهة برمجة تطبيقات، ومؤشر أسعار، وسعر صرف خاص بها.

أما بالنسبة للمشاكل التي قد تواجهها فهي تتضمن سرقة الحسابات من قبل القراصنة، وتقلبات الأسعار العالية، وتأخير المعاملات. ولكن من ناحية أخرى، فقد يجد الناس في دول العالم الثالث عملة البيتكوين الوسيلة الأكثر موثوقية حتى الآن لإرسال أو استقبال المال.


ما هي عملة البيتكوين بشكل أعمق؟

البيتكوين هى عبارة عن عملة إفتراضية (غير ملموسة) مشفرة من تصميم شخص مجهول الهوية يعرف باسم “ساتوشي ناكاموتو“, و تشبه الى حد ما العملات المعروفة من الدولار و اليورو و غيرها من العملات، و لكنها تختلف فى أنها وهمية، أى تعاملاتها على الانترنت و ليس لها وجود مادى، و مشفرة، أى لا يمكن تتبع عمليات البيع و الشراء التى تتم بها أو حتى معرفة صاحب العملات, و لتبسيط آلية عمل هذه العملة دعونا ناخذ مثال بسيط.

ففي حياتك اليومية يمكنك إجراء المعاملات عن طريق الشيكات، أو النقد، أو التحويلات المالية. ولكن باستخدام البيتكوين، فأنت تقوم بالإشارة إلى المشتري من خلال توقيعك، وهو عبارة عن خط طويل من الرموز الآمنة المشفر. بحيث يقوم المشتري بفك تشفير الرمز باستخدام هاتفه الذكي للحصول على العملة الرقمية منك. ومن ناحية أخرى، فإن العملة الرقمية هي تبادل للمعلومات الرقمية التي تسمح لك بشراء أو بيع السلع والخدمات. وتكتسب الصفقة الأمان والثقة من خلال وجودها على شبكة الند للند “P2P” التي تشبه “Skype”، أو “BitTorrent” -نظام مشاركة الملفات.

تكنولوجيا البيتكوين
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Speaknow كتب لغه انجليزيه ومراجع للتوفل ,قصص ,صوتيات وفيديوهات تعليمليه وغيرها

18 Jan, 17:51

المواضيع الرئيسية





تكنولوجيا البيتكوين
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Speaknow كتب لغه انجليزيه ومراجع للتوفل ,قصص ,صوتيات وفيديوهات تعليمليه وغيرها

18 Jan, 17:51

كل ما يخص تكنولوجيا العملات الرقمية و البيتكوين في قناة واحدة

Follow the BITCOIN & Blockchain Technology

انضم الان و تعرف على ثورة النقود الجديدة باللغتين العربية و الإنجليزية

تكنولوجيا البيتكوين
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   $  @TechBeNews €

Speaknow كتب لغه انجليزيه ومراجع للتوفل ,قصص ,صوتيات وفيديوهات تعليمليه وغيرها

18 Jan, 17:50

كل ما يخص تكنولوجيا العملات الرقمية و البيتكوين في قناة واحدة

Follow the BITCOIN & Blockchain Technology

انضم الان و تعرف على ثورة النقود الجديدة باللغتين العربية و الإنجليزية

Speaknow كتب لغه انجليزيه ومراجع للتوفل ,قصص ,صوتيات وفيديوهات تعليمليه وغيرها

18 Jan, 09:11

​useful abbreviation​
إختصارات نتعامل بها وقد لا نعرفها👇
1. ​PAN​ - permanent account number.
2. ​PDF​ - portable document format.
3. ​SIM​ - Subscriber Identity Module.
4. ​ATM​ - Automated Teller machine.
5. ​IFSC​ - Indian Financial System Code.
6. ​FSSAI(Fssai)​ - Food Safety & Standards Authority of India.
7. ​Wi-Fi​ - Wireless fidelity.
8. ​GOOGLE​ - Global Organization Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth.
9. ​YAHOO​ - Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle.
10. ​WINDOW​ - Wide Interactive Network Development for Office work Solution.
11. ​COMPUTER​ - Common Oriented Machine. Particularly United and used under Technical and Educational Research.
12. ​VIRUS​ - Vital Information Resources Under Siege.
13. ​UMTS​ - Universal Mobile Telecommunicati ons System.
14. ​AMOLED​ - Active-matrix organic light-emitting diode.
15. ​OLED​ - Organic light-emitting diode.
16. ​IMEI​ - International Mobile Equipment Identity.
17. ​ESN​ - Electronic Serial Number.
18. ​UPS​ - Uninterruptible power supply.
19. ​HDMI​ - High-Definition Multimedia Interface.
20. ​VPN​ - Virtual private network.
21. ​APN​ - Access Point Name.
22. ​LED​ - Light emitting diode.
23. ​DLNA​ - Digital Living Network Alliance.
24. ​RAM​ - Random access memory.
25. ​ROM​ - Read only memory.
26. ​VGA​ - Video Graphics Array.
27. ​QVGA​ - Quarter Video Graphics Array.
28. ​WVGA​ - Wide video graphics array.
29. ​WXGA​ - Widescreen Extended Graphics Array.
30. ​USB​ - Universal serial Bus.
31. ​WLAN​ - Wireless Local Area Network.
32. ​PPI​ - Pixels Per Inch.
33. ​LCD​ - Liquid Crystal Display.
34. ​HSDPA​ - High speed down-link packet access.
35. ​HSUPA​ - High-Speed Uplink Packet Access.
36. ​HSPA​ - High Speed Packet Access.
37. ​GPRS​ - General Packet Radio Service.
38. ​EDGE​ - Enhanced Data Rates for Globa Evolution.
39. ​NFC​ - Near field communication.
40. ​OTG​ - On-the-go.
41. ​S-LCD​ - Super Liquid Crystal Display.
42. ​O.S​ - Operating system.
43. ​SNS​ - Social network service.
44. ​H.S​ - HOTSPOT.
45. ​P.O.I​ - Point of interest.
46. ​GPS​ - Global Positioning System.
47. ​DVD​ - Digital Video Disk.
48. ​DTP​ - Desk top publishing.
49. ​DNSE​ - Digital natural sound engine.
50. ​OVI​ - Ohio Video Intranet.
51. ​CDMA​ - Code Division Multiple Access.
52. ​WCDMA​ - Wide-band Code Division Multiple Access.
53. ​GSM​ - Global System for Mobile Communications.
54. ​DIVX​ - Digital internet video access.
55. ​APK​ - Authenticated public key.
56. ​J2ME​ - Java 2 micro edition.
57. ​SIS​ - Installation source.
58. ​DELL​ - Digital electronic link library.
59. ​ACER​ - Acquisition Collaboration Experimentation Reflection.
60. ​RSS​ - Really simple syndication.
61. ​TFT​ - Thin film transistor.
62. ​AMR​- Adaptive Multi-Rate.
63. ​MPEG​ - moving pictures experts group.
64. ​IVRS​ - Interactive Voice Response System.
65. ​HP​ - Hewlett Packard.

​Do we know actual full form of some words???​
66. ​News paper =​
​North East West South past and present events report.​
67. ​Chess =​
​Chariot, Horse, Elephant, Soldiers.​
68. ​Cold =​
​Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease.​
69. ​Joke =​
​Joy of Kids Entertainment.​
70. ​Aim =​
​Ambition in Mind.​
71. ​Date =​
​Day and Time Evolution.​
72. ​Eat =​
​Energy and Taste.​
73. ​Tea =​
​Taste and Energy Admitted.​
74. ​Pen =​
​Power Enriched in Nib.​
75. ​Smile =​
​Sweet Memories in Lips Expression.​
76. ​etc. =​
​End of Thinking Capacity​
77. ​OK =​
​Objection Killed​
78. ​Or =​
​Orl Korec (Greek Word)​

Speaknow كتب لغه انجليزيه ومراجع للتوفل ,قصص ,صوتيات وفيديوهات تعليمليه وغيرها

18 Jan, 09:03

In this lesson, learn how to talk about your neighbours in detail by using the conversation questions below.A ‘neighbour’ can be a person living near to you. Or a person sitting next to you at work.You can have different neighbours depending on where you are. In this article,we are talking about people who live near you.Who are your neighbours?In Australia, if we are talking about your neighbours in the suburb you live in, they could be:*.Young, middle-aged or elderly*.A family with kids*.A couple*.A group of mates*.An international student*.Housemates in a share houseWhere do they live?You could also talk about the type of a home they live in:*.Family home*.Apartment*.Unit*.Share houseYou can also talk about where they live in relation to you:*.Across the street*.Behind your house*.In your suburb*.Opposite to you*.Next doorHow do you make friends with your neighbours?The first step is to meet your neighbours and have a chat. As we have learnt,the best thing is to start with a ‘hi’ or 'hello' and introduce yourself.If you see someone moving in, you can say: "Welcome!"You can also engage in ‘small talk’ to find out more about the person. ‘Small talk’ is polite conversation you have with people you don’t know very well.What are your neighbours like?Now that you have gotten to know someone, here are some useful adjectives you can use:*.Kind - someone who cares about others*.Funny - someone is good at making people laugh*.Generous - someone who likes to give people things*.Reliable - someone who can be trusted to do something well*.Shy - someone who is nervous or embarrassed about talking to other people*.Sociable - someone enjoys spending time with other peopleHow is your relationship with your neighbours?Here are some verbs and verb phrases youcan use:*.Get on well/get along well - to have a good relationship with the person*.Hit it off - to understand each other immediately*.Have a lot in common - to have similar interests, hobbies etc*.Trust someone - to have confidence in the person*.Help (someone) out - to assist someone with something*.Keep in touch - to communicate on a regular basisSometimes you may not 'hit it off' with your neighbour. How can you talk about that? You can use the following:*.Fall out (with someone) - to have an argument*.Nosy - someone who keeps asking questions about your personal affairsYou can also change the verbs and verb phrases above and turn them into negativestatements by adding "do/did not". For example:*.Did not get along well*.Did not hit it off*.Did not have a lot in common

Speaknow كتب لغه انجليزيه ومراجع للتوفل ,قصص ,صوتيات وفيديوهات تعليمليه وغيرها

18 Jan, 09:03

◽️ #Grammar

ماهو الفرق بين Just and Only ؟ 🤔

1️⃣ الحالة الاولى: بمعنى في التو (very recently) لكا تعبر عن شيء سويته وانتهى قبل عدة دقائق ,, بالعاميه نقول 🇸🇦 : توي انتهيت من غسيل الصحون 🍽 ، توي خلصت الواجب ✏️ ، دوبي قمت من النوم 😃

ناخذ مثال :
I just washed the floor, and it's still wet.
ترجمة الجملة : توي غسلت الأرض و لسى لازالت مبلله 💦
أي = I washed the floor just a few minutes ago

Is Sarah in? 👱🏽‍♀️
No, sorry. She just left for lunch 🍔🍹

ترجمة الجملة : هل سارة هنا؟ هل سارة موجوده؟
لا ، راحت تتغدى

2️⃣ الحالة الثانية: وتأتي بنفس معنى only (فقط / بس)

I have just one brother 👶🏼
ترجمة الجملة : انا عندي اخ واحد فقط

تعني ايضا = I have only one brother

مثال اخر :

He ate just half a sandwich 🌭
ترجمة الجملة : هو بس اكل نص الساندوتش
تعني ايضا = He ate only half a sandwich
👁‍🗨 السؤال اللي يخطر في بالك الان .. كيف نعرف متى just تعني ( توي ) ومتى نعرف ان just تعني فقط او بس بنفس معنى only ؟ 🙄

🎃 1. باختصار اذا أتى بعد just او only اسم ( noun ) يعني الاثنين لهم نفس المعنى وتعني فقط.

Just two students passed the test
Only two student passed the test

الجملتين لها نفس المعنى لأن two student هنا اسم. وتعني أن فقط طالبين اجتازو الاختبار أي نجحو بالاختبار 📝

🎃 2. لكن اذا اتى بعد just فعل (verb) هنا لا تساوي بالمعنى ( إذا اتى بعد only فعل).

I just washed the floor.
هنا الجملة تعني انا توي غسلت الارض.


I only washed the floor
هنا الجملة تعني انه انا فقط غسلت الارض ولم اغسل مثلا الطاولة الخ .. فقط الارض. 👌


🎃 3. ايضا بالنسبة لاستخدام just الترتيب يفرق بالمعنى كيف؟

لو قلت :

I just ate two pieces of pizza.
👁 لاحظ ان just قبل الفعل ate
هنا مثل ماتعلمنا تعني انك توك أكلت قطعتين من البيزا 🍕🍕( قبل عدة دقائق قليله جدا).

لكن لو غيرت في الترتيب ( الفعل قبل just ) وقلت :

I ate just two pieces of pizza

هنا الجملة تعني انك فقط اكلت قطعتين من البيتزا وليس 3 او اربعه .. والجملة ليس لها علاقة بالوقت انما التركيز على انك اكلت قطعتين فقط من البيتزا. 👌

Speaknow كتب لغه انجليزيه ومراجع للتوفل ,قصص ,صوتيات وفيديوهات تعليمليه وغيرها

18 Jan, 09:03

19 - significant : هام 👌
When someone or something is significant, they are important.

» I read many significant novels as a literature major in university.
قرأت اهم روايات الأدب الرئيسية في الجامعة .

Speaknow كتب لغه انجليزيه ومراجع للتوفل ,قصص ,صوتيات وفيديوهات تعليمليه وغيرها

18 Jan, 09:02

What is Success?
ما هو النجاح:

*At the age of 4 years ...* *Success is.....*
عند السنة الرابعة
النجاح هو:

That you do not urinate in your pants,
أن لا تتبول في بطلونك

*At the age of 8 years ...* *Success is.....*
عند السنة الثامنة

To know the way back home.
إن تعرف طريق البيت

*At the age of 12 years,
عند السنة الثانية عشر

*success is........*
To have friends.

إن يكون لديك أصدقاء

*At the age of 18 years,*
عند الثامنة عشر

*success is.......*

To get a driver's license.
إن تحصل على رخصة القيادة

*At the age of 23 years,*
عند الثالثة والعشرون

*success is.......*

To graduate from a university.
إن تتخرج من الجامعة

*At the age of 25 years,*
عن الخامسة والعشرون

*success is........*

To get a job
أن تحصل على وظيفة

*At the age of 30 years,*
عند الثلاثون

*success is........*

To be a family Man.
إن تكون رب أسرة

*At the age of 35 years,*
عند الثالثة والثلاثين

*success is........*

To make money.
إن يكون لديك المال

*At the age of 45 years,*
عند الخامسة والأربعين

*success is.......*

To maintain the appearance of a young man.
إن تحافظ على مظهرك كشخص في شبابه

*At the age of 50 years,*
في الخمسون

*success is.......*

To provide good education for your children.
إن تقدم تعليما جديد للأطفال

*At the age of 55 years,*
عند الخامسة والخمسين

*success is...*

To still be able to perform your duties well.
إن تكون قادرا على أداء واجباتك بطريقة جيدة

*At the age of 60 years,*
في الستين


To still be able to keep driving license
هو أن تكون قادرا على المحافظة على رخصة القيادة

*At the age of 65 years,*
عند الخامسة والستين

*success is.......*

To live without disease.
إن تعيش بدون أمراض

*At the age of 70 years,*
في السبعون

*success is........*

To not be a burden on any one.
إن لا تكون عبء على أحد

*At the age of 75 years,*
عند الخامسة والسبعون

*success is........*

To have old friends.
إن يكون لديك أصدقاء قدامي

*At the age of 80 years,*
عند الثمانون

*success is.......*

To know the way back home.
إن تعرف طريق البيت

*At the age of 85 years,*
عند الخامسة والثمانين

*success is.......*

That not to urinate in your pants again.
إن لا تتبول في بطلونك مرة اخرى

one of the best messages I have ever read.

Life is a cycle
من أفضل الرسائل التي تصف دورة الحياة

Speaknow كتب لغه انجليزيه ومراجع للتوفل ,قصص ,صوتيات وفيديوهات تعليمليه وغيرها

18 Jan, 09:02

Engaged in. 👉 مشغول بـ


- l am engaged in work.

انا مشغول بـ العمل .

Engaged to. 👉 مخطوب


- she is engaged to him.

هي مخطوبة له.

Speaknow كتب لغه انجليزيه ومراجع للتوفل ,قصص ,صوتيات وفيديوهات تعليمليه وغيرها

18 Jan, 09:02

Miscellaneous examples

513. Using the possessive 's with inanimate objects.
Don't say: Her room's window is open.
Say: The window of her room is open.

▪️With inanimate objects we usually use the of structure. The door of the car. 'The leg of the table. The surface of the water. With the names of places and organisations we can use either: London's streets = The streets of London. Italy's climate. = The climate of Italy. The school's main office = The main office of the school.

📌Note: However, we do say: a day's work, a night's rest, a week's holiday, a pound's worth, etc., especially with similar measures of time.

Speaknow كتب لغه انجليزيه ومراجع للتوفل ,قصص ,صوتيات وفيديوهات تعليمليه وغيرها

18 Jan, 04:30

g, i.e. lacking, as opposed to someone who simply wants something desperately.
35. Take a raincheck — This is an Americanism that dates back to the 1880s and references the practice of giving baseball game ticketholders a pass to a game that must be rescheduled due to weather. It’s commonly used as a metaphor for postponing or rescheduling a meeting between people to some later date that is more convenient.
36. Spill the Beans — British English speakers might pick up on the use of the word ‘spill,’ as a metaphor for divulging. But ‘spill the beans,’ might be obscure enough for them to assume a more specific connotation, which they are not aware of. Needless to say, ‘spill the beans,’ is an American idiom for divulging secret information that dates back to the very early 1900s.
37. Shoot the breeze — An idiomatic phrase for killing time with idle chit-chat, ‘shoot the breeze probably stems from old-west imagery, either cinematic or anecdotal in origin, in which men with nothing but time and ammunition on their hands shot their guns at no particular target.
38. John Hancock — Although obscure associative references are a favorite form of Cockney slang, it’s unlikely that an English person would have any idea who John Hancock was. The reference would escape them. The name John Hancock became synonymous with a person’s signature because his was one of the more flamboyant signatures on The Declaration of Independence.
39. Monday morning quarterback — Because quarterback is an on-field leadership position played in American football, which the British have no interest in, and because Monday morning references the fact that most NFL games take place on Sundays, this is a doubly obscure metaphor. While American’s understand that the phrase references the practice of criticizing something after-fact-with the advantage of hindsight, an English person would find this phrase totally meaningless.
40. Ride Shotgun — Another phrase taken from Old-West folklore, riding shotgun is a statement of both position and status—a sort of second-in-command support position who works from a preferential vantage. The imagery invoked by the phrase comes from stagecoaches, specifically the person who rode in the seat next to the driver whose job was to fend off any would-be bandits with a shotgun.

Speaknow كتب لغه انجليزيه ومراجع للتوفل ,قصص ,صوتيات وفيديوهات تعليمليه وغيرها

18 Jan, 04:30

11. For Real — A proclamation of honesty.
12. Going Dutch — When each person, usually in a dating scenario, pays for his/her own meal.
13. The cold shoulder — A metaphor for deliberately ignoring someone.
14. Give a ring — To call someone on the telephone.
15. Hyped (adj.) — A very excited state.
16. Hang out — To casually gather together or spend time with someone in a social manner.
17. Jack up — An abrupt increase, typically in the price of something.
18. Knock — To speak negatively, to disparage, to badmouth.
19. Lighten up — To relax and take things too seriously. Typically stated as an appeal to someone who is acting uptight.
20. Pass the buck — To deflect responsibility onto someone else.
21. Piece of cake — A metaphor to describe something that is easy or effortless.
22. Pig out — A metaphor for binge eating .
23. Plead the fifth — References the fifth amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which allows a witness in court to refuse questions on the grounds that they risk self-incrimination.
24. Screw up — To make a mistake, i.e. mess up.
25. Sweet — An adjective that describes something that is good, or nice.
26. Tight — An adjective that describes closeness between competitors, i.e. a tight competition.
27. Trash — Can be used as an intransitive verb for destruction . e.g. “He trashed the car.”
28. Uptight — Stuffy, persnickety, the opposite of relaxed.
29. Wrap (something) up — To finish or complete something.
30. Zonked — Completely exhausted. Our next post will cover British slang terms that Americans find confusing. Until then, here are some of our favorite American slang words:
31. Pants — CLOTHING RETAILERS TAKE NOTE: The Brits say ‘trousers’ … The American default word for the article of clothing that covers the legs and pelvic region seems pretty general and innocuous to English speakers in the U.S. To the actual English, however, ‘pants’ is the primary word they use for ‘underwear.’ And while American cinema and television typically writes the word ‘knickers’ for underwear into the vocabulary of British characters—that’s probably just for comedic effect since ‘pants’ wouldn’t induce any response—the most common British word for underwear really is ‘pants.’ Americans tend not to notice how often they refer to their so-called pants until someone from the U.K. joins their ranks. Once that happens they begin to notice restrained snickering every time ‘pants’ are referenced in a polite conversation.
32. For the birds — Imagine how this phrase must sound to someone who doesn’t understand that it refers to something that is substandard in some respect. Is it a bag of seeds or some kind of yard ornament reference? The Brits sometimes use the word ‘bird,’ to refer to women, in the same way Americans use ‘chicks.’ So, maybe it comes off like reference to girlishness. Who knows?
33. Bought the farm — ”I didn’t know he wanted to move to the country,” is how a British person might respond to he ? The Brits sometimes use the word ‘bird,’ to refer to women, in the same way Americans use ‘chicks.’ So, maybe it comes off like reference to girlishness. Who knows?
33. Bought the farm — ”I didn’t know he wanted to move to the country,” is how a British person might respond to hearing this phrase. At this point ‘bought the farm,’ is a general reference to untimely death. However, the phrase originates from WWII-era military accidents involving unreliable aircraft crashing into rural European countryside properties resulting in damages for which the U.S. government was responsible to pay, thereby, ‘buying the farm,’ so to speak.
34. Jonesing — To want, crave, or desire something intensely, and its noun form, ‘joneser,’ (a person who wants or craves something intensely), isn’t always apparent even to Americans. The Oxford Dictionary associates this word’s slang usage with Jones Alley in Manhattan, a haven for drug addicts in the 1960s. The unsavory drug culture connotations continue today. However the definition of ‘joneser,’ has been broadened among some circles to include describing a person whose character is found wantin

Speaknow كتب لغه انجليزيه ومراجع للتوفل ,قصص ,صوتيات وفيديوهات تعليمليه وغيرها

18 Jan, 04:30

American Slang Words and Phrases:
1. Bail — Intransitive verb for leaving abruptly.
2. Feeling blue; have the blues — A feeling of depression or sadness.
3. A buck — Slang term for a the American dollar.
4. By the skin of (my/your/his/her) teeth — just barely.
5. Creep (n.) — An unpleasantly weird/strange person.
6. Couch Potato — A lazy person who spends the bulk of their time engaged in things that can be done while sitting on a couch.
7. Cram — To study feverishly before an exam typically done after neglecting to study consistently.
8. Crash — To abruptly fall asleep, or to show up without invitation.
9. Down to earth — And adjective for practicality and lack of pretense.
10. Drive up the wall — To irritate.
11. For Real — A proclamation of honesty.
12. Going Dutch — When each person, usually in a dating scenario, pays for his/her own meal.
13. The cold shoulder — A metaphor for deliberately ignoring someone.
14. Give a ring — To call someone on the telephone.
15. Hyped (adj.) — A very excited state.
16. Hang out — To casually gather together or spend time with someone in a social manner.
17. Jack up — An abrupt increase, typically in the price of something.
18. Knock — To speak negatively, to disparage, to badmouth.
19. Lighten up — To relax and take things too seriously. Typically stated as an appeal to someone who is acting uptight.
20. Pass the buck — To deflect responsibility onto someone else.
21. Piece of cake — A metaphor to describe something that is easy or effortless.
22. Pig out — A metaphor for binge eating .
23. Plead the fifth — References the fifth amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which allows a witness in court to refuse questions on the grounds that they risk self-incrimination.
24. Screw up — To make a mistake, i.e. mess up.
25. Sweet — An adjective that describes something that is good, or nice.
26. Tight — An adjective that describes closeness between competitors, i.e. a tight competition.
27. Trash — Can be used as an intransitive verb for destruction . e.g. “He trashed the car.”
28. Uptight — Stuffy, persnickety, the opposite of relaxed.
29. Wrap (something) up — To finish or complete something.
30. Zonked — Completely exhausted. Our next post will cover British slang terms that Americans find confusing. Until then, here are some of our favorite American slang words:
31. Pants — CLOTHING RETAILERS TAKE NOTE: The Brits say ‘trousers’ … The American default word for the article of clothing that covers the legs and pelvic region seems pretty general and innocuous to English speakers in the U.S. To the actual English, however, ‘pants’ is the primary word they use for ‘underwear.’ And while American cinema and television typically writes the word ‘knickers’ for underwear into the vocabulary of British characters—that’s probably just for comedic effect since ‘pants’ wouldn’t induce any response—the most common British word for underwear really is ‘pants.’ Americans tend not to notice how often they refer to their so-called pants until someone from the U.K. joins their ranks. Once that happens they begin to notice restrained snickering every time ‘pants’ are referenced in a polite conversation.
32. For the birds — Imagine how this phrase must sound to someone who doesn’t understand that it refers to something that is substandard in some respect. Is it a bag of seeds or some kind of yard ornament American Slang Words and Phrases:
1. Bail — Intransitive verb for leaving abruptly.
2. Feeling blue; have the blues — A feeling of depression or sadness.
3. A buck — Slang term for a the American dollar.
4. By the skin of (my/your/his/her) teeth — just barely.
5. Creep (n.) — An unpleasantly weird/strange person.
6. Couch Potato — A lazy person who spends the bulk of their time engaged in things that can be done while sitting on a couch.
7. Cram — To study feverishly before an exam typically done after neglecting to study consistently.
8. Crash — To abruptly fall asleep, or to show up without invitation.
9. Down to earth — And adjective for practicality and lack of pretense.
10. Drive up the wall — To irrita

Speaknow كتب لغه انجليزيه ومراجع للتوفل ,قصص ,صوتيات وفيديوهات تعليمليه وغيرها

18 Jan, 03:34

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