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🎤🎤 Da'awa by ustaz yasin shifa
📚📚 ነሳራዎችን ከ መከተል መጠነንቀቅ
📚📚 ነሳራዎችን ከ መከተል መጠነንቀቅ
አልወለደም አልተወለደም።
አምላካችን አባትም ልጅም አይደለም፤ ምንም ዓይነት አምሳያም የለውም ክርስቲያኖች እሱ ላይ ከሚሉትም ነገር ትልቅ መላቅን የላቀ ነው
አላህ እንዲህ ብሏል
((በል እርሱ አሏህ አንድ ነው አሏህ የሁሉ መጠጊያ ነው አልወለደም አልተወለደም ከእርሱ ጋር ምንም እኩል የለም። ))
አላህ እንዲህም ብለዋል
((አልረሕማን ልጅን ያዘ አሉ።ከባድ መጥፎን ነገር በእርግጥ አመጣችሁ፡፡ሰማያት ሊቀደዱ፣ ምድርም ልትሰነጠቅ፣ ጋራዎችም ሊወድቁ ተቃረቡ። ))
ኢብኑ ዘይድ በንግግራቸው እንዲህ ብለዋል፡-አላህ በቁርዓኑ ላይ (((እነዚያም الزور (ውሸት) ላይ የማይታደሙት)))
ብሎ ሲጠቅስ የተጠቀሱት፡-
“እነዚህ ሙሃጂሮች ናቸው” ይላሉ።
ማለት ደግሞ ለአማልክቶቻቸው የሚያደርጓቸው ማተለቆችና ንግግሮች ናቸው
በዒዳቸው ላይ እንኳን ደስ አለህ እንኳን አደረሰህ ማለት አይፈቀድም ምክንያቱም እየተደሰቱበት ያለው ነገር በአላህ ላይ ውሸት እና ቅጥፈት እንደዚሁም ሽርክና ኃጢአትም ነውና
ሁሉን ቻይ የሆነው አምላክ
"በኃጢአትና በበደል አትተባበሩ" ይላል።
አምላካችን አባትም ልጅም አይደለም፤ ምንም ዓይነት አምሳያም የለውም ክርስቲያኖች እሱ ላይ ከሚሉትም ነገር ትልቅ መላቅን የላቀ ነው
አላህ እንዲህ ብሏል
((በል እርሱ አሏህ አንድ ነው አሏህ የሁሉ መጠጊያ ነው አልወለደም አልተወለደም ከእርሱ ጋር ምንም እኩል የለም። ))
አላህ እንዲህም ብለዋል
((አልረሕማን ልጅን ያዘ አሉ።ከባድ መጥፎን ነገር በእርግጥ አመጣችሁ፡፡ሰማያት ሊቀደዱ፣ ምድርም ልትሰነጠቅ፣ ጋራዎችም ሊወድቁ ተቃረቡ። ))
ኢብኑ ዘይድ በንግግራቸው እንዲህ ብለዋል፡-አላህ በቁርዓኑ ላይ (((እነዚያም الزور (ውሸት) ላይ የማይታደሙት)))
ብሎ ሲጠቅስ የተጠቀሱት፡-
“እነዚህ ሙሃጂሮች ናቸው” ይላሉ።
ማለት ደግሞ ለአማልክቶቻቸው የሚያደርጓቸው ማተለቆችና ንግግሮች ናቸው
በዒዳቸው ላይ እንኳን ደስ አለህ እንኳን አደረሰህ ማለት አይፈቀድም ምክንያቱም እየተደሰቱበት ያለው ነገር በአላህ ላይ ውሸት እና ቅጥፈት እንደዚሁም ሽርክና ኃጢአትም ነውና
ሁሉን ቻይ የሆነው አምላክ
"በኃጢአትና በበደል አትተባበሩ" ይላል።
JUMJ Official Page - main campus:
🎤 Essa -sallahu alayhi wassalam-the mesenger of Allah
(88) And they say, "The Most Merciful has taken [for Himself] a son."
لَّقَدۡ جِئۡتُمۡ شَيۡـًٔا إِدّٗا
(89) You have done an atrocious thing.
تَكَادُ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتُ يَتَفَطَّرۡنَ مِنۡهُ وَتَنشَقُّ ٱلۡأَرۡضُ وَتَخِرُّ ٱلۡجِبَالُ هَدًّا
(90) The heavens almost rupture therefrom and the earth splits open and the mountains collapse in devastation
أَن دَعَوۡاْ لِلرَّحۡمَٰنِ وَلَدٗا
(91) That they attribute to the Most Merciful a son.
🎤 Essa -sallahu alayhi wassalam-the mesenger of Allah
(88) And they say, "The Most Merciful has taken [for Himself] a son."
لَّقَدۡ جِئۡتُمۡ شَيۡـًٔا إِدّٗا
(89) You have done an atrocious thing.
تَكَادُ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتُ يَتَفَطَّرۡنَ مِنۡهُ وَتَنشَقُّ ٱلۡأَرۡضُ وَتَخِرُّ ٱلۡجِبَالُ هَدًّا
(90) The heavens almost rupture therefrom and the earth splits open and the mountains collapse in devastation
أَن دَعَوۡاْ لِلرَّحۡمَٰنِ وَلَدٗا
(91) That they attribute to the Most Merciful a son.
📮Library Notice
Dear JUMJ Library users We would like to inform you that the library will be closed tomorrow till Zhuhr solat, due to an overlapping program
Sorry for the inconveinance!!
Dear JUMJ Library users We would like to inform you that the library will be closed tomorrow till Zhuhr solat, due to an overlapping program
Sorry for the inconveinance!!
عن أبي الدرداء رضي الله عنه قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم " مَنْ سَلَكَ طَرِيقًا يَطْلُبُ فِيهِ عِلْمًا سَلَكَ اللَّهُ بِهِ طَرِيقًا مِنْ طُرُقِ الْجَنَّةِ، وَإِنَّ الْمَلَائِكَةَ لَتَضَعُ أَجْنِحَتَهَا رِضًا لِطَالِبِ الْعِلْمِ، وَإِنَّ الْعَالِمَ لَيَسْتَغْفِرُ لَهُ مَنْ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَنْ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَالْحِيتَانُ فِي جَوْفِ الْمَاءِ، وَإِنَّ فَضْلَ الْعَالِمِ عَلَى الْعَابِدِ كَفَضْلِ الْقَمَرِ لَيْلَةَ الْبَدْرِ عَلَى سَائِرِ الْكَوَاكِبِ، وَإِنَّ الْعُلَمَاءَ وَرَثَةُ الْأَنْبِيَاءِ، وَإِنَّ الْأَنْبِيَاءَ لَمْ يُوَرِّثُوا دِينَارًا وَلَا دِرْهَمًا، وَرَّثُوا الْعِلْمَ، فَمَنْ أَخَذَهُ أَخَذَ بِحَظٍّ وَافِرٍ ". رواه أبو داود
Abii alderdaa'i (RA) ni jedhe:Ergamaan Rabbii (SAW) ni jedhan: Namni beekumsa barbaaduuf jecha karaa wa'ii seene, Rabbiin karaa karaawwan jannataa irraa tahe isa seensisa. Malaa'ikaan jaalala nama beekumsa barbaaduuf qabduuf jecha goflaa( qoochoo) isii lafa keessi. Beekaadhaaf wanti samii fii dachii keessa jiru, qurxummiin bahrii keessa jiru illeen dhiifama gaafatuuf. Sadarkaan beekaan nama beekumsa malee Rabbiin gabbaru ittiin caalu akka jiini guyyaa goobanaa urjiiwwan caaluuti. Beektonni dhaaltota Anbiyootaati, Anbiyoonni Diinaaraaf Dirhama hin dhaalchifne, beekumsa dhaalchisan, Namni beekumsa fudhate qooda guutuu tahe fudhateeta. Abuu Daawuud tu gabaase
አቡ ደርዳእ አላህ ይውደድለትና እንዳስተላለፈው፡ የአላህ መልእክተኛ (ሶለላሁ ዐለይሂ ወሰለም) እንዲህ አሉ፡- “እውቀትን ፍለጋ መንገድ የተከተለ (የገባ) አላህ ከመንገዶቹ በአንደኛው የጀነት መንገድ ይይዘዋል። መላኢካዎችም ክንፎቻቸውን ዕውቀትን ለሚሻ ሰው ውዴታ ሲሉ ዝቅ ያደርጋሉ። ለምሁር በሰማያት ውስጥ ያሉ፣ በምድር ውስጥ ያሉ እና በውሃው ውስጥ ያሉ ዓሦች እንኳን ሳይቀሩ ምህረትን ይለምኑለታል - በእርግጥም የሊቃውንት (ዓሊም) ከሌላኛው ባርያ(ዒልም የሌለው) ደረጃው ልክ እንደ ጨረቃ በጨረቃ ሌሊት ከሌሎች ከዋክብቶች ሁሉ በላይ እንደምትገኝ ነው። ሊቃውንትም የነብያት ወራሾች ናቸው። ነብያት ዲናርም ሆነ ዲርሃምን አላወረሱም። እውቀትን እንጂ። ከዚህ ውርስ የወሰደም ሰው በእርግጥም ትልቅ ድርሻን ወስዷል።
አቢ ዳውድ ዘግበውታል
Abii alderdaa'i (RA) ni jedhe:Ergamaan Rabbii (SAW) ni jedhan: Namni beekumsa barbaaduuf jecha karaa wa'ii seene, Rabbiin karaa karaawwan jannataa irraa tahe isa seensisa. Malaa'ikaan jaalala nama beekumsa barbaaduuf qabduuf jecha goflaa( qoochoo) isii lafa keessi. Beekaadhaaf wanti samii fii dachii keessa jiru, qurxummiin bahrii keessa jiru illeen dhiifama gaafatuuf. Sadarkaan beekaan nama beekumsa malee Rabbiin gabbaru ittiin caalu akka jiini guyyaa goobanaa urjiiwwan caaluuti. Beektonni dhaaltota Anbiyootaati, Anbiyoonni Diinaaraaf Dirhama hin dhaalchifne, beekumsa dhaalchisan, Namni beekumsa fudhate qooda guutuu tahe fudhateeta. Abuu Daawuud tu gabaase
አቡ ደርዳእ አላህ ይውደድለትና እንዳስተላለፈው፡ የአላህ መልእክተኛ (ሶለላሁ ዐለይሂ ወሰለም) እንዲህ አሉ፡- “እውቀትን ፍለጋ መንገድ የተከተለ (የገባ) አላህ ከመንገዶቹ በአንደኛው የጀነት መንገድ ይይዘዋል። መላኢካዎችም ክንፎቻቸውን ዕውቀትን ለሚሻ ሰው ውዴታ ሲሉ ዝቅ ያደርጋሉ። ለምሁር በሰማያት ውስጥ ያሉ፣ በምድር ውስጥ ያሉ እና በውሃው ውስጥ ያሉ ዓሦች እንኳን ሳይቀሩ ምህረትን ይለምኑለታል - በእርግጥም የሊቃውንት (ዓሊም) ከሌላኛው ባርያ(ዒልም የሌለው) ደረጃው ልክ እንደ ጨረቃ በጨረቃ ሌሊት ከሌሎች ከዋክብቶች ሁሉ በላይ እንደምትገኝ ነው። ሊቃውንትም የነብያት ወራሾች ናቸው። ነብያት ዲናርም ሆነ ዲርሃምን አላወረሱም። እውቀትን እንጂ። ከዚህ ውርስ የወሰደም ሰው በእርግጥም ትልቅ ድርሻን ወስዷል።
አቢ ዳውድ ዘግበውታል
መልሶቻችሁን ወደ @JUMJ_Academic_bot መላክ ትችላላችሁ።
📝 ሙሉ ስም ፣ ዲፓርትመንት እና ስንተኛ ዓመት እንደሆናችሁ መፃፋችሁን አትርሱ።
Deebii gara @JUMJ_Academic_bot tti erguu nii dandeessu
📝 Maqaa guutuu,dippaartimentii fi waggaa meeqaffaa akka taatan barreessuu hin dagatinaa!!
1.According to Anas ibn Malik, what was the perspective of people during the Prophet's time compared to later generations?
A) Minor sins were overlooked and considered insignificant.
B) Sins were viewed as trivial and unworthy of repentance.
C)Actions considered minor by later generations were seen as great, destructive sins by the Prophet’s companions.
D)Major sins were treated with the same importance as minor sins.
2.What does Al-Awza’i identify as a sign that someone views a sin as minor?
A) They forget the sin after committing it.
B)They persist in committing the sin without remorse.
C) They justify their actions based on worldly benefits.
D) They compare their sins to those of others.
3.How does Bilal Ibn Sa’id suggest believers should view their sins?
A)Focus on the number of sins to ensure regular repentance.
B) Reflect on the greatness of Allah’s mercy over the sin itself.
C)Consider the majesty of the One they have disobeyed rather than the size of the sin.
D)Acknowledge that minor sins do not require urgent repentance.
4.What is a key tactic of Shaytan to delay repentance, as described in the text?
A) Instilling fear that repentance will not be accepted.
B)Convincing the individual that they have plenty of time.
C) Distracting them with acts of worship to avoid self-reflection.
D) Making them overconfident in their good deeds.
5.What is a primary danger of relying solely on Allah’s mercy without repenting?
A) It leads to despair in Allah’s forgiveness.
B)It results in neglecting righteous deeds and continuous sinning.
C)It causes individuals to overestimate their sins.
D) It strengthens the individual’s connection with Allah.
6.What is the consequence of thinking one’s good deeds alone can guarantee salvation?
A) It motivates people to do more good deeds.
B) It leads to arrogance and neglect of repentance.
C) It results in gaining Allah’s mercy.
D) It ensures protection from Hellfire.
7.What is one of the cures for a sick heart mentioned in the text?
A) Focusing on worldly achievements.
B) Strictly observing outward religious practices.
C) Reflecting on and applying the Qur’an’s guidance.
D)Avoiding social interactions to maintain inner peace.
8.What analogy does Allah use in the Qur’an to describe the fleeting nature of this worldly life?
A)The passing of a shadow in the desert.
B)The transformation of rain-nurtured vegetation into dry, lifeless straw.
C)The setting of the sun over a vast ocean.
D) The fading of light after a storm.
9.According to the Qur'an, what happens to those who turn away from the remembrance of Allah?
A) Their hearts become hardened.
B)They lose their sense of purpose.
C)They are immediately punished in the Hereafter.
D) They gain worldly success but lose spiritual guidance
10.How does the Qur’an describe the Hereafter compared to this worldly life?
A)The Hereafter is equally enjoyable but everlasting.
B) The Hereafter is far better and more lasting.
C) The Hereafter offers similar rewards as worldly pleasures.
D) The Hereafter is achievable only through complete worldly detachment.
መልሶቻችሁን ወደ @JUMJ_Academic_bot መላክ ትችላላችሁ።
📝 ሙሉ ስም ፣ ዲፓርትመንት እና ስንተኛ ዓመት እንደሆናችሁ መፃፋችሁን አትርሱ።
Deebii gara @JUMJ_Academic_bot tti erguu nii dandeessu
📝 Maqaa guutuu,dippaartimentii fi waggaa meeqaffaa akka taatan barreessuu hin dagatinaa!!
1.According to Anas ibn Malik, what was the perspective of people during the Prophet's time compared to later generations?
A) Minor sins were overlooked and considered insignificant.
B) Sins were viewed as trivial and unworthy of repentance.
C)Actions considered minor by later generations were seen as great, destructive sins by the Prophet’s companions.
D)Major sins were treated with the same importance as minor sins.
2.What does Al-Awza’i identify as a sign that someone views a sin as minor?
A) They forget the sin after committing it.
B)They persist in committing the sin without remorse.
C) They justify their actions based on worldly benefits.
D) They compare their sins to those of others.
3.How does Bilal Ibn Sa’id suggest believers should view their sins?
A)Focus on the number of sins to ensure regular repentance.
B) Reflect on the greatness of Allah’s mercy over the sin itself.
C)Consider the majesty of the One they have disobeyed rather than the size of the sin.
D)Acknowledge that minor sins do not require urgent repentance.
4.What is a key tactic of Shaytan to delay repentance, as described in the text?
A) Instilling fear that repentance will not be accepted.
B)Convincing the individual that they have plenty of time.
C) Distracting them with acts of worship to avoid self-reflection.
D) Making them overconfident in their good deeds.
5.What is a primary danger of relying solely on Allah’s mercy without repenting?
A) It leads to despair in Allah’s forgiveness.
B)It results in neglecting righteous deeds and continuous sinning.
C)It causes individuals to overestimate their sins.
D) It strengthens the individual’s connection with Allah.
6.What is the consequence of thinking one’s good deeds alone can guarantee salvation?
A) It motivates people to do more good deeds.
B) It leads to arrogance and neglect of repentance.
C) It results in gaining Allah’s mercy.
D) It ensures protection from Hellfire.
7.What is one of the cures for a sick heart mentioned in the text?
A) Focusing on worldly achievements.
B) Strictly observing outward religious practices.
C) Reflecting on and applying the Qur’an’s guidance.
D)Avoiding social interactions to maintain inner peace.
8.What analogy does Allah use in the Qur’an to describe the fleeting nature of this worldly life?
A)The passing of a shadow in the desert.
B)The transformation of rain-nurtured vegetation into dry, lifeless straw.
C)The setting of the sun over a vast ocean.
D) The fading of light after a storm.
9.According to the Qur'an, what happens to those who turn away from the remembrance of Allah?
A) Their hearts become hardened.
B)They lose their sense of purpose.
C)They are immediately punished in the Hereafter.
D) They gain worldly success but lose spiritual guidance
10.How does the Qur’an describe the Hereafter compared to this worldly life?
A)The Hereafter is equally enjoyable but everlasting.
B) The Hereafter is far better and more lasting.
C) The Hereafter offers similar rewards as worldly pleasures.
D) The Hereafter is achievable only through complete worldly detachment.
Aliyyi (RA)ni jedhe: Ergamaan Rabbii (SAW) akkana jedhan:Jannata keessa kutaawwantu jiru, kan ala irra dhaabbatamee keessi isii argamu, kan keessa irra dhaabbatamee alli isii argamu. Namni baadiyyaa tokko eenyuuf isiin yaa Ergamaa Rabbii (SAW) jechuun gaafate, Ergamaanis akkana jechuun deebisaniif: isiin nama dubbii (haasaa) isaa bareecheef, Nama nyaata nama nyaachiseef, Nama osoo namni rafuu halkan Rabbiif ka'ee salaateef taatuudha. Ahmed tu gabaase
ዓልይ (ረዐ) እንዳስተላለፉት፡ መልእክተኛ (ሶለላሁ ዐለይሂ ወሰለም) እንዲህ አሉ፡- “በእርግጥ በጀነት ውስጥ የውስጥ ክፍሎቻቸው ከጀርባዎቻቸው የሚታዩ ክፍሎች አሏቸው። ውጮቻቸው ከውስጦቻቸው የምታዩ። ከዚያም አንድ የባዳዊ ሰው እንዲህ አለ፡- የአላህ መልእክተኛ ሆይ ለማን ነው? የአላህ መልክተኛ አሉ “በደግነት የሚናገር፣ ሰዎችን ምግብ የሚመግብ ፣ ሰዎች ተኝተው ሳለ በሌሊት ወደ አምላኩ የሚሰግድ ሰው” ብሏል።
አህመድ ዘግቦታል
ዓልይ (ረዐ) እንዳስተላለፉት፡ መልእክተኛ (ሶለላሁ ዐለይሂ ወሰለም) እንዲህ አሉ፡- “በእርግጥ በጀነት ውስጥ የውስጥ ክፍሎቻቸው ከጀርባዎቻቸው የሚታዩ ክፍሎች አሏቸው። ውጮቻቸው ከውስጦቻቸው የምታዩ። ከዚያም አንድ የባዳዊ ሰው እንዲህ አለ፡- የአላህ መልእክተኛ ሆይ ለማን ነው? የአላህ መልክተኛ አሉ “በደግነት የሚናገር፣ ሰዎችን ምግብ የሚመግብ ፣ ሰዎች ተኝተው ሳለ በሌሊት ወደ አምላኩ የሚሰግድ ሰው” ብሏል።
አህመድ ዘግቦታል
في كتاب اللباب في علوم الكتاب لعمر بن علي الدمشقي الحنبلي:
((اتفق المفسرون على أن كلمة عسى من الله واجب))
قلت: إليك الدليل:
قال الله تعالى:
((عَسَى أَنْ يَبْعَثَكَ رَبُّكَ مَقَامًا مَحْمُودًا))
وجاء في حديث جابر رضي الله عنه في صحيح البخاري:
((وابعثه اللهم المقام المحمود الذي وعدته))
فانظر كيف كانت (عسى) في المقام المحمود عبارة عن (وعد) وليس مجرد احتمال.
في كتاب اللباب في علوم الكتاب لعمر بن علي الدمشقي الحنبلي:
((اتفق المفسرون على أن كلمة عسى من الله واجب))
قلت: إليك الدليل:
قال الله تعالى:
((عَسَى أَنْ يَبْعَثَكَ رَبُّكَ مَقَامًا مَحْمُودًا))
وجاء في حديث جابر رضي الله عنه في صحيح البخاري:
((وابعثه اللهم المقام المحمود الذي وعدته))
فانظر كيف كانت (عسى) في المقام المحمود عبارة عن (وعد) وليس مجرد احتمال.
📮Qirat Notice
💎Slight time change
Tuhfatu-Saniyyah Ders time is changed to After Asr Solat
Notice: The Ders starts from Today!
💎Slight time change
Tuhfatu-Saniyyah Ders time is changed to After Asr Solat
Notice: The Ders starts from Today!
📮Rabbiin(s w) qur'aana afaan arabaa ifaa ta'een akka buuse suuraa qur'aanaa hedduu irratti dubbata.
ﻭَﺇِﻧَّﻪُ ﻟَﺘَﻨﺰﻳﻞُ ﺭَﺏِّ ﺍﻟْﻌَﺎﻟَﻤِﻴﻦَ ﻧَﺰَﻝَ ﺑِﻪِ ﺍﻟﺮُّﻭﺡُ ﺍﻷﻣِﻴﻦُ ﻋَﻠَﻰ ﻗَﻠْﺒِﻚَ ﻟِﺘَﻜُﻮﻥَ ﻣِﻦَ ﺍﻟْﻤُﻨْﺬِﺭِﻳﻦَ ﺑِﻠِﺴَﺎﻥٍ ﻋَﺮَﺑِﻲٍّ ﻣُﺒِﻴﻦٍ﴾
[ ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﺸﻌﺮﺍﺀ 195-192]
Kana waan ta'eef qur'aana fi hadiisa hubachuuf afaan arabaa keessattuu nahwii(seer-luga afaan Arabaa) barachuu qabna. Kana irrattis abbootiin beekkumsaa kanaan duraatif kan ammaatis kakaasaniiru.
روي عن عمر رضي الله عنه أنه قال:(تعلموا العربية فإنها من دينكم،...)
قال شيح اﻹسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله في "اقتضاء الصرط المستفيم "(وقال الشافعي فيما رواه السلفي بإسناد معروف إلى محمد بن عبدالله بن عبدالحكم قال:سمعت محمد بن إدريس الشافعي يقول:...اللسان الذي اختاره الله عز وجل لسان العرب فأنزل به كتابه العزيز ، وجعله لسان خاتم أنبياءه محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم، ولهذا نقول:ينهي لكل أحد يقدر على تعلم العربية أن يتعلمها ﻷنها اللسان اﻷولى )
#Nahwiin balbala barnoota diinii biraatis banatuudhaf bantuudha.
#Dogongorri nahwiidhaa qur'aanas ta'ee haasawa biraa waan itti fedhame irraa ni jijjiira. Fkn:
( ﺃﻥَّ ﺍﻟﻠَّﻪَ ﺑَﺮِﻱﺀٌ ﻣِﻦَ ﺍﻟْﻤُﺸْﺮِﻛِﻴﻦَ ﻭَﺭَﺳُﻮﻟُﻪُ )
Kan jedhu ﻭَﺭَﺳُﻮﻟِﻪ jennee yoo dubbifne hiikni isaa ni bada.
ﺃﻛﺮﻡَ ﺍﻟﻨّﺎﺱُ ﺃﺣﻤﺪَ
ﺃﻛﺮﻡَ ﺍﻟﻨّﺎﺱَ ﺃﺣﻤﺪُ
ﺃﻛﺮﻡُ ﺍﻟﻨّﺎﺱِ ﺃﺣﻤﺪُ
ﺃﻛﺮﻡِ ﺍﻟﻨّﺎﺱَ ﺃﺣﻤﺪُ
Kan olitti barreeffaman harakaa qofaan waan gargar ta'aniif hiika garaa garaa akka qaban ni beektanii??
Jama'aan keennas kanatti yaadda'uun warra eegaluuf haala mijatuun kan qophaa'e qaraatii ibsa(sharhii) aajurrumiyyaa Tuhfatussaniyyah kitaaba jedhamu afaan lamaaninuu qopheessee jira.
Place-madrasa A
Time--Sanbata-fi Dilbata
Saa'atii (8:45-9:45LT')
ﻭَﺇِﻧَّﻪُ ﻟَﺘَﻨﺰﻳﻞُ ﺭَﺏِّ ﺍﻟْﻌَﺎﻟَﻤِﻴﻦَ ﻧَﺰَﻝَ ﺑِﻪِ ﺍﻟﺮُّﻭﺡُ ﺍﻷﻣِﻴﻦُ ﻋَﻠَﻰ ﻗَﻠْﺒِﻚَ ﻟِﺘَﻜُﻮﻥَ ﻣِﻦَ ﺍﻟْﻤُﻨْﺬِﺭِﻳﻦَ ﺑِﻠِﺴَﺎﻥٍ ﻋَﺮَﺑِﻲٍّ ﻣُﺒِﻴﻦٍ﴾
[ ﺳﻮﺭﺓ ﺍﻟﺸﻌﺮﺍﺀ 195-192]
Kana waan ta'eef qur'aana fi hadiisa hubachuuf afaan arabaa keessattuu nahwii(seer-luga afaan Arabaa) barachuu qabna. Kana irrattis abbootiin beekkumsaa kanaan duraatif kan ammaatis kakaasaniiru.
روي عن عمر رضي الله عنه أنه قال:(تعلموا العربية فإنها من دينكم،...)
قال شيح اﻹسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله في "اقتضاء الصرط المستفيم "(وقال الشافعي فيما رواه السلفي بإسناد معروف إلى محمد بن عبدالله بن عبدالحكم قال:سمعت محمد بن إدريس الشافعي يقول:...اللسان الذي اختاره الله عز وجل لسان العرب فأنزل به كتابه العزيز ، وجعله لسان خاتم أنبياءه محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم، ولهذا نقول:ينهي لكل أحد يقدر على تعلم العربية أن يتعلمها ﻷنها اللسان اﻷولى )
#Nahwiin balbala barnoota diinii biraatis banatuudhaf bantuudha.
#Dogongorri nahwiidhaa qur'aanas ta'ee haasawa biraa waan itti fedhame irraa ni jijjiira. Fkn:
( ﺃﻥَّ ﺍﻟﻠَّﻪَ ﺑَﺮِﻱﺀٌ ﻣِﻦَ ﺍﻟْﻤُﺸْﺮِﻛِﻴﻦَ ﻭَﺭَﺳُﻮﻟُﻪُ )
Kan jedhu ﻭَﺭَﺳُﻮﻟِﻪ jennee yoo dubbifne hiikni isaa ni bada.
ﺃﻛﺮﻡَ ﺍﻟﻨّﺎﺱُ ﺃﺣﻤﺪَ
ﺃﻛﺮﻡَ ﺍﻟﻨّﺎﺱَ ﺃﺣﻤﺪُ
ﺃﻛﺮﻡُ ﺍﻟﻨّﺎﺱِ ﺃﺣﻤﺪُ
ﺃﻛﺮﻡِ ﺍﻟﻨّﺎﺱَ ﺃﺣﻤﺪُ
Kan olitti barreeffaman harakaa qofaan waan gargar ta'aniif hiika garaa garaa akka qaban ni beektanii??
Jama'aan keennas kanatti yaadda'uun warra eegaluuf haala mijatuun kan qophaa'e qaraatii ibsa(sharhii) aajurrumiyyaa Tuhfatussaniyyah kitaaba jedhamu afaan lamaaninuu qopheessee jira.
Place-madrasa A
Time--Sanbata-fi Dilbata
Saa'atii (8:45-9:45LT')