
Unite and Conquer in Truth
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26 Jun, 17:18

I Love my sister not her name or words ,her connection light energy tension and all that I can't see with my eyes . Who told you that your senses only do a certain thing and Can be defined . Nothing can be defined


26 Jun, 17:15

Who told you you're not my brother or sister or related to me? What did you allow divide you?


26 Jun, 17:15

Who told you what your name was?


26 Jun, 17:15

Or what words and names to follow


26 Jun, 17:13

You don't have to surrender to God you just have to be you and everything happens no one has the same path directions for recipe for a very good reason ;) there is no bad ..... would you even know that you're a man or woman if you didn't hear those two words would you know anything without words or think anything? The most important part of the Bible is who told you you were naked? Who told you? The answer should always be you bc that's how your "God connects


26 Jun, 17:08

You don't need to wake up you don't need anything just be you and always be prepared to return to day one ;) that's truth YOU .... get all the phrases out of your head good things Don't Come Easy, we are all dying I'll die if I don't have.... get rid of your fear without words when you discover your instincts and I'm very them from the piles of s*** you covered them in and realize how powerful you are naturally Whole and that you don't have to try to do anything because it all just happens.... then you finish the rest of this sentence not me that's what you've been looking for, just you


26 Jun, 17:05

just stop being words close your eyes and be you.... I'm not saying the Bible doesn't have truth in it I'm just saying there's nothing more honest then Common Sense instincts and closing your eyes and imagining how it would be on day one and just go from there let your mind imagine how it all happened.... everything is a guess and a perspective and someone else's experience and not meant to be masss produced ...be you ....believe what you know.... seeing and hearing and reading is not knowing.... and lastly you don't even need to know ;) there is no right or wrong you are what you believe so create it I'm not talking about the law of attraction or a book I'm talking about you.... have your own Journey that's not selfish .... we we aren't different for the wrong reasons and when I say we I mean everything natural that was here for millions of years before men started MANipulating ..ALTERING...PLAYING GOD ... Our Lives aren't supposed to be bill or directed by books or words or someone else's experience....WE ARE.... all in all and the only thing that's going to save us from what we have allowed is our instincts ... even science has gas tells you that is most important for all animals... they aren't created to read or see.... my Common Sense tells me that no animal being would eat its family member whether it's a frog of bird dog human all the same type of meat.... just because someone told you or showed you that's what happened doesn't mean it did ... live by you and your own beliefs and instincts without eyes ! Everything get along in nature in its natural Habitat ! No animal is smarter or Dumber or less important that's all marketing and words and all we have to do is be whole again and realize we are animals too and we can learn the most find not researching and looking up info just to find a hundred points of view by 100 different doctors and there is your biggest sign! If you're a name person or word controlled just ask yourself what would Jesus do.... not according to the Bible but according to what you know the truth is ! And if you need words like everyone size and is addicted to! Love conquers all all is love God is love love covers a multitude of sin you can replace love with any word and it still remains it doesn't move or leave or decrease in strength or change! It isn't even a word are meant to be comprehended or chased it's everything and nothing ! The only thing meant to lead you control you and define you are your unseen instincts .... we don't have six senses we have one! Whole ...so simple.... stop allowing words when you think about it that's all you by and follow and see.... when's the last time you went a whole day without running into something with a bunch of Words that don't matter on it? Over-stimulated days waste it on trying to find stuff you don't need in every way shape and form.... the greedy have marketed everything numbers colors love and if you knew what the stock market really was it's literally everything that can be put into a word supermarket grocery market... and I guess we learn that marketing is just words and advertisement so you have literally created fall Time commercial way of thinking. .. and just like everything the only cure is you! Same reason why people that have everything are the most miserable because they never stop wanting more meanwhile people that have nothing and countries that don't allow marketing are happy everyday and going on 120 as intended . They have even divided Us by age and marketed age-related products there is no difference between 20 and 120 if your just being and not consuming every word you see...... Just Breathe and enjoy everything that doesn't have a word/ label market $tag stuck to it ;) even break words apart prefix suffix excetera excetera excetera....do the math ....not with numbers ;)


26 Jun, 16:25

Are you reading these messages because Juan o Savin this posting them or are you reading them with your natural instinct to benefit yourself.... name brands names etc .....all fake irrelevant.... and the easiest way to miss the experience you're supposed to be having


26 Jun, 16:24

Just like history unless you were there and experienced it what does it matter? Be Now ... there is no time our schedules our pastor future :) all that matters is right now and you every single one of you even the ones that can't read this... I refer to those beings as blessed ;)


26 Jun, 16:19

1 percent 100 percent 100000 percent....0 DIFFERENCE .... common sense instinct ... intuition energy whatever words you would like to call it doesn't change what it is


26 Jun, 16:18

You are not tired or sick or tall or short or sad or any word ! Stop being what you learned ! Imagine yourself on day one just sitting in the garden alone Whole .... and you're never alone by the way because you're always connected to everything operation is Just an Illusion and it isn't visual neither is love or any of the other words that have nothing to do with you


26 Jun, 16:14

Stop following... that's what reading and learning and watching is....Be You ... there are no guarantees or what ifs does just right now... don't spend it on other people's ideas and words!


26 Jun, 16:11

There is only one treatment and cure and it's you... you have tried everything else so assess how you feel right now and shoes you like your instincts keep WARNING YOU TO DO if you haven't completely blocked them... even animals don't trust anyone but themselves and look what happens when they do :( we are all animals and plants We Are All One family .. you ate your family animals with feelings and emotions because someone told you to $ because you followed everyone else that was doing it AKA sheep... because you were told there's more protein and you had to survive bc it's manly to eat me LOL.... you ignored your instincts every time .... all you had to do is watch one video of what happens to those animals or close your eyes and ask yourself...your instincts would prevent you ! Our instincts prevent us from doing all that hurts .... well you won't survive listening to anyone else and Sciences with guess and broken and hasn't benefited any animal species especially human beings.... there are no measurements you can't break something down and take it apart.... everything is meant to be whole... it's just all common sense and I'm praying to myself something I have written triggers your Natural Instincts that are covered up by the 99% surrounding you right now that you don't even need and only have because someone told you and you ignored yourself


26 Jun, 15:59

As long as your thoughts can be controlled and manipulated and you continue ignoring your instincts.....you won't find yourself .... common sense if you have an itch scratch it...That simple..... stop ignoring your natural instinct because science statistics or someone said .... stop covering up what your body is trying to communicate with you!