مشتاقلك بَس
صعُب تسَمعها من عِندي
هَلـ مره ماگو عذر گلبي وگف ضَدي
وفَرحان لمن صَرت
ما ابچَي يم أي بشَر
الا اگعد لوَحدي .🖤
UM LAYAN is a Telegram channel created on 25th November 2019. The channel username is 'jory3a'. This channel is dedicated to all the romantics out there who believe in the power of love. If you are someone who believes in love at first sight and wants to discuss the depths of love and relationships, then this is the perfect channel for you. The channel's description includes a quote that reflects the channel's theme: 'انتَ اول شخص ربانييي ع الحب تتوقع بيوم اخون تربايتك؟' which translates to 'Are you the first person on earth to love, do you expect a day to betray your upbringing?'. The channel emphasizes the importance of love and unity, with a symbol of two hearts intertwined, expressing a deep connection. Join UM LAYAN on Telegram today and immerse yourself in meaningful conversations about love and relationships. Let's spread love and positivity together! 🖤❤️🧿
12 May, 23:21
12 May, 23:07
04 May, 10:43