Jogania sir 's English のテレグラム投稿

This channel is meant for competitive students
5,067 人の購読者
1,304 枚の写真
3 本の動画
最終更新日 06.03.2025 22:43

155,020 人の購読者
2,420 人の購読者
1,237 人の購読者
Jogania sir 's English によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ
Offer of Rs500 is extended till tomorrow 28th February.Go for MAHAPACK batch and convert your English phobia to mania
On account of MAHA SHIVARATRI MAHAPACK is available @500.Today and tomorrow.
[2/22, 11:52 AM] Kishor Jogania: Recording class will be available in my app.Each batch ll be available for life time
[2/22, 11:52 AM] Kishor Jogania: Sankalp ll continue
[2/22, 11:52 AM] Kishor Jogania: But no fresh admission from Monday
[2/22, 11:52 AM] Kishor Jogania: Sankalp ll continue
[2/22, 11:52 AM] Kishor Jogania: But no fresh admission from Monday
Admission in my app will strictly be verboten from Monday onwards
Go for MAHAPACK batch.An exclusive batch for all your competitive English.