🇪🇺 Няня, Домработница ЕВРОПА. Работа Монако Австрия Швейцария Франция Лондон @jobhsi Channel on Telegram

🇪🇺 Няня, Домработница ЕВРОПА. Работа Монако Австрия Швейцария Франция Лондон


Работа в Европе, контакт: @vnanny Эльвира. Международное агентство "Home Staff International".

🇪🇺 Няня, Домработница ЕВРОПА (Russian)

🇪🇺 Няня, Домработница ЕВРОПА is a Telegram channel dedicated to providing job opportunities for nannies and domestic workers in Europe. If you are looking for a job in Monaco, Austria, Switzerland, France, or London, this channel is the perfect place to find employment opportunities. The channel is managed by Elvira, who represents the international agency 'Home Staff International.' With a vast network and experience in placing domestic workers in European households, Elvira can help you find the perfect job that matches your skills and preferences. Whether you are an experienced nanny or a housekeeper looking for a new opportunity in Europe, this channel is the go-to source for job listings and support in the job application process. Contact @vnanny for more information and start your journey to a new job in Europe today!





