أحدث المنشورات من Jayda Fransen (@jaydafransen) على Telegram

منشورات Jayda Fransen على Telegram

Jayda Fransen
The official channel of censored activist and patriot, Jayda Fransen 🇬🇧
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آخر تحديث 28.02.2025 21:09

أحدث المحتوى الذي تم مشاركته بواسطة Jayda Fransen على Telegram

Follow me on Twitter / X for regular posts: @JaydaBF


Mr Sarah Jane Baker has been arrested for inciting violence against women. Put him in the slammer boys!


They indoctrination of our children with an agenda to normalise pedophilia, the replacement of our race and now they rainbow the union flag. What will it take for the majority to wake up and say enough is ENOUGH! https://youtu.be/HXPuaLQCwIo

There are many Lee Rigby memorial events going on this weekend, and lots raising money for both his family or other veterans causes. This being said, I am simultaneously horrified and disgusted to see comments in various chats and channels from so-called nationalists saying things like, 'Well he chose to serve the establishment so he doesn't deserve respect.'

People with this mentality need to start getting a grip of themselves because if they seriously think that it is an acceptable nationalist position to be anti-military or to start slating dead soldiers, they are either stupid or completely insane. That's all I am going to say on that and I won't argue about it either.

How low can he go? Tommy Robinson admits (or is it, boasts?) that he has 'respect' for thr sub-human scum who murdered Lee Rigby.

Say hello to David White South Yorkshire regional organiser for Reform UK and councillor for the Rockingham ward in Barnsley. He was elected as a Tory candidate in 2022 but defected to Reform UK later that year. I guess the soft right/ Fake nationalist’s don’t have a tough stance on drugs,

Northern Ireland is 102 today! 🇬🇧
No Surrender!