Indonesia Scientific Society


Indonesia Scientific Society merupakan sebuah organisasi non-profit yang memiliki Visi utama memajukan dunia ilmu pengetahuan dan pendidikan melalui 3 ranah program, yakni Kolaborasi, Kompetisi dan Development.

Indonesia Scientific Society

19 Oct, 11:09

We are back this year. 5th World Innovative Science Project Olympiad (WISPO) 2024 which will be held face-to-face on 14-16 December 2024 in Bandung City, Indonesia.

Get complete information by downloading the Guidebook via the link:

Indonesia Scientific Society

15 Oct, 11:22

Dear Educator/Teacher/Student

Hopefully this message reaches you in good condition. We from the Indonesia Scientific Society (ISS) are proud to once again hold the *5th edition of the World Innovative Science Project Olympiad (WISPO).*

Through this message, we intend to invite you and your organization/school to send students to participate in the 5th World Innovative Science Project Olympiad (WISPO) 2024 *which will be held face-to-face on 13-16 December 2024 in Bandung City, Indonesia*

WISPO is a Research and Innovation in Science Project competition event that we have held for 5 consecutive years and has been attended by more than 25+ in the world. This is an opportunity for you/your students to develop high-level science skills.

We hope you can give a positive response. To find out the details of the activity, please download the guide via the link:

Best regards
Indonesia Scientific Society Team

Indonesia Scientific Society

12 Oct, 23:28

Kami dari Indonesia Scientific Society (ISS) mengundang Pelajar SMP dan SMA se-indonesia untuk berpartisipasi dalam *National Science Fair for Indonesian Adolescents (NASFIA) 2024*

NASFIA merupakan ajang kompetisi Riset tingkat Nasional sekaligus sebagai ajang seleksi Tim Indonesia untuk kompetisi ilmiah Tingkat Internasional.

Kompetisi akan dilaksanakan full online dan GRATIS BIAYA PENDAFTARAN. Silakan download panduannya melalui link :

Indonesia Scientific Society

11 Oct, 23:46

We are back this year. 5th World Innovative Science Project Olympiad (WISPO) 2024 which will be held face-to-face on 13-16 December 2024 in Bandung City, Indonesia.

Get complete information by downloading the Guidebook via the link:

Best Regards

Indonesia Scientific Society

20 Sep, 10:35

Ykh. Teman-teman

Saat ini Indonesia Scientific Society (ISS) sedang mengembangkan Whatsapp Channel untuk menshare informasi terkait kegiatan-kegiatan yang diselenggarakan oleh kami.

Silakan untuk mengikuti Whatsapp Channel resmi kami melalui tautan :


Indonesia Scientific Society

02 Sep, 12:37

We are back this year. 5th World Innovative Science Project Olympiad (WISPO) 2024 which will be held face-to-face on 13-16 December 2024 in Bandung City, Indonesia.

Get complete information by downloading the Guidebook via the link:

Best Regards

Indonesia Scientific Society

30 Jul, 03:29

[Announcement] We invite all Chemistry-loving students to participate in the 4th International Applied Chemistry Olympiad (IAChO) 2024.

For complete information, please access the guidebook via the link:

Indonesia Scientific Society

04 Jul, 01:17

[Announcement] International Applied Mathematics Olympiad (IAMO) 2024 has officially opened

IAMO is a new Olympiad concept. IAMO is designed to solve Mathematics problems using creative and critical thinking to improve 21st Century Skill. IAMO does not use a test of knowledge, but creates of knowledge.

For more detail click the link :

Indonesia Scientific Society

29 May, 13:24

[Announcement] Out now ! We are holding the International Research Project Olympiad (IRPrO) again this year. Let's join and be the best!

For detailed information, please click:

Indonesia Scientific Society

27 May, 12:20

[Announcement] We invite all Chemistry-loving students to participate in the 4th International Applied Chemistry Olympiad (IAChO) 2024.

For complete information, please access the guidebook via the link:

Indonesia Scientific Society

06 May, 11:38

[Announcement] International Applied Mathematics Olympiad (IAMO) 2024 has officially opened

IAMO is a new Olympiad concept. IAMO is designed to solve Mathematics problems using creative and critical thinking to improve 21st Century Skill. IAMO does not use a test of knowledge, but creates of knowledge.

For more detail click the link :

Indonesia Scientific Society

27 Apr, 12:35

Ykh. Teman-teman ISS

Sehubungan akun utama ISS terkena hack oleh orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab dan mengamankan autentikasi dua faktor sehingga kami tidak bisa mengakses kembali, maka dengan ini kami meminta kepada teman-teman untuk memfollow akun resmi baru kami : *@indonesia.scientific.society* atau melalui tautan di bawah ini :

Terimakasih atas perhatiannya πŸ™

Indonesia Scientific Society

26 Apr, 22:29

Indonesia Scientific Society (ISS) bekerjasama dengan SEAMEO Qitep in Science menyelenggarakan :

2nd Indonesian Youth STEAM Challenge (IYSC)

Indonesia Youth STEAM Challenge (IYSC) merupakan kompetisi tantangan STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematic) bagi pelajar SD, SMP dan SMA/sederajat tingkat Nasional yang memiliki tujuan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan abad 21 (creative thinking, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration) melalui penerapan Engineering Design Process, literasi sains, numerasi, inkuiri, dan problem solving.

Untuk mengetahui detail pelaksanaan kompetisi bisa mengunjungi link :


Indonesia Scientific Society

22 Apr, 14:24

Reminder to Registration in the International Applied Biology Olympiad (IABO) 2024. IABO is a new Olympiad concept. IABO is designed to solve Biology problems using creative and critical thinking to improve 21st Century Skill. IABO does not use a test of knowledge, but creates of knowledge.

For more detail click the link :

Indonesia Scientific Society

18 Apr, 13:54

International Applied Biology Olympiad (IABO) 2024

IABO is a new Olympiad concept. IABO is designed to solve Biology problems using creative and critical thinking to improve 21st Century Skill. IABO does not use a test of knowledge, but creates of knowledge.

For more detail click the link :

Indonesia Scientific Society

05 Apr, 14:26

Indonesia Scientific Society (ISS) bekerjasama dengan SEAMEO Qitep in Science menyelenggarakan :

2nd Indonesian Youth STEAM Challenge (IYSC)

Indonesia Youth STEAM Challenge (IYSC) merupakan kompetisi tantangan STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematic) bagi pelajar SD, SMP dan SMA/sederajat tingkat Nasional yang memiliki tujuan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan abad 21 (creative thinking, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration) melalui penerapan Engineering Design Process, literasi sains, numerasi, inkuiri, dan problem solving.

Untuk mengetahui detail pelaksanaan kompetisi bisa mengunjungi link :


Indonesia Scientific Society

04 Apr, 15:03

International Applied Biology Olympiad (IABO) 2024

IABO is a new Olympiad concept. IABO is designed to solve Biology problems using creative and critical thinking to improve 21st Century Skill. IABO does not use a test of knowledge, but creates of knowledge.

For more detail click the link :

Indonesia Scientific Society

02 Apr, 12:00

[Reminder for Register in IAPhO 2024]

IAPhO is a new Olympiad concept. IAPhO is designed to solve physics problems using creative and critical thinking to improve 21st Century Skill. IAPhO does not use a test of knowledge, but creates of knowledge.

Save the date :

Registration Deadline : April 3rd, 2024
Semifinal and Final Round : April 6th, 2024 and April 9th, 2024 (online method)
Final Round : May 23h - 26th, 2024 (offline method)

Venue for Final Round :
Bandung City, West Java - Indonesia

Come on join us! For register and more information you can use this link :

Contact person : (+6282216118756)

Indonesia Scientific Society

01 Apr, 11:42

[Reminder for Register in IAPhO 2024]

IAPhO is a new Olympiad concept. IAPhO is designed to solve physics problems using creative and critical thinking to improve 21st Century Skill. IAPhO does not use a test of knowledge, but creates of knowledge.

Save the date :

Registration Deadline : April 3rd, 2024
Semifinal and Final Round : April 6th, 2024 and April 9th, 2024 (online method)
Final Round : May 23h - 26th, 2024 (offline method)

Venue for Final Round :
Bandung City, West Java - Indonesia

Come on join us! For register and more information you can use this link :

Contact person : (+6282216118756)

Indonesia Scientific Society

27 Mar, 13:02

[Reminder for Register in IAPhO 2024]

IAPhO is a new Olympiad concept. IAPhO is designed to solve physics problems using creative and critical thinking to improve 21st Century Skill. IAPhO does not use a test of knowledge, but creates of knowledge.

Save the date :

Registration Deadline : April 3rd, 2024
Semifinal and Final Round : April 6th, 2024 and April 9th, 2024 (online method)
Final Round : May 23h - 26th, 2024 (offline method)

Venue for Final Round :
Bandung City, West Java - Indonesia

Come on join us! For register and more information you can use this link :

Contact person : (+6282216118756)