Do you have a passion for space exploration and technology? If so, you'll love the ISRO Telegram channel! ISRO, which stands for the Indian Space Research Organization, is the premier space agency of the Government of India. With a history of groundbreaking missions and achievements, ISRO has cemented itself as a key player in the global space community. The ISRO Telegram channel, with the username @isroofficial, is the go-to source for all things related to India's space program. From the latest launches to behind-the-scenes insights into mission planning, this channel offers a unique perspective on the cutting-edge work being done by ISRO. Whether you're a space enthusiast or just curious about the wonders of the universe, this channel is sure to captivate and inspire you. Join the ISRO Telegram channel today and stay informed about the exciting advancements in space exploration by one of the world's leading space agencies!
17 Nov, 06:37
16 Nov, 09:28
29 Aug, 04:50
23 Mar, 16:22
13 Mar, 12:28
08 Mar, 16:14