Join Isfandiyor Baxtiyorov23 on Telegram! With the username @isfandiyor2302, this channel is a hub of inspiration, motivation, and positivity. Isfandiyor Baxtiyorov23 shares daily quotes, life lessons, and personal anecdotes to uplift and encourage his followers. Who is Isfandiyor Baxtiyorov23? He is a passionate individual dedicated to spreading positivity and helping others see the beauty in life. What is Isfandiyor Baxtiyorov23? It is a platform where you can find daily doses of motivation and inspiration to brighten your day. Join Isfandiyor Baxtiyorov23 on Telegram today and start your journey towards a more positive and fulfilling life!
16 Jan, 00:11
10 Jan, 17:33
10 Jan, 11:20
08 Jan, 22:03
04 Jan, 19:18
18 Dec, 18:45
13 Dec, 09:54
09 Dec, 10:01
08 Dec, 15:05
04 Dec, 13:51
03 Dec, 19:54
03 Dec, 05:35
02 Dec, 16:15
01 Dec, 11:51
30 Nov, 19:06
30 Nov, 18:52
29 Nov, 08:47
27 Nov, 18:15
26 Nov, 16:40
24 Nov, 15:59
16 Nov, 18:53
14 Nov, 20:14
12 Nov, 13:27
09 Nov, 19:17
04 Nov, 12:52
01 Nov, 19:00
28 Oct, 21:47
28 Oct, 21:46
Siz yurgan kochalardan õtib boryapman Dada
bir turib Bir yiqilib ketib boryapman Dada
Bu hayot sinovarlari ezib borar yelkamdan
Qancha ko'p qanch oğir
tortib boryapman dada:
Gohida omad ketib egilib qolar boshim
Tegmasa foydam agar tanimas qarindoshim
Yahshiyu yomon kunda sabr mening yõdoshim
Kimlardan kam kimlardan ortib boryapman Dada
Hech kimdan xafamasman na ğanim na dõstimdan
Xatolik õtsa neki õtdi faqat õzimdan
Oldimda dostimsan deb tosh otgan bor izimdan
Dardimni suv yutgandek yutib boryapman dada
26 Oct, 19:13
22 Oct, 13:13
13 Oct, 14:05
03 Oct, 04:54
26 Sep, 19:42
20 Sep, 12:04
13 Sep, 12:34
12 Sep, 19:09
07 Sep, 08:24