Bihar | Two indulging in anti-India activities were arrested. For the past 2 months, accused had people from other states coming in. Those coming were changing their names while booking tickets & while staying in hotels: Manish Kumar, ASP Phulwari Sharif Patna
Accused incl a retired police officer of Jharkhand, Mohd Jallauddin along with a former member of SIMI who is also current member of PFI&SDPI, Athar Parvez arrested. Parvez's younger brother went to jail in 2001-02 bomb blasts in state after SIMI was banned: Manish Kumar, ASP Phulwari Sharif Patna
On July 6-7, in name of martial arts, locals were taught to use swords & knives. They instigated others toward religious violence. We have CCTV footage as well as witness accounts. Parvez also raised funds in lakhs, ED is being involved for the same: Manish Kumar, ASP Phulwari Sharif Patna
An excerpt from 8-page long document they shared amongst themselves titled 'India vision 2047' says, 'PFI confident that even if 10% of total Muslim population rally behind it, PFI would subjugate coward majority community & bring back the glory': Manish Kumar, ASP Phulwari Sharif Patna
Via- ANI