Welcome to Institute EEE, your ultimate destination for all things related to electrical and electronics engineering! Whether you are a student, professional, or simply interested in the field, our Telegram channel is the perfect place for you. Institute EEE provides valuable resources, updates on the latest technology trends, and opportunities for networking with like-minded individuals. Who is Institute EEE? We are a team of passionate experts in the field of electrical and electronics engineering, dedicated to sharing our knowledge and expertise with others. What is Institute EEE? It is a one-stop platform for all your EEE needs, offering informative articles, lectures, and discussions on various topics such as circuit design, power systems, and renewable energy. Join us at Instituteeee and become part of a vibrant community that is shaping the future of electrical and electronics engineering!
13 Nov, 20:34
12 Nov, 05:42
! 11 Nov, 19:20
24 Oct, 06:44
15 Oct, 15:45
15 Oct, 15:45
02 Oct, 15:22
02 Oct, 15:19
захід буде чудовою можливістю для студентів 3-5 курсів спеціальностей 131_Прикладна механіка, 133_Галузеве машинобудування, 141_Електроенергетика, 174/175_Автоматизація, 142_Енергетичне машинобудування, 144_Теплотехніка продемонструвати свої знання, розвинути навички та отримати цінний практичний досвід.26 Sep, 07:57
24 Sep, 09:44
24 Sep, 09:44
24 Sep, 09:44
12 Sep, 14:39
09 Sep, 15:43
07 Sep, 11:48
02 Sep, 18:09
02 Sep, 18:09
28 Aug, 19:11
22 Aug, 08:56
13 Aug, 08:54
12 Aug, 09:48
27 Jun, 19:56
20 Jun, 15:07
05 Jun, 06:05