🐯 International Snow Leopard Day
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिम तेंदुआ दिवस
🐯To raise awareness about conservation and preservation of these splendid animals.
🐆First Observed In 2014 after the signing of the Bishkek Declaration on the conservation of snow leopard .
🐆Bishkek Declaration was Signed By 12 countries that have snow leopard range. India is also signed Bishkek declaration.
🐆GSLEP (Global Snow leopard & Ecosystem Protection) is a high level inter - govermental alliance of all the 12 snow leopard range countries.
🐆 Project Snow Leopard - 2009
🐯Tigons - a male tiger with a female lion
Ligers - a male lion with a female tiger
🔶 Ladakh Announces Snow Leopard As State Animal
🔷Charuratt Mishra awarded the prestigious 'Whitley Gold Award' for snow leopard conservation and recovery.
🔶 Snow leopard are categorised as Vulnerable by IUCN
🔷 India's First Snow Leopard Park : Uttarkashi, Uttrakhand