IGNOU1075 @ignou1075 Channel on Telegram




IGNOU1075 (English)

Welcome to IGNOU1075, your go-to Telegram channel for all things related to Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). Whether you're a current student, a prospective learner, or just someone interested in the world of distance education, this channel is the perfect place for you. Stay updated with the latest news, announcements, and resources from IGNOU, as well as helpful tips and tricks for success in your studies.

Who is IGNOU1075? IGNOU1075 is a dedicated channel run by passionate individuals who are alumni of IGNOU and want to create a supportive community for students and learners. They aim to provide a platform where IGNOU enthusiasts can connect, share experiences, and help each other navigate the challenges of distance learning.

What is IGNOU1075? IGNOU1075 is a one-stop destination for all things IGNOU. From exam schedules to assignment deadlines, from study materials to success stories, this channel covers it all. Whether you need guidance on course selection or want to discuss the latest developments at IGNOU, IGNOU1075 has got you covered.

Join IGNOU1075 today and become a part of a vibrant community of learners. Together, we can support each other, learn from each other, and make our IGNOU journey a successful and fulfilling one. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and enhance your IGNOU experience. Join IGNOU1075 now!


16 Dec, 02:36



18 Aug, 12:44

Janak Dulari: *IHO 2024में भाग लेने के लिए दिशा-निर्देश:*

1. _एक छात्र एक दिन में दस बार तक ओलिंपियाड का प्रयास कर सकता है।_

2. *कम से कम समय में अधिक से अधिक अंकों के आधार पर मेरिट मानी जाती है। इसलिए, छात्र 21 अगस्त तक बार-बार प्रयास कर सकते हैं।*

3. _छात्रों को प्रत्येक प्रयास के तुरंत बाद एक ई-प्रमाणपत्र प्राप्त होगा, लेकिन परिणाम कम से कम 40% या उससे अधिक होना चाहिए।_

4. _क्विज़ शुरू करने से पहले निर्देशों को ध्यान से पढ़ें।_

5. *प्रत्येक छात्र को नीचे दिए गए नियमों का पालन करके ह्यूमैनिटी ओलंपियाड में भाग लेना चाहिए:*

www.humanityolympiad.org पर जाएँ
'अभी प्रयास करें' पर क्लिक करें। (कहीं और क्लिक न करें, क्योंकि स्कूल शिक्षकों द्वारा स्कूल पंजीकरण पहले ही कर दिया गया है।)
अपना स्कूल कोड लिखें ......... .(अपने स्कूल कोड की जानकारी के लिए अपने स्कूल के मानवता ओलिंपियाड इंचार्ज से सम्पर्क करे )
नैतिक मूल्यों पर आधारित 25 प्रश्नों की MCQ क्विज़ शुरू करने के लिए 15 मिनट के अंदर अपनी डिटेल भरें और फ़ॉर्म जमा करें।

अपना ओलंपियाड क्विज़ सबमिट करें।

अपना ई-सर्टिफिकेट प्राप्त करें।

यदि आप अपने स्कोर से संतुष्ट नहीं हैं, तो फिर से प्रयास करें।

*छात्रों को शुभकामनाएँ! 😇* 🤩
[02/05, 13:43] Janak Dulari: *Guidelines for Attempting IHO 2024:*

1. _A student can attempt the quiz up to ten times in a day._
2. *Merit is considered based on maximum scores within the minimum time. Therefore, students can attempt repeatedly until August 21.*
3. _Students will receive an e-certificate immediately after each attempt, but the result must be at least 40% or higher._
4. _Carefully read the instructions before starting the quiz._
5. *Each student should participate in the Humanity Olympiad by following the steps below:*

Visit www.humanityolympiad.org
Click on 'Attempt Now'. (Do not click anywhere else, as the school registration has already been done by school teachers.)
Enter your school code ......... .
Fill details and Submit the form to start the MCQ quiz of 25 questions based on moral values within 15 minutes.
Submit your Olympiad quiz.
Receive your e-certificate.

If you are not satisfied with your scores, attempt again.

*Best wishes to the students!

Uniq Code



22 May, 05:50


An email has been received from Centre for Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA) IGNOU Hqrs New Delhi for obtaining feedback from the IGNOU learners and Academic Counselors for the Academic Year (AY) – 2023-24.

Based on the survey tools provided by CIQA, the Google forms have been designed to obtain the required information from academic counselors and learners. The feedback of learners may be obtained from students who have been enrolled under UG and PG Prog. for July 2023 and Jan 2024 sessions.

Kindly circulate the following links among learners and academic counsellors in the region for timely submission of the desired information.

The Link: https://forms.gle/aTjUTSYMybQFRuTCA (Learners' Feedback form)
The Link: https://forms.gle/iByByk52GkHn8u9J7 (Academic Counselors' Feedback form)
The stakeholders (Academic Counselor and Learners) feedback is to be submitted positively at the earliest possible

Please share with Academic Counsellors and Learners of your study centre.

With regards

Amit Kumar Jain


vfer dqekj tSu Amit Kumar Jain

D.Sc., PhD,


lgk;d {ks=h; funs”kd Assistant Regional Director

bafnjk xk¡/kh jk’Vªh; eqDr fo”ofo|ky; ¼bXuw½

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Plot No. 5, Sector-12 (Part-1), Urban Estate

Karnal-132001 Haryana

e-mail: [email protected]

Website: http://rckarnal.ignou.ac.in/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/karnal_rc

Face book: http://facebook.com/rckarnal10/

You tube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQLy1RYq_vll1yAWI96C6Qg

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ignoukarnal

e-Booklet of FAQ: http://rckarnal.ignou.ac.in/aboutus/47


Feedback form for learners – 2023-24

Feedback form for academic counsellors – 2023-24



P कृपया धरती को बचायें. अति आवश्यक होने पर ही प्रिंट करें"


07 May, 14:56

We wish to notify you that Lsc 1075 (Guru Nanak Khalsa College, Karnal) will be hosting a Two-Day Special Grievances Redressal Camp on 11th and 12th May 2024, from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Learners whose marks have not been updated for TEE Dec 2024 and previous sessions are requested to visit the study center with evidence of assignment submissions. Please note that no further requests will be accommodated after this period.

Best regards,
Lsc 1075


06 May, 08:19


This to inform you that the students of all programmes of SOSW are required to submit the hard copies of the Field Work Journals / Projects directly to the Regional Centre and no submission will be accepted through Online mode from January 2022 admission onwards. 

Programme of School of Social Work (SOSW):

Master's Degree
Master of Social Work (Counselling) (MSWC)
Master of Social Work (MSW)
Diploma in HIV and Family Education (DAFE)
Certificate in HIV and Family Education (CAFE)
Certificate in Social Work and Criminal Justice System (CSWCJS)
Post Graduate Diploma Programmes
Post Graduate Diploma in Social Work Counselling (PGDCOUN)

You are requested to communicate the same to the concerned Academic Counsellors/Guide and students. 

With regards
Amit Kumar Jain

अमित कुमार जैन I Amit Kumar Jain 
D.Sc., PhD, 
सहायक क्षेत्रीय निदेशक  I Assistant Regional Director
इंदिरा  गाँधी  राष्ट्रीय  मुक्त  विश्वविद्यालय 
क्षेत्रीय केंद्र करनाल 
Plot No. 5, Sector-12 (Part-1), Urban Estate
Karnal-132001 Haryana 

e-mail: [email protected]
Website:  http://rckarnal.ignou.ac.in/
Twitter:   https://twitter.com/karnal_rc
Face book: http://facebook.com/rckarnal10/ 
You tube:   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQLy1RYq_vll1yAWI96C6Qg
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ignoukarnal
e-Booklet of FAQ: http://rckarnal.ignou.ac.in/aboutus/47

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Amit Kumar Jain <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Dec 12, 2022 at 3:54 PM
Subject: Fwd: Guideline for submission of Field Work Journals / Projects for all Social Work Programmes-reg.
To: IGNOU Study Centre SNP <[email protected]>, Dr M.S. Chahar <[email protected]>, ignou hisar <[email protected]>, IGNOU KARNAL <[email protected]>, Ms Yamini Sharma <[email protected]>
Cc: rc karnal <[email protected]>, Kiran Sachdeva <[email protected]>, Rajiv Delori <[email protected]>


This to inform you that the students of all programmes of SOSW are required to submit the hard copies of the Field Work Journals / Projects directly to the Regional Centre and no submission will be accepted through Online mode from January 2022 admission onwards. 

Programme of School of Social Work (SOSW):

Master's Degree
Master of Social Work (Counselling) (MSWC)
Master of Social Work (MSW)
Diploma in HIV and Family Education (DAFE)
Certificate in HIV and Family Education (CAFE)
Certificate in Social Work and Criminal Justice System (CSWCJS)
Post Graduate Diploma Programmes
Post Graduate Diploma in Social Work Counselling (PGDCOUN)

You are requested to communicate the same to the concerned Academic Counsellors/Guide and students. 

With regards
Amit Kumar Jain

With regards,
vfer dqekj tSu / Amit Kumar Jain 
D.Sc., PhD, FLS (London), FBS,  FAPS, FSIESRP
lgk;d {ks=h; funs”kd / Assistant Regional Director
इग्नू क्षेत्रीय केंद्र करनाल / IGNOU Regional Centre Karnal
Plot No. 5, Sector-12 (Part-1), Urban Estate
Karnal-132001 Haryana 

Website:  http://rckarnal.ignou.ac.in/
Twitter:   https://twitter.com/karnal_rc
Facebook: http://facebook.com/rckarnal10/ 
Youtube:   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQLy1RYq_vll1yAWI96
eBooklet of FAQ: https://rb.gy/fraa5l


23 Mar, 13:12

Due to Holi,the Lsc 1075 will be closed tomorrow (Sunday 24/3/2024).Hence ,the assignment will be collected next Sunday.


16 Mar, 14:25


We have made an effort to collect the  Feedback of the Faculty Members, Academics, Administrative officers and Researchers for National Education Policy 2020, so we designed a google form as given here.

Please spare a few minutes from your schedule and fill the desired information up to 30th March 2023.


An early feedback will be highly appreciated. 

Thanks and regards,


13 Mar, 04:14

Please join the Program


13 Mar, 04:14

National Webinars on the occasion of Foundation Stone laying ceremony of 3 Semiconductor Facilities by Hon'ble Prime Minister of India.

1. An Overview on Semiconductors @ Wed March 13, 2024 9:30am - 10:30am (IST)

Meeting link

Chief Guest/Speaker/Resource Person:

Dr. Ambika Rani, Assistant Professor in Physics
Dyal Singh College, Karnal, Haryana

2. Semiconductors Fabrication Process Technology @ Wed Mar 13, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm (IST)

Meeting link

Chief Guest/Speaker/Resource Person:

Dr. Sumit Choudhary, Assisatnt Professor
Deptt. of Engg. & Technology, Gurugram University Haryana


29 Feb, 10:08

:-इग्नू विद्यार्थी के आम सूचना-:
आप सभी को सूचित किया जाता है कि केवल इग्नू की तरफ से आने वाली अधिकारिक ईमेल/संदेश/ सोशल मीडिया के माध्यम से आने वाली सूचना को ही माना जाए किसी अन्य माध्यम से दी गई सूचना को न माने। ऐसा देखने में आया कि कुछ अनाधिकृत व्यक्तियों के द्वारा फीस मांगने, असाइंमेंट, प्रोजेक्ट इत्यादि संबंध में मैसेज भेजा जा रहा है। जिनका इग्नू से कोई लेना देना नहीं है।


28 Feb, 15:54

Please be aware of fraudulent people's


18 Feb, 06:49

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