Ielts With Suraj (@ieltswithsuraj) के नवीनतम पोस्ट टेलीग्राम पर

Ielts With Suraj टेलीग्राम पोस्ट

Ielts With Suraj
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Ielts With Suraj द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री

Canada special prediction material available now

86200-00376 (WhatsApp to take)

Describe an important river or lake in your country

Came in exam today

Describe a time when you helped a child

Describe a time when you were stuck in traffic jam

Describe an interesting neighbour

Describe a time when you spent less money

Describe something that has changed your life in good ways

Recently asked cue cards in Punjab

For special prediction material or exam level material, WhatsApp - 8620000376

Describe an occasion when you used mobile phone for something important

Cue card in Sangrur Punjab

Follow ups video out now 🔥

8 feb exam prediction video out now 🔥

01 feb ielts exam review video out now 🔥