English with Asmo | C1 @ieltswithasmo Channel on Telegram

English with Asmo | C1


Welcome to "Asmo's academy"πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“


Great chance to improve your English skills:
β€’General ENGLISH classes
β€’Materials for IELTS and Multilevel
β€’Free lessons
β€’Free mock sessions

Join guys😍
Stay with usπŸ˜‰

English with Asmo | C1 (English)

Are you looking to improve your English skills? Look no further than 'Asmo's academy'! Join our Telegram channel 'ieltswithasmo' for a great opportunity to enhance your English language abilities. Whether you're interested in general English classes, materials for IELTS and Multilevel exams, free lessons, or free mock sessions, we have it all for you. Our dedicated team of educators is here to help you every step of the way. Don't miss out on this chance to take your English skills to the next level. Join us now and stay connected for exciting updates and learning opportunities. Let's embark on this language learning journey together! πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“ #EnglishWithAsmo #IELTS #LanguageLearning

English with Asmo | C1

10 Feb, 02:32

Small changes in your language can make a big impact in your professional communication πŸ‘πŸ“–πŸ“š


English with Asmo | C1

08 Feb, 14:23

πŸ”° RAMADAN is coming soon

1. Happy Ramadan - Ramazon oyi muborak bo'lsin

2. Fast - og'iz yopmoq/ ro'za tutmoq

3. Break the fast - og'iz ochmoq

4. Get together - bir joyga to'planmoq

5. From dawn to sunset - quyosh chiqishidan, botgunga qadar

6. May Allah accept your fasting/prayer! -Allah ro'zangizni/duolarizni qabul qilsin

Prepared by Khusan

English with Asmo | C1

06 Feb, 05:38

Shadowing video πŸ“Έ


English with Asmo | C1

06 Feb, 05:29

Assalamu alaykum have a good day guys✨

English with Asmo | C1

26 Jan, 07:56

IELTS writing Task 2

(c) British Council Uzbekistan


English with Asmo | C1

15 Jan, 04:50



English with Asmo | C1

15 Jan, 04:50


#Advanced ENGLISH

πŸŽ™ We develop a passion for learning!

English with Asmo | C1

15 Jan, 04:47

Assalamu alaykum good morning guys✨

English with Asmo | C1

09 Jan, 07:18

πŸ’‘100 Most Common English Words with Example Sentences

➑️Share with your friends✨

English with Asmo | C1

07 Jan, 15:52

Boost qivorilar boylarπŸ‘€πŸ˜

English with Asmo | C1

06 Jan, 08:20


Share with your friendsπŸ™‚

English with Asmo | C1

06 Jan, 03:39

How many answers have you got right❓

5οΈβƒ£βž‘οΈ πŸ†
4οΈβƒ£βž‘οΈ πŸ”₯
3οΈβƒ£βž‘οΈ ❀️
2οΈβƒ£βž‘οΈ 😒
1οΈβƒ£βž‘οΈ 🐳

English with Asmo | C1

06 Jan, 03:29

πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” 

πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” 

➑️Mavzu: 5 common mistakes

English with Asmo | C1

03 Jan, 05:53



English with Asmo | C1

01 Jan, 03:38


Welcome 2025πŸŽ‰

English with Asmo | C1

20 Dec, 12:32

Ushbu o'quvchimiz 6 ta mock session sotib oldilar va mocklarimiz haqida feedbackβœ…

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Examiner: Asmo
(Speaking 7.0; CEFR SPEAKING 66)

English with Asmo | C1

18 Dec, 03:23

..it all depends on you ..

Have a productive day and keep being awesome!


English with Asmo | C1

15 Dec, 15:24


πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Examiner: @Teacheroy_thalassophile
(Speaking 7.0)

English with Asmo | C1

09 Nov, 05:09

🎧 The Dark Side Of Extreme Intelligence - Jordan Peterson

~ Everyone is wild about winning a high level of intelligence , giving them a dominance among other conscious living beings. But this doen’t always as good as expected and what is going to happen after gaining extreme intelligence is what you should be aware of !!!


English with Asmo | C1

07 Nov, 14:06

Sweet Idioms


English with Asmo | C1

04 Nov, 01:44

Examda tushib qolishi mumkin boshqalarga ham share qilamizπŸ˜‰
Answers in the commentsπŸ‘‡


English with Asmo | C1

24 Oct, 02:01


Information about teacher:
- IELTS speaking 7.0
- Student at University

NARXI: 79 000 UZS for today and tomorrow



English with Asmo | C1

22 Oct, 14:10

Advanced pronunciation featuresβœ…
Connected speech🀩


English with Asmo | C1

22 Oct, 13:47




English with Asmo | C1

21 Oct, 05:11

#Do you get jealous easily?

English with Asmo | C1

21 Oct, 05:11

#Do you get jealous easily?


English with Asmo | C1

19 Oct, 15:26

Heyyoooho, Xalqim! :)

Siz ingiliz-tilini qanday qilib o'rganishni hamda bu tilda so'zlasha olishda qiynalyapsizmi⁉️

Unda keling men sizga:

πŸ’Ή INGILIZ-TILI ni sevishni
πŸ’ΉGENERAL ENGLISH ingizni rivojlantirishga yordam beradigan usullarni o'rgataman.

Dushanba kungi WEBINAR da uchrashguncha, my dearsπŸ˜‰.

Shaxsiy speaking natijam 7

English with Asmo | C1

19 Oct, 13:55

Heyoho,Xalqim! :)

Stay tuned with us as we are about to start our exclusive "GENERAL ENGLISH" lessons from Monday, InshaAlloh:)


English with Asmo | C1

17 Oct, 18:45

Good night πŸ™‚πŸ™‚

English with Asmo | C1

16 Oct, 03:24

Xohlagan joyingizda bemalol o'tirgan holatda telefon orqali oson daromad olishni, zamonaviy kasblar o'rganishni hohlaysizmi?
Unda bizning KURS aynan siz uchun🫡🫠
Bizning kursda siz:

-Koreyadan sifatli mahsulotlar uchun zakas urishβœ…
-Optom pafyumeriya, kiyimlar zakas qilishβœ…
-Telegram kanal va guruhlarga jonli obunachilar qo'shishβœ…
-Turk tiliβœ…
-Trading pro (treyding) βœ…
-Diadema, abadok va ziraklar yasashβœ…
-Telegram 0 danβœ…
-Instagram 0 danβœ…

Va shunga o'xshash 70 xil yo'nalish orqali daromad olishingiz mumkin😱🀩

Hammasi skidkada
100 ming❌ 69 ming so'mβœ…πŸ« 
Murojaat uchun: @Teacheroy_thalassophile

English with Asmo | C1

12 Oct, 12:05

Real exam full listening mock


English with Asmo | C1

10 Oct, 10:16

βœ…C1-C2 Level Grammar

βœ…Result clauses


English with Asmo | C1

03 Oct, 16:29

The best group in order to improve your speaking skills great team is hereπŸ‘‡


English with Asmo | C1

30 Sep, 15:59

🎧 Shadowing practice

πŸ“ Improve your speech!


English with Asmo | C1

27 Sep, 10:08

Speaking new format Mock testβœ…


English with Asmo | C1

23 Sep, 17:18

Paid mock o'zi nima?

βœ”οΈNavbatsiz mockga qatnashish uchun siz tulov qilasiz va sizga flexible bulgan vaqtda Mock exams topshirasiz.

Sizda🫡🫡🫡 Speaking kamida 7.0 examiners dan feedback olish imkoniyati bor.

✏️ Imtixoni yaqinlar uchun ajoyib imkoniyat.

➑️Narxi : 15,000 and πŸ‘‡

1️⃣ Feedback in detail βœ”οΈ

2️⃣ Topic related vocabularyβœ”οΈ

3️⃣ Special videos for shadowing βœ”οΈ

4️⃣ Special books βœ”οΈ

Qatnashish istagida bo'lsangiz: @Teacheroy_thalassophile ga murojaat qilishingiz mumkin😊


English with Asmo | C1

20 Sep, 15:29

TOPIC: πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” πŸ” 

πŸš€ His major is medicine - uning sohasi meditsina

πŸš€ To get into a medical university - Tibbiyot universitetiga kirmoq

πŸš€ Medical knowledge - Tibbiyotga oid bilim, meditsinaga oid bo’lgan bilim

πŸš€ Medical staff - tibbiyot xodimlari

πŸš€ In an emergency situation - Favqulodda vaziyatda

πŸš€ In life and death situations - inson hayotini saqlab qolish yoki yo'qotishga olib kelishi mumkin bo’lgan vaziyatlarda

πŸš€ First Aid skills - birinchi yordam ko'rsatish ko'nikmalari

πŸš€ Help as many people as possible - iloji boricha ko'proq odamlarga yordam bermoq

πŸš€ Healthcare professionals - sog'liqni saqlash mutaxassislari

πŸš€ To perform surgeries - operatsiyalar o’tkazmoq

πŸš€ To diagnose - tashxis qo'ymoq

πŸš€ To prescribe medications - dori-darmonlarni yozib bermoq

πŸš€ For effective treatment - samarali davolash uchun

Prepared by Khusan


English with Asmo | C1

13 Sep, 15:37


For example: When l Don.t sleep very well l always feel drowsy 😞😞
