The significance of Sacred Groves is:
• S – Soil & Climate Protection (Prevents erosion, stabilizes ecosystems)
E.g. Sarna forests in Jharkhand help prevent land degradation and desertification.
• A – Aquifer & Water Conservation (Maintains water tables, supports springs and rivers)
E.g. Sarpa Kavu groves in Kerala are crucial for maintaining local water tables and streamflow.
• C – Cultural & Religious Heritage (Integral to local traditions, rituals, and beliefs)
E.g. Mawphlang sacred forest in Meghalaya is central to Khasi tribal rituals and remains untouched for centuries.
• R – Reservoir of Biodiversity (Home to rare, endemic, and medicinal species)
E.g. Many groves in the Western Ghats serve as genetic reservoirs for native flora and fauna.
• E – Ecological Disaster Mitigation (Shields against floods, landslides, and droughts)
E.g. Dense groves in Rajasthan protect against desertification and extreme climate events.
• D – Divine Connection with Nature (Revered as abodes of deities and spirits, ensuring conservation)
E.g. Sacred groves in Himachal Pradesh are protected as the dwelling places of local deities.