In a world where conflicts and struggles seem constant, it is important to remember the impact they have on real people. That's why the Telegram channel 'Humanity For Gaza' is so important. This channel, run by a group of Palestinian and pro-Palestinian activists, provides updates and news from Gaza, offering a window into the lives of those affected by the ongoing conflict in the region. Through their posts and updates, followers of the channel can gain a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by the people of Gaza and the resilience they show in the face of adversity. 'Humanity For Gaza' is not just a news source but a platform for raising awareness and advocating for the rights of those living in Gaza. By sharing stories and information, the channel aims to shed light on the human side of the conflict and inspire action and support from across the globe. Join 'Humanity For Gaza' today to stay informed, engaged, and connected to the people of Gaza.
26 Jan, 13:29
18 Jan, 21:17
17 Jan, 12:41
15 Jan, 23:49
06 Jan, 13:50
06 Jan, 11:18
31 Dec, 19:37
27 Dec, 13:39
22 Dec, 19:04
19 Dec, 17:08
16 Dec, 10:14
15 Dec, 21:08
13 Dec, 12:53
12 Dec, 00:59
04 Dec, 16:08
04 Dec, 00:41
19 Nov, 12:21
18 Nov, 14:13
13 Nov, 23:12
11 Nov, 12:36
10 Nov, 21:40
08 Nov, 11:32
08 Nov, 03:17
08 Nov, 03:14
08 Nov, 03:13
08 Nov, 03:08
31 Oct, 23:49
28 Oct, 13:14
27 Oct, 15:24
25 Oct, 15:03
25 Oct, 12:33
25 Oct, 06:52
24 Oct, 15:44
24 Oct, 12:55
24 Oct, 10:40
24 Oct, 10:37
24 Oct, 09:18
24 Oct, 09:08
22 Oct, 19:14
22 Oct, 09:00
22 Oct, 08:46
21 Oct, 16:10
21 Oct, 15:17
21 Oct, 15:08
21 Oct, 13:52
21 Oct, 10:57
21 Oct, 09:32