Introducing 'The Hindu Vocabulary' Telegram channel, the ultimate destination for improving your vocabulary in English! The channel, with the username @hindu_vocabulary_daily, is dedicated to providing daily doses of vocabulary words from 'The Hindu', a well-known English-language newspaper in India. Who is it for? This channel is for anyone looking to enhance their English vocabulary, whether you are a student preparing for competitive exams like the GRE, GMAT, or SAT, a professional aiming to improve communication skills, or simply someone interested in learning new words every day. What is it? The Hindu Vocabulary channel curates the most relevant and challenging words from 'The Hindu' newspaper articles and presents them in a simple, easy-to-understand format. Each word is accompanied by its meaning, pronunciation, usage in a sentence, and synonyms, making it a comprehensive learning experience for subscribers. By subscribing to 'The Hindu Vocabulary' channel, you will not only expand your vocabulary but also stay updated on current affairs and news by learning the words used in one of India's most respected newspapers. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enrich your language skills and boost your confidence in English communication. Join @hindu_vocabulary_daily now and start your journey towards becoming a master of words!
03 Dec, 01:20
03 Dec, 01:20
26 Nov, 01:02
26 Nov, 01:02
23 Nov, 00:46
23 Nov, 00:46
15 Nov, 02:19
15 Nov, 02:19
11 Nov, 01:53
11 Nov, 01:53
04 Nov, 01:41
04 Nov, 01:41
02 Nov, 00:18
02 Nov, 00:18
31 Oct, 01:25
31 Oct, 01:25
25 Oct, 01:12
25 Oct, 01:12
22 Oct, 01:45
22 Oct, 01:45