High School Twerks😍😍 @highschooltwerks Channel on Telegram

High School Twerks😍😍


Am here to give you guys free tutorials about how to make easy money

High School Twerks (English)

Are you a high school student looking to learn how to make easy money? Look no further! Welcome to 'High School Twerks' - your go-to Telegram channel for free tutorials on making money effortlessly. Our username @highschooltwerks says it all - we are here to provide you with valuable tips and tricks to help you earn some extra cash. Whether you're saving up for a new gadget, want to treat yourself to something nice, or simply want to have more financial freedom, our channel is the perfect resource for you. Join us today and start your journey towards financial success. Let's twerk our way to a wealthier future together! 😍😍

High School Twerks😍😍

12 Dec, 11:17

The account of the user that owns this channel has been inactive for the last 5 months. If it remains inactive in the next 29 days, that account will self-destruct and this channel may no longer have an owner.

High School Twerks😍😍

28 May, 16:32


High School Twerks😍😍

28 Apr, 04:19


High School Twerks😍😍

28 Apr, 04:13


High School Twerks😍😍

28 Apr, 04:12


High School Twerks😍😍

26 Mar, 23:15


High School Twerks😍😍

26 Mar, 23:12


High School Twerks😍😍

10 Mar, 07:44


High School Twerks😍😍

08 Dec, 07:51

Channel name was changed to «High School Twerks😍😍»

High School Twerks😍😍

08 Dec, 07:50

Channel photo updated

High School Twerks😍😍

27 Oct, 08:00

Channel created





