Are you a student at Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University in Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh? If so, the Telegram channel "Hindu College Moradabad" (@hcmbd) is here to help you stay informed and connected. This information group is specifically designed for students of the public university, providing updates, notices, and essential information to keep you on track with your academic journey.
One important notice highlighted in the channel is that 75% attendance is mandatory as per the university norms. This channel serves as a valuable resource for students to stay updated on such important regulations and announcements.
Join "Hindu College Moradabad" on Telegram today to be part of a supportive community that understands the unique challenges and opportunities of studying at Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University. Stay connected, informed, and motivated on your educational path with this dedicated channel.
07 Jan, 06:09
01 Jan, 04:05
30 Dec, 14:38
29 Dec, 03:30
27 Dec, 11:25
23 Dec, 09:43
23 Dec, 09:43
21 Dec, 08:55
08 Dec, 16:08
08 Dec, 16:08
06 Dec, 07:49
05 Dec, 09:55
22 Nov, 05:55
21 Nov, 06:27
09 Nov, 14:29
05 Nov, 12:49
05 Nov, 12:48
04 Nov, 08:00
26 Oct, 06:52
25 Oct, 07:22
25 Oct, 07:21