HBTU KANPUR @hbtukanpur Channel on Telegram



This is a public channel where you can get information about your institution. Everyone affiliated to HBTU Kanpur can be a member of this public channel.


Are you a part of the prestigious Harcourt Butler Technical University in Kanpur? If so, then the HBTU KANPUR Telegram channel is the perfect place for you! Join our public channel, @hbtukanpur, to stay updated with all the latest information about your institution. Whether you are a student, faculty member, or alumni, this channel is open to everyone affiliated with HBTU Kanpur. Get access to important announcements, event details, academic updates, and more. Connect with your fellow peers, share resources, and engage in discussions related to HBTU Kanpur. Don't miss out on being a part of this informative community. Join the HBTU KANPUR Telegram channel today!