لعنت بر هر چی دیکتاتور 😡
HAMAS TERRORISTS 🔞 is a Telegram channel dedicated to providing up-to-date news, analysis, and discussions related to the militant group Hamas. This channel is a platform for individuals who are interested in learning about the organization's activities, ideologies, and impact on the Middle East region. Whether you are a researcher, journalist, or simply curious about global politics, HAMAS TERRORISTS 🔞 offers a valuable source of information and insights. Join us today to stay informed and engage in meaningful conversations about one of the most controversial groups in the world.
10 Dec, 11:34
24 Nov, 22:53
17 Oct, 19:24
05 Oct, 14:35
30 Sep, 01:38
28 Sep, 14:59
28 Sep, 11:56
28 Sep, 11:54
27 Sep, 22:44
27 Aug, 19:32
01 Aug, 21:26