للأستفسار مراسلة @nsr_ok1
او عبر الواتساب 07700796662
Welcome to ☽حضنكَ موطني☾❀, a Telegram channel created for those who seek comfort, support, and a sense of belonging. The title translates to 'Your embrace is my homeland,' reflecting the channel's goal of providing a safe space for its members. The username @hacan1 leads you to this haven, where you can find solace and companionship in the digital world. With a description that speaks of continuous running, as if salvation is in a distant place, the channel offers a unique blend of motivation, inspiration, and music. Join us in this journey of self-discovery and resilience, where every step taken brings you closer to inner peace and harmony. Embrace the warmth of this virtual community and let it become your home away from home.✨🎻
26 Dec, 21:20
26 Dec, 19:54
04 Dec, 06:58
03 Jun, 17:01