Agriculture Diploma Jan2023 Batch @gurukashiuniversity Channel on Telegram

Agriculture Diploma Jan2023 Batch


Agriculture Diploma by Guru Kashi University

Agriculture Diploma Jan2023 Batch (English)

Are you passionate about agriculture and looking to further your education in the field? Look no further than the Agriculture Diploma Jan2023 Batch channel by Guru Kashi University! This channel is dedicated to providing information and updates for students enrolled in the upcoming January 2023 batch of the Agriculture Diploma program at Guru Kashi University. Who is it? This channel is ideal for individuals who have a keen interest in agriculture and want to pursue a career in this rewarding field. It is designed for students who are dedicated to learning about the latest advancements in agricultural technology, techniques, and practices. What is it? The Agriculture Diploma Jan2023 Batch channel is a valuable resource for students enrolled in the Agriculture Diploma program at Guru Kashi University. It provides important updates on the upcoming January 2023 batch, including course schedules, exam dates, practical training opportunities, and more. Guru Kashi University is known for its excellence in agricultural education, and the Agriculture Diploma program is no exception. By joining this channel, students can stay informed about important developments in the program and connect with fellow students to share ideas, resources, and experiences. Whether you are a current student at Guru Kashi University or considering enrolling in the Agriculture Diploma program in January 2023, this channel is the perfect place to stay connected and informed. Join the Agriculture Diploma Jan2023 Batch channel today and take the next step towards a successful career in agriculture!

Agriculture Diploma Jan2023 Batch

22 Feb, 10:27

Sample Papers for reappear exams

Agriculture Diploma Jan2023 Batch

21 Feb, 06:56

Reappear exam date-sheet for not clear students

Agriculture Diploma Jan2023 Batch

21 Feb, 06:53

Reappear exam date-sheet only for not clear students

Agriculture Diploma Jan2023 Batch

21 Feb, 06:53

Reappear exam date-sheet

Agriculture Diploma Jan2023 Batch

16 Jan, 07:45

If SGPA = NC it means result is NOT CLEAR/FAIL
if SGPA = (ANY NUMBER) it means result is CLEAR/PASS

Agriculture Diploma Jan2023 Batch

16 Jan, 07:26


Please see this video for check your result:

Agriculture Diploma Jan2023 Batch

16 Jan, 07:26

Good morning everyone
आपके एग्रीकल्चर डिप्लोमा का रिजल्ट आ गया है
कृपया नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर अपना परिणाम देखें:
Please check your result on link given below:👇🏻
Login id : (university rollno/class rollno)
Password : 12345678

Agriculture Diploma Jan2023 Batch

21 Dec, 12:54


Agriculture Diploma Jan2023 Batch

21 Dec, 12:53


Agriculture Diploma Jan2023 Batch

21 Dec, 12:20

जरूरी सूचना ।
आपका डेमो यानी प्रैक्टिस एक्जाम नए एग्जाम लिंक पर शुरू हो चुका है ।
ध्यान रहे यह नए लिंक पर सिर्फ प्रैक्टिस के लिए है ।
जानकारी आपको पहले ही आप के रजिस्टर मोबाइल नंबर पर व्हाट्सएप के द्वारा भेजी जा चुकी है ।
धन्यवाद ।

Important Information
Your demo, i.e., practice exam, has started on the new exam link.
Please note that this new link is only for practice.
The information has already been sent to you on your registered mobile number via WhatsApp.
Thank you.

Agriculture Diploma Jan2023 Batch

21 Dec, 12:14

Dear Students, 👋🏻

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.
आपकी असुविधा के लिए हमें बहुत खेद है।

Your remaining Exams for the Agriculture Diploma are scheduled on 22 Dec 2023 (Friday) & 23 Dec 2023(Saturday).
आपके कृषि डिप्लोमा की बची हुई परीक्षाएं 22 दिसम्बर 2023 (शुक्रवार) और 23 दिसम्बर 2023 (शनिवार) को निर्धारित कर दी गई है।

Demo Video of Exams - MUST WATCH FIRST
Link -
(यह एक डेमो वीडियो है, इस तरह सेआपका एग्जाम होगा ।)

Exam Website Link/URL -

Your Login ID:- <University Roll Number>
Your Password:- <University Roll Number>

Registration number/Login ID is same as University Roll Number.
रजिस्ट्रेशन नंबर/लॉगिन आईडी और यूनिवर्सिटी रोल एक ही है।

Kindly log in during the exam period with your active credentials. Otherwise, you won't be able to log in on the exam day.
एग्जाम अभी एक्टिव नहीं हुए हैं तो कृपया अभी लॉगिन ना करें अन्यथा आपका लॉगइन ब्लॉक हो सकता है और आप एग्जाम वाले टाइम एग्जाम नहीं दे पाएंगे।

Guru Kashi University

Agriculture Diploma Jan2023 Batch

21 Dec, 06:24

तकनीकी खराबी के कारण आपके एग्रीकल्चर डिप्लोमा के एग्जाम्स पोस्टपोन किए जा रहे हैं । आगे की जानकारी आपको जल्द ही, आपके रजिस्टर मोबाइल नंबर पर शेयर कर दी जाएगी ।
आपकी असुविधा के लिए हमें बहुत खेद है
कृपया धैर्य रखें ।
धन्यवाद ।

Due to technical issues, the exams for your agricultural diploma are being postponed. Further information will be shared with you soon on your registered mobile number.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Please be patient.
Thank you.

Agriculture Diploma Jan2023 Batch

21 Dec, 05:27

🟢Notice: Regarding Today Exam!🟢

You can give your fifth exam by logging in anytime between 10:00 am to 1:30 pm.
But keep in mind that you will get only two hours to complete the exam.
Exam information has already been shared with you

आप अपना पांचवा एग्जाम10:00 बजे से लेकर डेढ बजे के बीच में कभी भी लॉगिन करके दे सकते हैं
परंतु ध्यान रखिएगा आपको एग्जाम कंप्लीट करने के लिए सिर्फ दो घंटे ही मिलेंगे
एग्जाम्स की जानकारी आपको पहले ही शेयर करी गई है

Agriculture Diploma Jan2023 Batch

20 Dec, 10:36



आपके फोर्थ एग्जाम का टाइम 3:30 से बड़ा केअब 6 बजे तक कर दिया है

Agriculture Diploma Jan2023 Batch

20 Dec, 09:14


This msg is for those students who are not able to do login for exam .we request you to please close all tabs and try after one hour in chrome incognito mode.. only then it will be done.. and your time will be extended don't worry and those student who are able to attend their exam will finish their exam and submit!
Thank You!
हमें असुविधा के लिए खेद है!
यह संदेश उन छात्रों के लिए है जो परीक्षा के लिए लॉगिन नहीं कर पा रहे हैं। हम आपसे अनुरोध करते हैं कि कृपया सभी टैब बंद कर दें और एक घंटे के बाद क्रोम इनसिग्निटो मोड में प्रयास करें.. तभी यह किया जाएगा.. और आपका समय बढ़ाया जाएगा। चिंता और जो छात्र अपनी परीक्षा में शामिल होने में सक्षम हैं, वे अपनी परीक्षा पूरी करेंगे और जमा करेंगे!


Agriculture Diploma Jan2023 Batch

20 Dec, 04:47

support call link for today

Agriculture Diploma Jan2023 Batch

19 Dec, 11:44


Starting from the fourth exam(PLANT DISEASES AND THEIR MANAGEMENT), everyone is required to take all the remaining exams.
आपको आपके चौथे (PLANT DISEASES AND THEIR MANAGEMENT) एग्जाम से लेकर सभी एग्जाम्स देने होंगे

Agriculture Diploma Jan2023 Batch

19 Dec, 05:34

Join this link for any Technical support