El contenido más reciente compartido por Sebastian Gorka ️️️ en Telegram
Sebastian Gorka ️️️
08 Jun, 12:11
Sebastian talks to @ 4TiffanyJustice, co-founder of Moms for Liberty, about the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center's recent decision to categorize parents' rights groups as "extremists" and "hate groups."
WATCH THE FULL INTERVIEW: https://www.sebgorka.com/video/yes-we-are-a-threat-and-proud-of-it-tiffany-justice-with-sebastian-gorka-on-america-first/
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Sebastian Gorka ️️️
08 Jun, 03:23
Pence is lying about January 6th.
WATCH #AMERICAFirst weekdays 3pm ET/12pm PT on @ WatchSalemNews
FOR MORE: https://www.sebgorka.com/video/pence-is-lying-about-january-6th-sebastian-gorka-on-america-first/