English language द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री
English language
30 Oct, 19:45
🔥🔹 English Idioms 🔹
English language
30 Oct, 19:38
🔥🔹English Idioms🔹
English language
09 Oct, 01:50
💠Lose your touch💠
English language
09 Oct, 01:45
📚500 real English phrases 📝 By Shayna Oliveira
Beginner to Advanced
English language
26 Apr, 11:39
🦼💠Grammar Lesson💠
'Shall' is not very frequently used in modern English; However, you still see people using 'Shall' here and there. In modern English, it is used to make an offer, to make sure something must definitely happen, or to ask for advice.
➖When shall we meet? ➕Shall we dance? ➖Shall I read the book? ➕You shall not pass!
〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰 🔴Older Usage🔴
In older grammar, the correct way to use 'shall' was with first person pronouns (I and We), whereas 'will' was used with second and third person pronouns (you; he, she, it, they).
➖I shall bring the kids. ➕We shall be in Japan. ➖You will go there. ➕They will have a good time. 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰 🔺Request🔺
If you are to make a request, 'will' is used.
🔵Correct🔵 ➖Will you stop using the pen? ➕Buy me some sugar, will you?
🔴Wrong🔴 ✖️Shall you stop yelling? ✖️Bring me tea, shall you? 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰 ❌Negative Forms❌
Will ➰ Will Not ➰ Won't
Shall ➰ Shall Not ➰ Shan't ==================== https://t.me/Google_English_World
English language
09 Nov, 16:16
🔰The words "fair" and "fare" are🔰
homophones, meaning they sound alike but have different meanings. One can be used as a noun or an adjective, and the other can be used as a noun or a verb.
🔴 How to Use "Fair" The noun "fair" (as in "state fair") refers to an exhibition, exposition, or public event where there is often food and entertainment. The adjective "fair" has a range of meanings, including just, unbiased, pleasing, clear, and clean.
🔴 How to Use "Fare" The noun "fare" refers to food and drink or to a transportation fee (as in "bus fare"). The verb "fare" means to go, get along, or succeed (as in "fare thee well"). 📌 The words "fair" and "fare" are homophones, meaning they sound alike but have different meanings. One can be used as a noun or an adjective, and the other can be used as a noun or a verb.
🔴 How to Use "Fair" The noun "fair" (as in "state fair") refers to an exhibition, exposition, or public event where there is often food and entertainment. The adjective "fair" has a range of meanings, including just, unbiased, pleasing, clear, and clean.
🔴 How to Use "Fare" The noun "fare" refers to food and drink or to a transportation fee (as in "bus fare"). The verb "fare" means to go, get along, or succeed (as in "fare thee well").
English language
09 Nov, 16:15
🔹consider - deem to be 🔹minute - infinitely or immeasurably small 🔹accord - concurrence of opinion 🔹evident - clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment 🔹practice - a customary way of operation or behavior 🔹intend - have in mind as a purpose 🔹concern - something that interests you because it is important 🔹commit - perform an act, usually with a negative connotation 🔹issue - some situation or event that is thought about 🔹approach - move towards 🔹establish - set up or found 🔹utter - without qualification 🔹conduct - direct the course of; manage or control 🔹engage - consume all of one's attention or time 🔹obtain - come into possession of 🔹scarce - deficient in quantity or number compared with the demand 🔹policy - a plan of action adopted by an individual or social group 🔹straight - successive, without a break 🔹stock - capital raised by a corporation through the issue of shares 🔹apparent - clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment 🔹property - a basic or essential attribute shared by members of a class