AK.CAPITAL$ (@goldfxtradeaccuracy00) के नवीनतम पोस्ट टेलीग्राम पर

AK.CAPITAL$ टेलीग्राम पोस्ट

⚖Specialized |GoldMarket| |Other Assets|
• Daily Signals:📉100-150 pips on Gold and key commodities, backed by in-depth analysis.
• Consistent Growth: Targeting 300+ pips weekly for steady, reliable returns.
1,738 सदस्य
5,667 तस्वीरें
368 वीडियो
अंतिम अपडेट 01.03.2025 03:52

समान चैनल

Valuta Exchange Kyiv
6,665 सदस्य
GIS Update
5,096 सदस्य
하이불스(Hi,Bulls) #1
2,293 सदस्य

AK.CAPITAL$ द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री

Okay send me the wallet address let me forward my investment from my profit again

Okay send me the wallet address let me forward my investment from my profit again

Yes sir I am so happy and my brother received his own profit yesterday he was surprised because he was doubting me for the first time

Last time I invested $3,000 usdt I think I will invest 10,000 this time

Wow!!!! you are too much genius brother I am pleased with you and I pray for more success

+34,000 USDT profit. Thanks for the profit I'm so happy to invest with you 🥰😇

Sir I'm a poor man from South Africa and God used you to wipe tears on my face. May God Almighty, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Bless you for your kindness . I just received my Profit of $5000.

Thank you for your signal👍🏻

If you know you have $200 and above this is your opportunity to make it big in our investment plan.

     👇Two Days Plan👇
💹INVEST $205 GET $1640
💹INVEST $325 GET $2850
💹INVEST $500 GET $3750

👇Three Days Plan👇

💹INVEST $1000 GET $7500
💹INVEST $2000 GET $15000

Higher figure packages are only available for premium subscribers

Payment Options
Bitcoin ✔️
Perfect Money ✔️

NB: you can receive & make payouts through the new telegram “wallets” feature.

Ok Alex thank you so much you are a good man I received my profit as you told me