Welcome to the "Free Palestine๐ต๐ธ" Telegram channel, also known as "godblesspalestine". This channel is dedicated to raising awareness and standing in solidarity with the Palestinian people in their struggle for freedom and justice. The channel provides updates, news, and information related to the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli conflict, as well as opportunities to support the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement. Who is it? The "Free Palestine๐ต๐ธ" channel is for anyone who believes in human rights, justice, and freedom for all people, especially the Palestinian community who has been facing oppression and violence for many years. It is a platform for those who want to stay informed, take action, and show their support for the Palestinian cause. What is it? The channel shares news articles, videos, and resources that shed light on the realities faced by Palestinians living under occupation and siege. It also advocates for the rights of Palestinians to self-determination, sovereignty, and equality. By joining this channel, you can stay updated on the latest developments, find ways to get involved, and connect with like-minded individuals who are passionate about creating a more just world. If you believe in standing up against injustice, supporting human rights, and advocating for a free Palestine, then this channel is for you. Join us in demanding an end to the illegal occupation of Palestinian lands, the blockade on Gaza, and the systemic discrimination faced by Palestinians. Together, we can make a difference and work towards a future where all people can live in peace and dignity. Free Palestine! ๐ต๐ธ