Welcome to the official Telegram channel for GhostofBasedPatrickHenry, also known as gobph, from Badlands Media! If you're a fan of GhostofBasedPatrickHenry and want to stay updated on all his latest news, videos, and projects, then this is the channel for you. Be wary of any other GBPH channels claiming to be official, as they are most likely fake. Here, you can interact directly with GhostofBasedPatrickHenry and fellow fans, discussing his content and sharing your thoughts. Remember, GhostofBasedPatrickHenry will never DM you asking for personal information, so you can rest assured that you are in a safe and authentic space. Join us in this exciting community and get exclusive access to all things GBPH!
15 Feb, 02:09
14 Feb, 20:20
14 Feb, 19:42
14 Feb, 19:40
14 Feb, 19:39
14 Feb, 19:30
14 Feb, 19:02
14 Feb, 13:53
14 Feb, 04:17
13 Feb, 22:54
13 Feb, 17:28
13 Feb, 17:14
13 Feb, 16:59
12 Feb, 02:57
12 Feb, 02:02
11 Feb, 22:10
11 Feb, 21:08
11 Feb, 19:58
11 Feb, 17:40
11 Feb, 17:28
11 Feb, 17:24
11 Feb, 17:22
11 Feb, 02:13
11 Feb, 02:13
10 Feb, 22:53
10 Feb, 21:10
10 Feb, 21:01
15 Nov, 22:38
15 Nov, 21:30
15 Nov, 00:49
14 Nov, 17:24
14 Nov, 17:13
14 Nov, 17:01
14 Nov, 16:58
14 Nov, 16:45
14 Nov, 16:43
14 Nov, 16:41
14 Nov, 15:02
14 Nov, 14:57
14 Nov, 14:02
14 Nov, 03:02
14 Nov, 02:43
14 Nov, 02:37
14 Nov, 01:41
14 Nov, 01:33
14 Nov, 01:33
12 Nov, 20:26
12 Nov, 20:14
12 Nov, 19:11
12 Nov, 19:09
12 Nov, 18:07
12 Nov, 18:06
12 Nov, 17:40
12 Nov, 17:39
12 Nov, 17:22
12 Nov, 12:15
12 Nov, 03:41
11 Nov, 18:32
11 Nov, 18:30
11 Nov, 18:19