Are you a fan of memes? Are you interested in all things GNU/Linux related? Then look no further than the Telegram channel "Am I an electric sheep?" managed by the user @gnutard. This channel has been dedicated to stealing memes since 2020 and delivering them straight to your feed. Originally focused on GNU/Stuff, the content has now evolved to cover a broader range of topics, all while maintaining the same level of humor and wit.
With a lively chat available at, you can engage with like-minded individuals and share your favorite memes. Additionally, the channel offers an official sticker pack at for those looking to add some humor to their conversations.
If you're looking for a fun and engaging Telegram channel that combines humor with a passion for all things GNU and memes, "Am I an electric sheep?" is the perfect place for you. Join the community today and start enjoying the content! For more information, visit
07 Jan, 13:04
06 Jan, 15:15
04 Jan, 23:29
31 Dec, 10:00
31 Dec, 09:46
29 Dec, 09:52
19 Dec, 10:12
17 Sep, 18:16