CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties @gnugun Channel on Telegram

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties


CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties (English)

Welcome to the CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties channel on Telegram, dedicated to all things related to genetic engineering and biohacking. Our community, led by the username '@gnugun', is a vibrant hub for individuals interested in pushing the boundaries of science and technology. Who is it? CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties is a channel for anyone passionate about genetics, biotechnology, and innovation. Whether you're a professional researcher, a biohacking enthusiast, or simply curious about the latest advancements in genetic engineering, this channel is the perfect place for you. What is it? CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties provides a platform for members to engage in discussions, share resources, and stay updated on the latest news in the field of genetic engineering. From CRISPR technology to gene editing breakthroughs, our channel covers a wide range of topics that are shaping the future of science. Join us today to connect with like-minded individuals, learn from experts in the field, and be a part of a community that is passionate about exploring the possibilities of genetic engineering. Together, we can unlock the potential of CRISPR technology and GNUGUN Coopernetties for a better tomorrow.

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

13 Feb, 15:05

Play umineko, uu

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

11 Feb, 15:47

women want him
fish fear him

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

09 Feb, 09:02

christopher nolan odyssey 2026

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

06 Feb, 09:32

Disregard fine print

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

26 Jan, 18:05

alcohol is still my best friend. we all make mistakes.

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

26 Jan, 18:05

utterly destroyed my phone while drunk

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

21 Jan, 09:45

Next winter I'm hibernating I can't do this

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

20 Jan, 17:28

Guys I'm not the only who sees this right. I'm not on too much benadryl right guys. No way it's the hatman, no, no, NOOOOOOO

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

20 Jan, 06:33

More like Cuten Morgen!

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

18 Jan, 20:46

отвечаем тут

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

18 Jan, 20:46

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

18 Jan, 20:42

твоя мамаша эта хуйня которую ебут только во время кризиса

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

18 Jan, 20:40

сефы это хуйня из кризиса

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

18 Jan, 20:36

не вижу ответов значит реально нет альтернативы сефу

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

12 Jan, 18:35

i really put fun in FUNctional alcoholic

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

12 Jan, 18:30

not many people know but this is actually my blood alcohol concentration graph

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

10 Jan, 18:40

Friendly reminder that RAM RANCH & BIG SNEED INC. is curated by FSB (aka Russian FBI)

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

07 Jan, 10:57

I hope that someone who's on acid right now sees this 🙏

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

05 Jan, 09:12

I last saw her with crocodile girlfriend. Should we be worried?

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

05 Jan, 09:10

where's the lyrics girlfriend

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

01 Jan, 17:28

they troikaified the combat system very arcanumesquely

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

01 Jan, 00:41

I will only be

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

31 Dec, 21:29

Офуменный новый год

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

31 Dec, 21:25

Уважаемые подписчики, от всей души поздравляю Вас с Новым годом! Будьте счастливы!🎄

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

31 Dec, 21:25

Дорогие россияне! На миру и смерть красна! Эта русская народная поговорка ярко и точно характеризует все то, что предстоит вам в ближайшие дни. Я буду краток: 2025 года не будет. После моего обращения на всей территории Российской Федерации, включая Крым и новые территории начнется Кормление личинок Непредставимого Пхы. Я не буду вдаваться в подробности, скажу лишь, что бежать бесполезно. И я прошу вас принять смерть достойно, подобно тому, как это делали наши предки: Святые благоверные князья-страстотерпцы Борис и Глеб, Иван Сусанин, семья последнего Императора Николая Второго, Александр Матросов и многие другие… Потратьте эти последние часы и дни на общение с родными и близкими, на изучение нашей родной истории, на занятия зимними видами спорта и на посещение Храмов. И помните: вы отдаете вашу жизнь ради великой Цели, что есть подлинное счастье. Поздравляю вас.

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

31 Dec, 19:28

Did you know 2025 is a square of 45. Seems evil

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

31 Dec, 19:26

The melancholy year has arrived

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

25 Dec, 16:20

Wait til he founds out about the 90s

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

25 Dec, 09:01

Keep the red box .... In frame....

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

01 Dec, 12:15

Go solve AoC day 1 NOW

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

29 Nov, 07:01

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

18 Nov, 16:40

From chat

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

17 Nov, 19:56

Real SQLite documentation

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

17 Nov, 18:50

thank you /dev/fd/0, for reposting us 8 times. I hope that somewhere in the future you will be promoted to /dev/fd/8

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

17 Nov, 07:15

When I was a child, I had a fever
My hands felt just like two balloons

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

16 Nov, 15:03


CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

16 Nov, 11:11

Good advice

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

12 Nov, 17:29

I need to write my own libraries

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

12 Nov, 17:07

i think i will get hurt. i don't want to think about that

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

12 Nov, 17:06

You need to sit on the edge of the roof and look down and smile at what you'll get if you jump off

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

12 Nov, 17:05

once it stops working I will make up something else

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

12 Nov, 17:04

you just need to tie your sense of self-worth to made-up bullshit. for example I imagine that a girl likes me and I feel satisfied as a result

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

12 Nov, 16:26

leave me alone

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

12 Nov, 16:02

I hope the whispers wouldn't end

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

12 Nov, 16:01

I love the little lies the whispers tell me every day that I'm the best and the others are all wrong I think another day is going to bring me more joy and reinforce disarray of my enemies

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

12 Nov, 15:56

Yet another day of me fueling my ego with random facts in support of my worldview and little whispers in my head telling me I'm the most righteous in my circle and other people's circles and even though I cannot directly confront my enemies, their facts are destroyed by the absence of answers from them to my arguments inside my head

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

12 Nov, 15:38

evening massage to subscribers:

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

12 Nov, 15:32

evening message to subscribers:
finished the deed? go for a valiant walk

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

09 Nov, 08:58

без 17 мгновений весны не было бы 500 дней лета

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

25 Oct, 18:40

Катите кредиты.

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

25 Oct, 18:26


CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

25 Oct, 07:53

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

24 Oct, 20:12

курва25519 my beloved

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

24 Oct, 19:40

it's all http requests anyway

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

24 Oct, 19:39

I don't want to manage certs for a fucking cli tool I want to click ignore tls errors in browser and login and get on with my life

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

24 Oct, 19:39

vypisan iz krasnoglazikoff

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

24 Oct, 19:38

give me a fucking web ui I don't give a shit

CRISPR/GNUGUN Coopernetties

24 Oct, 19:38

I fucking hate go CLI utils which take like 100+ MB and have gazillion cobra subcommands and you have to add source <(shitctl completion bash) in your shell config and now you have to wait extra 3 seconds when opening a new terminal window