Tatapower - 148500/-๐ฅ
Iex - 90000/-
Dlf - 69300/-
Canbk - 226800/-๐ฅ๐ฅ
L&tfh - 226669/-๐ฅ๐ฅ
Deltacorp - 89600/-
Bsoft - 64000/-
Hindcopper - 278400/-๐ฅ๐ฅ
Fsl - 52000/-
Abfrl - 52000/-โ
Bhartiartl - 24700/-
Suntv - 30000/-โ
Upl - 44200/-
Ashokley - 120000/-๐ฅ
Icicibank - 27000/-
Sbin - 63000/-
Indiacem - 69600/-
Lichsgfin - 64000/-
Syngene - 110000/-๐ฅ
Tatamotor - 76950/-
Suntv - 66000/-
Sail - 48000/-
Balramchin - 64000/-
Net Profit = 1898240/- 2lots. It's very very hot๐ฅ ๐ฅ
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