Welcome to General Patton Q, a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing videos from various channels with no personal responsibility. With the motto 'May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't!', this channel promises to bring you a collection of engaging and intriguing content that will keep you entertained and informed. General Patton Q is the place to go if you're looking for a diverse range of videos covering a wide variety of topics. Whether you're interested in history, politics, current events, or just looking for some entertainment, this channel has something for everyone. Join us today and discover a world of captivating videos that will leave you craving for more! Who is General Patton Q? General Patton Q is a channel that is dedicated to curating and sharing videos from other channels. What is General Patton Q? General Patton Q is a Telegram channel that shares videos from various sources, covering a wide range of topics and interests. If you're looking for a channel that offers an eclectic mix of content that will keep you engaged and entertained, then General Patton Q is the channel for you. Join us today and let the journey begin!